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Meaning its This makes it

easy to easier to
Meaning the Standardised replicate.
replicate and
data collected procedures
the data is
is accurate to were used,
accurate to
what we are such as
what we are
its high in always ringing
measuring. measuring .
ecological the bell before Pavlov
validity the food. controlled for
because its extraneous
High in variables such
based on
ecological It is also as sound
validity as its reliable proof walls.
of what people
analysing real
do in real life.
life content
However, it
which reflects
still lacked
real Pavlov ecological
behaviour. Content validity.
They contlled
Thematic for extraneous
varibles such
analysis Scientific
as placing
Status Watson And albert in a This makes it
easier to
Rayner different room
to make sure
the room didnt
Observations Capafons effect the

If extraneous
variables are Bandura
controlled for
matched his
then it can Bandura used
ppt based on
lead to sex, age and standardised
observations anxiety procedures,
being They are levels. such as all
scientific. highly observations
Capafons also
(Structured subjective to being made at This increases
observations) bias. 5-second the reliablity
intervals. and makes it
This increases procedures,
easier to
the internal such as all
replicate the
validity and ppts watched
makes it the TV 1.8m
easier to away.

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