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To build a power plant = $2.

7 bil (highest initial cost for a power plant but cheap maintaining
costs so while the initial costs can be high the maintenance costs are much lower than other
power sources.

If they say nuclear energy makes too much power = connect grids or send to hydro to
convert it to that and sell to asia.

Radioactive waste can be stored safely underground.

If the say we should go off only renewables = clearly you do not know how a basic power
plant works. Renewables are not a reliable source of energy. You suggest wind turbines and
solar panels but what if the sun isn’t shining, what if the wind isn’t blowing? When that
happens, in Australia, there are currently 2 options that you have. 1 invest in millions of
dollars’ worth of batteries or 2 fossil fuels. And nearly all renewable power plants use fossil
fuels as their base load. But with the sensitivity of nuclear energy, you can easily turn that up
and down in case the solar or wind isn’t working. We never suggested completely switching
to nuclear energy but instead pairing it with other renewables instead of using fossil fuels.

Developing nuclear weapons with the nuclear technology that is used for nuclear energy = in
a democratic society we should be able to trust officials to guard the nuclear technology
from criminals and terrorists.

France is run off of nuclear energy and has one of the smallest footprints in the world

An unwarranted, bad stigma around nuclear energy

In Chornobyl (shinoble) they had old, bad reactors with outdated technology but now we
have updated technology that can keep people safe. Everyone talks about the nuclear power
failures but what about the accidents that stemmed from hydropower. As our 2nd speaker
said there have been floods and deaths caused from those for example the Banquain Dam in

Uranium can be found in most rocks and even sea water. Also in Australia we have a natural
benefit of producing lost of uranium.

1st speaker affirmative points = clean source of energy, reliable

2nd speaker affirmative points = efficient less of a footprint

Uranium oxide is sealed in 200-litre steel drums, the drums are

washed and checked prior to being loaded into shipping containers.
The drums are secured inside the containers to international
standards using a strapping system designed to withstand the
forces expected during road, rail and sea transport.

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