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Top Future Technologies in 2021

In our observations, we know that a technology will definitely continue to develop

with new innovations that make it easier for us to overcome problems in everyday life. Here
is a list of new technologies in 2021. In 6th place is aerospace technology whose innovation
continues to increase. In its innovation, the defense and aerospace industry is trying to build a
new fuelless aircraft which in its process is supported by 3D printing. These technologies
include advanced space propulsion systems, advances in materials science, intelligent
automation and blockchain. In his observations, technological innovation in this field is
consistent and will continue to grow.

In 5th place is the 5G network. In 2021 5G plays a very important role in managing
school activities and working from home which are still carried out even remotely, with an
increase in video conferencing innovations, remote work, and digital collaboration. There are
several companies that are ready to launch 5G phones. in the qualcomm report as the leader
in 5G technology said that the 5G service market reached 41.48 billion in 2020 and is
estimated to continue to expand growth to 2027 by 43.9% from 2021.

Fourth place is edge computing, taking into account efficiency and the speed that led
to computing. Almost all technologies in the world today are edge computing collaboration
applications with 5G Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Cloud Edge. On the forecast,
according to experts the analytics market will grow up to 8 Billion USD in 2021 with a
CARG of 32.6 from 2016 to 2021.

In third place is Extended reality. This technology includes argumented and virtual
reality, which in its role can help avoid dangerous situations such as the potential to cause
transmission. Extended reality technology will revolutionize not only its role in health care
but also in education and lifestyle, with an estimated AR and VR market revenue of up to 55
billion USD by 2021.

In second place is the human argument which has principles of exceeding, replicating,
and complementing capabilities. Great promises for the future such as Bionic Human Joints,
Embedded Scanning, Customizable Contact Lenses, Augmented Skulls, Feet Artificial
Windpipes, etc the possibilities are endless. The prediction is that it will increase quite
substantially during the period between 2020 and 2026 which is facilitated by one important
technology, which is in the first place.

In the first place there is artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is arguably one
of the most informative technological evolutions and looks more promising than ever. In the
world of health assistance intelligence will continue to play a major role in the provision of
health services according to the needs of each hospital. According to experts, global spending
on cognitive systems and AI will reach 57.6 billion in 2021 and the AR market will grow into
an industry worth 190 billion dollars by 2025. From the five technologies above, hopefully
we can also play a role in the creation of science technology with new ideas and innovations
that will continue to grow.

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