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Relationship between social media and branding

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Institutional Affiliation
Every company has a mission and Nikes mission is mainly to inspire and innovate each athlete,
seeing their focus is sport. The expansion of the human potential they strongly believe in
because according to them anything is possible that is the whole reason behind their logo “Just
do it".
The Nike company has existed for many years now, it is very well known and has been utilizing
social media excellently as well. Over 93.3 million Instagram followers, 7.95 million twitter
followers and 33.3 million Facebook followers. Nike has made sure that it has created a
relationship between itself and its fans/supporters. There is a very strong connection between
the brand and its people a sense of community, it has also become a lifestyle for many around
the globe. It is personal for a lot of people too only because it reflects authenticity, winning and
Consumer satisfaction
Communication between Nike and its consumers goes both ways it’s a two way stream they do
not just listen to what people have to say both positive and negative they act on all feedback
their actions show a lot because they present results. On a daily basis the company engages a
lot with customers which has given millions more reason to come back to the website countless
times. The social media customer service is very hands on and active if one would pay close
attention to it you’d see that they reply every minute to enquiries and in result this had built
trust between consumer and the company
Effective strategizing
Job creation has also been a priority and is at the top of their list meaning recruitment of high-
profile influencers this has been capitalized on social media as well. The influencers are set on
different sports acts making them trusted voices for the brand. The number of followers the
brand has shows Nikes media strategy and effectiveness and it does not plan on stopping there
everyday new designs and a comfortable lifestyle in clothing is brought forth to the people ,
Nike always aims to please like it always has throughout all these years its vision has been seen
and presented in its customers eyes.
Nike sportswear is a giant on social media with their millions of followers and their trusted and
undoubtedly close relationship their fans and customers. It has done a lot for itself and
customers, till today it continues to put effort and strive to only deliver the best seeing that it
has different sportswear and went as far as creating separate pages on social media for its
products mainly to cater for its different target audiences. This brand has a huge dominance in
social media and its clear that they are planning on keeping it that way for as long as they exist
and to keep their customers happy and satisfied all the time through their products,
deliverance and Promises all the time.

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