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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 4 ( Empat )
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu :

1. Tulislah nama, kelas, dan no. urutmu di sebelah kanan atas pada lembar jawaban.
2. Bacalah setiap soal dengan sebaik-baiknya.
3. Kerjakanlah lebih dahulu soal yang kamu anggap lebih mudah.
4. Semua jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang telah tersedia.
5. Periksalah kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum lembar soal dan lembar jawaban kamu serahkan
kepada guru.

------ SELAMAT BEKERJA -----

I. Isilah tanda silang (X) pilihan huruf A, B, C dan D pada jawaban yang benar!
1. Look at the picture below!

Deni and friends are...

A. borrowing books Rendi is . . . .
B. buying ball A. cooking
C. having lunch B. drinking
D. playing football C. thinking
2. Look at the picture below! D. sleeping
4. Look at the picture below!

Tiyas is ...
A. buying food
B. skipping rope
C. swimming
D. washing her foot
Kadek is . . . . "Tari Rejang"
3. Look at the picture below!
A. watching
B. dancing A. cleaning
C. borrowing B. swimming
D. buying C. playing marbles
5. Look at the picture below! D. sleeping
8. Look at the picture below!

Adit and Ayu are ... to school on foot

They are . . . in the classroom
A. singing
A. studying math
B. dancing
B. buying snacks
C. going
C. drawing flowers
D. studying
D. giving books
6. Look at the picture below!
9. Look at the picture below!

Tina is .... a book in the library

Made is ..... his hands
A. borrowing
A. talking
B. writing
B. walking
C. reading
C. washing
D. watching
D. cooking
7. Look at the picture below!
10. Look at the picture below!

Putri and Salma are . . . . in the pool1 They are . . . living room
A. cleaning D. sixty three
B. discussing 16. One hundred devided by two is . . .
C. going A. forty
D. gardening B. fifty
11. There are 86 math books C. sixty
How many math books are there? D. two hundred
A. eighty seven 17. I have a number, it is between 60 and 90.
B. eighty six Guess it, what is my number?.
C. ninety seven A. forty six
D. ninety six B. eighty three
12. There are 59 pencils C. ninenty one
How many pencils are there? D. one hundred
A. sixty eight 18. Forty four plus fifty two is . .
B. sixty nine A. seventy nine
C. fifty eight B. eighty six
D. fifty nine C. ninety six
13. Look at the picture below! D. one hundred
19. Look at the picture below!

What number is it?

A. seventy four
B. seventy five What number is Mr. Adit's house?
C. eighty six A. eighty nine
D. eighty three B. ninety eight
14. (45 + 35) = . . C. one hundred
A. sixty D. seventy six
B. eighty 20. (25 + 35) =...
C. seventy A. sixty
D. ninety B. fifty
15. Seventy six minus eleven is . . . . C. ninety
A. fifty four D. seventy
B. fifty seven
C. sixty five
II. Ubahlah kalimat atau angka berikut ke bahasa inggris!
1. Tono sedang minum susu di dapur
2. Mereka sedang membaca buku
3. Mereka sedang berangkat ke sekolah menggunakan bus
4. (77)
5. (96)

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