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Both the Free Peoples and the Shadow players draw 6 cards.

No cards are cycled.

This two-player scenario portrays the narrative of The
Two Towers, including the battles of Rohan as well as Only the following location cards are used:
the progress of Frodo and Sam towards Mordor.

This scenario is short and tense, and there’s a bit of luck, Round 1: Orthanc
but if you suffer from AP, you might want to skip it, Round 2: Helm’s Deep
because at some point you will have to play a card and Round 3: Edoras
you won't want to. It’s recommended that you play
twice, once as each side, and add up the points between
the two matches. Path 6: Dead Marshes, Emyn Muil
Path 7: Henneth Annûn, Osgiliath, The Crossroads
Path 8: Morgul Vale, Shelob’s Lair

The Saruman faction begins the game as the Starting During the Draw step, the Saruman player draws 6 cards,
Player. the Théoden player draws 4 cards.

Isengard (12 - all): Devilry of Orthanc, Fighting
Uruk-hai, Gríma Wormtongue, Palantír of Orthanc,
Saruman, Saruman's Staff, Threats and Promises,
Uglúk, Warg Riders, White Hand Orcs(X2), Woven Each player starts with 2 ring tokens.
from All Colours
Mordor (4): The Destroyer, Grishnákh, The You may use each ring token once per game. Like the
Hunter, The Warrior Trilogy ring tokens, you may use an action and discard a
Monstrous (5): Candles of Corpses, Flocks of ring token to draw 2 cards; but if you do not use a ring
Crebain, Gollum, Hill-troll, Shelob token, at the end of the game it’s worth 1 Victory Point.

Dúnedain (2): Aragorn, The Three Hunters
Dwarf (2): Gimli, Dwarven Axe
Elf (2): Bow of the Galadhrim, Legolas
Hobbit (4): Frodo Baggins, Merry Brandybuck, • This scenario begins on Path 6, ends on Path 8 and lasts
Pippin Took, Sam Gamgee exactly 3 rounds. Only the paths listed are used.
Rohan (7): Éomer, Éowyn, Riders of Rohan (X2), • The battlegrounds are not chosen at random but are
Shadowfax, Théoden, Village Militia, activated in the order specified.
Wizard (4): Ent-draught, Gandalf the White, • Threats and Promises and Shadowfax can only be used
Quickbeam (Ent), Treebeard (Ent) to reactivate a battleground, not activate it.
Note: Do not use the special rules from the Duel

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