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Adventurous teacher

At first he told us that we can call him David because professor

Frey is his dad’s name and it feels weird to him so I think that is
. emphasizes  how humble he is

David is an English teacher who travels the world and have so

many adventures during his journey. He did almost went to jail
while he was travelling from Ethiopia to Kenya . That is a very
interesting story to tell about him actually , so to travel from
Ethiopia to Kenya you will have to use the bus and they have to
stamp your passport by an immigration officer there but David
have an extension paper on his passport and They thought that
he put it by himself and they said “ you will stay in the jail till
tomorrow until we figure that out “ but thankfully David asked
them to go back to his apartment which was the worst
apartment that he ever been and that is another story to tell.
Where his wife was waiting for him to get his stuff and literally
he was walking back with an officer holding a Kalashnikov
behind him . At that moment his wife was looking at him with
”!shock on her face and she said “David what did you do
. Eventually the next day they solved it and let him go to Kenya

David have worked in The Middle East for about twenty years!
So I asked him allot of questions about that and we discuses
some ideas about how hot is the weather there and how the
system is completely different than here and at the end I ask
him how was it moving back to Pittsburgh and what do you
miss the most? He replied that moving back wasn’t that hard
but being in a small city is something that I would definitely
We have talked about the difficulties in learning a new language
and that you can make mistakes even if you spend a lot of time
speaking it so he said and I quote “my wife's aunt husband have
been in the USA for over seventy years and he still makes
.mistakes “ so it is fine you will get through it

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