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Rupi Kaur

Rupi Kaur is an artist and an Instagram poet

based in Toronto, Canada. Her poetry and
illustrations delve into themes of sexuality,
love, trauma, healing and femininity. Gaining
international success, she currently has 2.5
million Instagram followers, while her
anthology of poems Milk and Honey sold over
2.5 million copies.

The Milk & Honey uses specific and approachable language to depict
females' thoughts and feelings. This book jumps between first-person and
second-person pronouns. All the poetries' in this book are in a lowercase
letter .This idea honors her mother tongue, Punjabi. Punjabi employs the
Gurmukhi script, in which all letters are written in lowercase. Her open and
honest tone effectively connects her personal stories with her readers.Her
unstimulating poetry, as well as the lack of meanings beyond this book,
would fail to captivate those readers.This book describes the creativeness of
the literary authors that shows the thin border between clarity and complex.

Alyza Marie T. Alcazarin

Grade 12 Gratitude

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