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Pergamon J. Bmmechanics. Vol. 27, No. 3. pp. 255 2h4.

Elsevier Science Lid
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Biomedical Engineering Department, University College & Middleselt School of Medicine, Royal National
Orthopaedic-Hospital, U.K.

Abstract-Various design criteria were examined in combination to find the ideal geometry for a condylar
knee replacement. The criteria were the contact stresses on the plastic, femoral-tibia1 size interchangeabil-
ity, patella lever arm, laxity and stability and the amount of bone resection required. The variables were the
radii of curvature of the femoral and tibia1 bearing surfaces in the sagittal and frontal planes. Metal toroidal
indentors were loaded onto dished surfaces of UHMWPE covering a range of radii and the contact areas
measured. Using elasticity equations, the apparent elastic modulus of UHMWPE ranged from 400 to
600 MPa for less conforming to closely conforming surfaces. Using a value of 600 MPa, contact stresses
were predicted for a complete spectrum of radii of curvature. Finite element analysis was used to determine
the stresses beneath the contact patches when different femoral-tibia1 sizes were interchanged. A computer-
graphics program was written to analyse the effects of flexion, rotation and femoral roll-back on the contact
point locations. An influential variable was the sagittal curvature of the femoral component, notably the
point of transition between the posterior curve of small radius and the distal curve of larger radius. This
affected the patella lever arm, the stability, and the bone resection. Interchangeability was primarily
dependent upon the relative frontal radii. Contact stresses and contact locations depended upon the
combination of sagittal and frontal radii. The most suitable geometrical combinations overall were
discussed. -

INTRODUCTION motion patterns, and to allow shear forces to be

carried by the posterior cruciate ligament (Andriacchi
Various criteria have been applied to the design of and Galante, 1988). In an alternative approach where
condylar replacement knees, which has led to the both cruciates are resected, anterior-posterior stabil-
manufacture of components which satisfy some of the ity as well as reduced contact stresses are achieved
requirements but with less attention to others. Knees using more conforming surfaces with a posterior con-
have been designed which exhibit normal or improved tact location (Freeman and Railton, 1988). In an effort
patella lever arms, usually by suitably located dishing to achieve the closest possible match of the compo-
of the surfaces or by cam mechanisms (Burstein, 1984). nents to their respective bones, most designs now
Other designs emphasize sufficient laxity for activities incorporate schemes to allow interchangeability be-
of everyday living with progressive restraint to laxities tween sizes. For example, a large femoral component
from the neutral position (Thatcher et al., 1987). El can be mated with a standard tibia1 component.
Nahass et al. (1991) measured knee motions in various The aim of this study was to examine the various
activities and concluded that a knee prosthesis should design criteria in combination, as a function of the
allow an internal/external rotation of - 12” to + 12” geometry of the bearing surfaces. The criteria were the
and an anterior-posterior displacement of 13 mm. contact stresses, interchangeability, the effect of rela-
Walker et al. (1974) showed theoretically the relation- tive femoral-tibia1 position, the patella lever arm, the
ship between the laxities produced by applied forces stability, and the amount of bone resected.
and moments and the relative curvatures of the fem-
oral and tibia1 condyles. However, Bartel et al. (1986)
showed that the relative geometry between the fem-
oral and tibia1 surfaces also affects the contact stresses Dejinition of the geometry of bearing surfaces
which are believed to affect the wear and deformation
of the plastic. Walker (1988) showed that the least The geometry of the bearing surfaces was defined in
stresses were experienced with surfaces allowing only perpendicular planes, frontal and sagittal (Fig. 1). The
fixed axis cylindrical motion, the highest with flat frontal profile of the femoral surface was formed from
tibia1 surfaces. However, a study of retrieved speci- two equal curves of radius FF, one for each condyle.
mens by Landy and Walker (1988) concluded that In the same plane the tibia1 surface had mating curves
flatter components, although prone to higher stresses, of radius TF. In the sagittal plane the tibia1 condylar
did not necessarily exhibit high wear. Low conformity surface had radius TS. The sagittal condylar profile of
in the sagittal plane has been included in a number of the femoral surface was constructed from curves of
recent designs to allow for variable positioning and radii 20,SO and 25 mm for the posterior, distal and
anterior sections, respectively. The anterior-posterior
length of this profile was 62 mm. The posterior-distal
Received in jinal form 31 July 1993. transition angle (PDTA) was defined as the angle at


SURFACE cant:; point

knee components

Fig. 1. Terminology in describing the frontal and sagittal plane geometries of the condylar surfaces.

which the posterior radius ended its arc and the distal twice for each combination of indentor and
radius began. The posterior section was fixed and the UHMWPE sample. The dimensions of the elliptical
anterior section was fixed horizontally, its vertical contact patches (2c and 2d) were measured to an
position and the length of the distal curve determined accuracy of f 0.04 mm by using vernier callipers.
by the PDTA. The maximum stress in the plastic is given by
(Roark and Young, 1975)
Determination of contact stresses on the tibia1
component maxcC=g, (1)
The aim was to determine how contact stress varied
with tibia1 frontal and sagittal radii when a femoral where P is the total load applied and 2c and ti are the
component with fixed geometry was loaded onto lengths of the axes of the contact patch.
a tibia1 component. Laboratory experiments were Also,
performed to produce contact patches which were
similar to those made when knee components are c&J=, (2)
compressed together. Indentors were machined from
titanium, one with perpendicular planes of radii 30 d=b3,/a, (3)
and 50 mm, representing a femoral condyle in exten- where u and p are variables which depend on the
sion, the other with radii 30 and 20 mm, a condyle in geometry of the surfaces making contact. Values were
Aexion. Toroidal dishes were machined with min- obtained by interpolating results listed in Roark and
imum thickness 6 mm from uniform blocks of Young (1975) for cases where the major and minor
UHMWPE, with radii varying from 35 to 200 mm. axes of the femoral and tibia1 surfaces are aligned (as
A metal indentor coated with a film of dye was fixed in our Instron tests).
to the loading head of an Instron testing machine. The elasticity function is
A tibia1 dish was aligned with the femoral indentor
and a compressive force of 1 kN was applied in 1 min
and released immediately. Tests were carried out
+&y+(y), (4)
Surface geometry of knees 251

where vF and VT are Poisson’s ratios of the metal with different vertical forces until the reaction forces
indentor and UHMWPE sample, respectively. EF and at the interface summed to 1000 N. The analysis was
ET are the elastic moduli of the indentor and plastic repeated with different stiffnesses for the gap elements
sample. until the maximum compressive stress was equal to
KD is a measure of the conformity of the surfaces: that predicted by elasticity theory. This stiffness was
used for the analyses of the frontal planes of the tibia1
(5) components. The arrangement of the elements de-
KD=(lpF)+(l/FF)+(lflS)+(l/FS)’ pended on the point of contact; an example is given in
where tibia1 radii are negative. TF, FF, TS and FS are Fig. 2. It illustrates how a 6% enlarged femoral com-
defined in Fig. 1. ponent was loaded onto a tibia1 component with
The value of the elastic modulus of UHMWPE outer radius 45 mm. In order to determine where the
obtained from these experiments was used to deter- nodes should be concentrated, the contact point was
mine a ‘full-field’ solution of maximum contact stres- estimated by rigid body analysis. We assumed that the
ses (max UJ for an entire spectrum of femoral and interface between the rigid, femoral surface and the
tibia1 radii. plastic elements was frictionless. Variables were the
outer frontal tibia1 radius (Fig. 1) and the percentage
sizing of the femoral component. Tibia1 components
Interchangeability between sizes of the components with outer frontal radii 35,40,45 and 50 mm were
The main purpose of this analysis was to find the analysed with femoral components:
optimum geometry for a tibia1 component which
(a) which were sized by 6% where all dimensions
could accommodate different sizes of femoral compo-
varied proportionally,
nents whilst maintaining low stresses. Linear, plane
b) where the radii and width were sized by 6%, but
strain, finite element analysis (ANSYS) was used to
the bearing spacing was sized by only 3%.
model half of the frontal profiles of the knee compo-
nents. The elasticity equations above could not be However, the location of the contact patches would
used for cases where the contact patches reached the vary with different relative positions of the femoral
edges of the plastic. The femoral component was and tibia1 surfaces. A computergraphics program was
modelled as a cylindrical, rigid surface, which is de- written to analyse this. The surface of the knee com-
fined in ANSYS as a boundary of nodes beyond which ponents was defined by meshes of points approxim-
elements cannot penetrate. The stiffness of these gap ately 1 mm apart. Transformation matrices were used
elements was determined by applying ANSYS to to position the femoral surface at any orientation. The
a rigid, cylindrical indentor loaded onto a large, flat, contact points, defined as the points on the femoral
plastic slab. The slab had elastic modulus 600 MPa and tibia1 surfaces in closest proximity, were deter-
(determined from results of experimental study) and mined by iterating through each femoral point using
Poisson’s ratio 0.4. Elasticity theory was considered a descent method (Walker, 1988). Contact points on
applicable for this unconforming case. The slab was the tibia1 surface were plotted for all possible combi-
interfaced against the cylindrical indentor and equal nations of flexion up to 60”, internal/external rotation
vertical forces were applied to the nodes along the up to 10” and posterior femoral displacement up to
base-line of the plastic slab. The analysis was repeated 8 mm at increments of 12”, 2” and 2 mm, respectively.

contact point (where

the mesh was most
concentrated) initially
determined by rigid

reaction force is

into 15 elements

f t f t 1 Ttfttt:“tt l

PLASilC equal vertical displacements


Fig. 2. Using FEA to examine interchangeability between sizes. This example shows a case where the outer
tibia1 radius is 45 mm and the femoral component is 6% larger than standard. For clarity, all the elements
are not shown.

Using this method, analyses were also run for femoral patella groove crossed at one point, indicating that
components with large, frontal outer radii of 60 and the patella component was in equilibrium. The patella
170 mm. lever arm was measured in this position as the perpen-
dicular distance from the femoral-tibia1 contact point
Considerations for the sagittal plane to the patella ligament.
Also, for each value of PDTA, the heights of the
Domed patella components and patella tracks
which were located 5 mm within the outline of the deepest point of the condylar surface to the anterior
femoral condylar surface were added to the sagittal edge of the tibia1 dish (HAC) and the gradient of the
profiles. The tibia1 sagittal surface was defined to be tangent to the anterior edge of the dish (SAC) were
totally conforming to the femoral sagittal profile for calculated. Finally, the profiles were superimposed on
this part of the study. The anterior-posterior length of the mid-lateral slice of the ‘average knee’ to determine
the tibia1 component was 50 mm, its posterior edge how bone resection varied with PDTA at the thickest
was located 3 mm in front of the posterior of the region of the bone. Bone resection was defined as the
femoral component and the top of the tibia1 compon- perpendicular distance between a 45” slope to the
ent was sliced off so that there was a 5 mm flat at the patella track of the prosthesis and a slope at the same
anterior. Six femoral profiles were created with PDTA angle to the femoral bone. Fitting the femoral com-
from - 15” to lo”. The reference axis system for the ponent to the femur requires a 45” chamfer at the
femur and the tibia was based on the transverse axis distal-anterior end and the amount of bone resected
joining the centres of the ‘spherical’ posterior femoral depends on the PDTA.
condyles with the femur at 0” flexion (Garg and
Walker, 1990). The large cross marked on Fig. 3 RESULTS
shows this axis. The centres of the posterior radial
sections of the prosthetic sagittal profiles were located Determination of contact stresses
on this cross. Flexed femoral component profiles were The results for the apparent elasticity function of
positioned so that their lowest points made contact the UHMWPE (C,) plotted against the relative radius
with the deepest points on the tibia1 dishes. The angle of curvature function (K,) are shown in Fig. 4. The
ALPHA described the orientation of the patella liga- apparent elastic modulus of the plastic ranged from
ment and the angle DEL described the orientation of 400 to 600 MPa between low and high conformities,
the patella component itself. These angles were iter- for a load of 1 kN applied at 1 kN min- r. Poisson’s
ated until the lines of action of the patella ligament, ratio of UHMWPE was assumed to be 0.4.600 MPa
quadriceps and the reaction of the patella on the was used for the elastic modulus of UHMWPE in



surrace -

Fig. 3. Models used to analyse the sagittal plane. Top left, patella equilibrium positions and lever arms.
Bottom left, anterior stability. Right, amount of bone resection on chamfer.
Surface geometry of knees 259

/ 0.0024
0.0022 . .
* .
: . .
0.0020 l*e l
. .
0.0018 : . l
8 .
0. . l


. . .
. . .

Fig. 4. Function C, (containing modulus of elasticity of plastic) plotted against function K, (containing
relative radii of curvature).

femoral and tibia1

surfaces are femoral component
unconforming with low PDTA in
flexlon or high PDTA
- tibia1 surface is

femoral and tibia1

surfaces are
unconforming to both


femoral frontal radius = 30mm femoral component with
) femoral sagittal radius = POmm 1 P low PDTA in’flexion or high
PDTA - tibia1 surface is
femoral cc>mponent
conforming to low PDT/ 4 in
with hioh w I n
surface ccGZik:iob’2

Fig. 5. The effect of varying the frontal and sagittal tibia1 radii on the maximum contact stresses (applied
force loo0 N).

subsequent analyses. The elasticity equations were increased, but then reached an intermediate level
applied again when calculating the maximum contact where further reduction had little effect. A reduction
stresses produced when a femoral component in of conformity in both frontal and sagittal planes led to
flexion was paired with a spectrum of tibia1 compo- a rapid increase in contact stresses to high levels.
nents defined by varying sagittal and frontal radii
(Fig. 5). The lowest stresses occurred when the fem- Interchangeability between sizes of the components
oral and tibia1 radii were similar, in both sagittal and For a standard femoral component (frontal radius
frontal planes (the analysis considered a minimum 30 mm) loaded on a standard tibia1 component
difference in femoral-tibia1 radii of 5 mm). If the con- (frontal radius 35 mm), the Von Mises stresses within
formity in one plane was reduced, the stresses quickly the plastic increased as the outer tibia1 radius was


lnterchanaeabilitv Analysis

1.40- Flz1.06 F2=1.06


Flz1.00 Fl=l.OO

n Fk0.94 F2=0.94

0.60 ,
30 35 40 45 Franf~ 55
Outer Tibia1 Radius
Fig. 6. Results of the planar finite element analysis of the frontal plane to compare maximum Von Mises in
the plastic for different designs of tibia1 component and different methods of sizing the femoral component.
The outer frontal tibia1 radius (Fig. 1) is varied. Fl =femoral radius as fraction of standard size.
F2 = femoral bearing spacing (Fig. 1) as fraction of standard size.

increased (Fig. 6). For example, there was a 19% in-

crease for an outer tibia1 radius of 50 mm. For a small
femoral component reduced by 6% from standard
(Fl = F2 =0.94), the stresses were not affected by the
outer tibia1 radius because the contact areas were on
the inner tibia1 radius. When a 6% increased femoral
component was placed on the standard tibia1 with
35 mm outer radius, the contact area was at the edge
of the plastic resulting in high Von Mises stresses
(Fig. 6, broken line). However, for a 40 mm outer
tibia1 radius, the contact points were within the tibia1
periphery and the stresses were only elevated by 15%.
If the bearing spacing of the femoral component was
only increased by 3%, however, the contact points
were within the tibia1 periphery and the stresses were
actually reduced by 9%.
Further details of these three conditions are shown
in Fig. 7. In addition to the Von Mises stress plots
(which show the location of the maximum stress to be
approximately 1.5 mm below the surface), the centres
of the contact points are shown for the combinations
of flexion, rotation and posterior displacement. The Enlaraed Femoral on Standard Tibia1
6% enlarged femoral component shows a tendency
for some of the contact points to be closer to the
posterior periphery of the plastic than for the other
Interchangeability could also be achieved with
a constant bearing spacing and large outer femoral
and tibia1 radii, resembling ‘cylindrical’ designs. In
our example, a sagittal tibia1 radius of 60 mm is as-
sumed in order to provide anterior-posterior and
rotational stability (Fig. 8). In this case, during the
rotations and displacements, the contact points move Fig 7. Contact stresses for the frontal plane and contact
to the periphery of the plastic. This is characteristic of point locations for interchanged components where the
rotating a cylindrical roller in a cylindrical trough. In outer tibia1 radius is 40 mm. Top, femoral with 6% smaller
frontal radius but with 3% smaller bearing spacing, on
contrast, when the outer femoral radius is reduced, to standard tibial. Centre, standard femoral on standard tibial.
be equal to the tibia1 sagittal radius, nearly all of the Bottom, femoral with 6% larger frontal radius but with 3%
contact points fall within the plastic boundary (Fig. 8). larger bearing spacing, on standard tibial.
Surface geometry of knees 261

almost cvlindrical surfaces Considerations for the sagittal plane

The patella lever arms for different femoral geo-
metries differed most in early flexion (Fig. 9). For
PDTA = - 15” the lever arm was 33.6 mm, while for
PDTA= lo” the lever arm was 40.7 mm. As flexion
increased to 90” the range of values narrowed down to
3 1.7 mm for PDTA = - 15” and 33.6 mm for PDTA =
10”. Hence, the main advantage in the femoral compo-
nents with high PDTA is increased quadriceps effec-
tiveness in early flexion, rather than at the higher
OUTER FRONTAL flexion angles.
Another characteristic of high PDTA was in the
increasing anterior height and anterior slope of the
tibia1 surface in the sagittal plane (HAC and SAC,
outer FF = TS Fig. 3). The anterior heights rose steadily with the
PDTA angle from 4.9 mm for PDTA = - 15” to 12.5
mm for PDTA= 10”. The anterior gradients of the
tibia1 dishes showed a similar increase. This implied
the possibility of increased inherent stability for de-
signs with high PDTA. However, Fig. 9 also shows
that during 60” flexion and beyond, the patella starts
to impinge anteriorly on the tibia1 plastic. This can be
solved by reducing the height at the front of the plastic
FEMORAL RADIUS=6Omm which causes a reduction in stability.
As the high PDTA required a steeper upsweep of
the femoral sagittal profile, from distal to anterior,
Fig. 8. Contact point locations for combinations of flexion, more bone resection would be needed for installation.
internal-external rotation and posterior displacement. Top,
The profile with PDTA = - 15” required only 4.9 mm
outer frontal plane radii are large (close-to-flat). Bottom,
outer frontal femoral radius is equal to the sagittal tibia1 of bone to be resected from the lateral slice, whereas
radius. that with PDTA= lo” required 12.2 mm.


60 90
Fig. 9. Lever arms of the patella ligament over a range of Rexion angles, for femoral components with
different posteriordistal transition angle (PDTA).

DISCUSSION the sagittal profile diagrams (Fig. 5). Consequently,

the low PDTA component provides moderate stresses
It is generally assumed that the wear and deforma- in extension, but high stresses in flexion. In contrast,
tion of the plastic increases with contact stress (Bartel the high PDTA component produces moderate stres-
et al., 1986; Rose et al., 1983; Rostoker and Galante, ses throughout the entire range of flexion. This is
1979) although the evidence from implant retrievals is because the femoral and tibia1 sagittal radii are the
not entirely clear on this point (Landy and Walker, same for all angles of flexion. Therefore, considering
1988; Collier et al., 1991). A complicating factor is that stresses alone, high PDTA seems preferable.
the highly conforming designs (with lower contact Total knee systems typically include five sizes or
stresses) show increased wear due to entrapped par- more with each component varying about 6% be-
ticles and areas of deformation due to misalignment. tween sizes. The variability of femoral and tibia1
In order to calculate the contact stresses for a full shapes is such that different-sized components may be
range of femoral-tibia1 geometries of toroidal shape, needed for each component to obtain maximum
the elasticity equations were used. Elasticity theory, coverage of the bone surfaces. Such interchangeability
which predicts contact stresses for two elastic bodies of ‘one size up or down’ was analysed. When a large
when compressed together, only applies to cases femoral component is mated with a standard tibia1
where the bodies are non-conforming and the contact component, the contact patches may reach the pe-
area is small. It also assumes a planar contact area. riphery of the tibia1 surface and therefore the elasticity
Finally, stresses calculated using this theory only ap- theory is not applicable. Instead, a finite element ana-
ply to infinite surfaces (Roark and Young, 1975; lysis was used, employing a plane strain model in the
Whelan and Little, 1992). These factors would indi- frontal plane. Each analysis involved a standard tibia1
cate that standard elasticity theory may be unsuitable component which was mated with three sizes of fem-
for determining the contact stresses (and hence predic- oral components, with frontal radii in the region of
ting wear properties) of condylar knee replacements. 30 mm. As might be expected, when proportionate
However, for our empirical analysis, the hypothesis sizing was used for the femoral components, the small
was tested that, for a fixed thickness of plastic, the femoral produced higher stresses because of the small-
apparent elasticity of the component would vary as er radii, but for the larger component, the contact
a function of the conformity of the surfaces. The points could reach the edges of the plastic surface, an
experiments used to obtain this function involved undesirable situation (Gunsallus and Bartel, 1992).
a dye method, as it produced clearly marked contact This effect would be more pronounced for smaller and
patches for all conformities. The dimensions of the more conforming frontal radii. Increasing the radii at
contact patches were accurately measured but it was the sides of the components, on the tibia1 surface more
not possible to achieve exact repeatability, as can be than the femoral, avoided the problem, but at the
seen from the experimental results (Fig. 4), probably expense of higher contact stresses.
due to the viscoelastic nature of the plastic. Unfortu- If the frontal radii at the sides were increased still
nately, the variability in the results did not allow us to further, to produce almost cylindrical surfaces, a dif-
prove our hypothesis, so the upper bound value for ferent problem was introduced. If the tibia1 surface had
the elastic modulus of UHWMPE was used to make a sagittal radius of around 60 mm for anterior-poste-
a full-field set of maximum stress calculations (Fig. 5). rior stability, during internalexternal rotation, the
It appeared that contact stress is more sensitive to contact points moved to the periphery of the plastic.
changes in the tibia1 geometry when the conformity is For this reason, surfaces close to cylindrical need to
high than when it is not. Therefore, once surfaces are mate with close-to-flat tibia1 surfaces in the sagittal
in low-moderate conformity, as in the sagittal plane to plane.
allow sufficient laxity, slight changes in the tibia1 ge- It might appear that maintaining a constant bear-
ometry in an effort to improve the stresses will have ing spacing across all sizes would allow complete
little effect. On the other hand, if the frontal plane is interchangeability. This is depicted in Fig. 10. For
defined to be closely conforming, then varying its frontal radii around 30 mm, difficulties are encoun-
geometry will result in a considerable variation in tered at the extremes of size. For the largest size, there
stress. is a slight reduction in varus-valgus stability and
The lowest stresses occurred when the sagittal and there is insufficient metal at the sides. For the smallest
frontal radii of the femoral and tibia1 surfaces size, the contact points are too close to the edges of the
differed by 5 mm, the closest conformity considered in plastic. The problem of the large size can be addressed
our analysis (Fig. 5). However, such a geometry would by increasing the radii at the outsides of the surfaces.
be excessively constrained, allowing much smaller ro- An alternative solution was analysed where the bear-
tations and displacements than those which occur in ing spacing was increased and decreased at half the
the normal knee. The stresses were calculated for amount of the overall component dimensions. It was
a femoral condyle with frontal radius 30 mm and shown that such a scheme was feasible for one size up
sagittal radius 20 mm. This could represent a femoral and down interchangeability, both for contact stresses
component with low PDTA in flexion, or one with and for locations of the contact areas within the
high PDTA in both flexion or extension, as shown in plastic boundary.
Surface geometry of knees 263

20% between sizes but

20% between sizes constant bearina spacing

Smallest Size

Standard Size
femoral radius=30mm
bearing spacing=48mm
frontal width=76mm

m Largest Size m
Fig. 10. Representation of the frontal femoral profiles for two bearing spacing schemes. The smallest,
standard and largest components are shown for a typical knee system. Left, proportional radii, widths and
bearing spacings. Right, proportional radii and widths but constant bearing spacing; for this scheme, the
contact points for the smallest size are close to the sides.

The entire form of the femoral sagittal profile could the greater the resistance to shear forces. On this basis
be conveniently altered by varying the PDTA alone, low PDTA proved to be the least stable, especially, in
where a negative value implies that the large distal flexion. This was to be expected since tibia1 surfaces
radius is carried round posteriorly, while a positive with a large radius at the bottom of the dish more
value implies that the smaller posterior radius is car- readily allow posterior displacements of the tibia1
ried round to the anterior. The effect of varying the surface relative to the femoral surface. This implies
PDTA on patella lever arm, stability and bone resec- that such surfaces require preservation of the poste-
tion was studied. It has been shown that patients with rior cruciate ligament, or intercondylar stabilising
short patella lever arms have compensated gait and posts as in some knee designs (e.g. Kinemax Stabiliser,
problems with stair-climbing (Andriacchi et al., 1982), Insall-Burstein). On the other hand, surfaces with
implying that the longer the patella lever arm, the high PDTA could conceivably be used without a pos-
more advantageous. Using a model where the patella terior cruciate or other means (e.g. Freeman-Samuel-
was considered to be subjected to three forces exerted son). However, the disadvantage of high PDTA was
by the quadriceps muscle, patella ligament and the additional distal-anterior bone resection of around
reaction force between the patella groove and the 5 mm.
patella (Ahmed et al., 1987; Huberti et al., 1984; Reith- This analysis was restricted to the geometrical
meier and Plitz, 1990), it was found that cases with parameters defined, namely, femoral and tibia1 surfa-
high PDTA had the longest patella lever arms due the ces composed of circular arcs in the frontal and sagit-
more posterior contact points. However, this is some- tal planes, and with sagittal femoral geometry de-
what different from normal, where the contact points scribed by small posterior and anterior radii and
move anteriorly in extension (Ahmed and Burke, a larger distal radius, joining at a variable polar angle.
1983) leading to femoral roll-back in early flexion Factors other than those considered are important,
(Rovick et al., 1991). This may well have implications such as the behaviour in varus-valgus or medial-lat-
to the action of the hamstrings as well as the quad- eral loading. However, within the limits of this study,
riceps, both of which are active in late swing and early it appeared that the most favourable characteristics
stance during gait (Inman et al., 1981). occurred for a PDTA around 0 to -S’, moderate
When considering stability, complete conformity conformity in the sagittal plane and close frontal
was assumed in order to make a comparison between conformity. To avoid contact areas reaching the edges
the femoral and tibia1 components for different sagit- of the plastic, the frontal radii at the sides need to be
tal geometries, even though in reality the surfaces smaller than the sagittal radii. To allow interchangea-
would be unconforming. The assumption was made bility, compromises are required in contact stresses,
that the steeper the tangent and the greater the height medial-lateral bearing spacing, contact area location
at the anterior of the tibia1 surface, the greater the on thk tibia1 surface, and general component aesthet-
horizontal component of the reaction force, and hence ics.
and P. S. WALKER

Acknowledgements-The authors wish to thank Mark Huberti, H. H., Hayes, W. C., Stone, J. L. and Shybut, G. T.
Witham for assistance with the laboratory experiments. This (1984) Force ratios in the quadriceps tendon and ligamen-
work was funded by the Department of Health, Medical turn patellae. J. orthop. Res. 2, 49-54.
Devices Directorate, U.K. Imnan, V. T., Ralston, H. J. and Todd, F. (1981) Human
Walking. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.
Landy, M. M. and Walker, P. S. (1988) Wear of ultra-
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