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2526607598- small cros.

1822745864- red cros

5143056985- black circle cros
12312313- blackweb
2128690040- wide cros
1172208874- teddybear
11810332253- red surrround curs.
11810229301- bacteria cross
11760173469- batman
11759186525- loading curs
11823229964- forcefield curs
11760170230- spider
11723817205- ritual looking curs
11823236632- red skull
170174110- blue spark

Avatar Profile Picture Code:

// doing ajax because easy csrf handling w/their middleware lol

method: "POST",
url: "",
contentType: "application/json",
data: JSON.stringify({
"camera": {
// Ranges are inclusive.
"distanceScale": 2, // 0.5 to 4 (Closeup) 1 (FullBody) - Camera distance
scale from the avatar
"fieldOfViewDeg": 30, // 15 to 45 - Camera Field Of View (FOV) in degrees,
slight effect
// xRotDeg used to exist here.
"yRotDeg": 0 // -60 to 60 - Camera Y rotation in degrees
"emoteAssetId": 0, /* The assetId of an emote you own. 0 for no emote.
* example: 3696763549 in
// idleAnimationAssetId used to exist here, it has since been removed.
"thumbnailType": 1 /* The thumbnailType
* 1 = Closeup (headshot)
* 2 = FullBody (bodyshot)

Closeup and Fullbody can have separate configurations.

}).then(data => console.log(data)).fail(error =>
// Logs `{success:true}` if success or website alert if error.

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