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Department of BS Computer Science

Final Year Project Proposal & Plan




QAMARIA 2019- BSCS 03554838510

1. Motivation
Our mission is to automate the complete operations of the attendance system. This
system makes easy and good method for attendance system. It is very useful for
both the students and the teachers.

2. Overview
project is designed for successful completion of project on face recognition and
attendance system. The basic building aim is to provide attendance system service
to the college/University. Other type of biometric identification systems, such as
fingerprints, capture an individual’s identity through touch, while facial
recognition is a touch less method of identifying students. A face recognition
attendance system identifies and verifies a student automatically and marks
attendance based on their facial recognition.

2.1 Problem Statement

In the era of modern technologies emerging at rapid pace there is no reason
why a crucial event in education sector such as attendance should be done in
the old boring traditional way. So it is very important to automate the
attendance systems.

2.2 Significance of the Project

In education sector attendance is one of the crucial event. There are many
scope of this project. The main aims of this project is to automate the complete
operations of the attendance system of the college or university. Face
recognition and attendance system aimed to provide an alternative means to the
traditional attendance system which consumes 10 to 15 minutes of time in 40
minutes of lecture hour.

2.3 Description of the Project

The face recognition and attendance system is designed for successful
completion of project on face recognition and attendance system. Face
recognition and attendance system are becoming increasingly popular as they
are the most feasible option currently available for organizations to make
students attendance. It record the faces of the students in the college/university,
and then train it and update the attendance.

2.4 Background of the Project

There are many project in the world that provide Face recognition and
attendance system. Yet our college where many student are present and taking
attendance is very difficult, is devoid of this modern facility. These services
provide opportunity for students as well as teachers.

3. Project Scope
There are many scope of this project. The main aims of this project is to
automate the complete operations of the attendance system of the college or
university. In the era of modern technologies emerging at rapid pace there is no
reason why a crucial event in education sector such as attendance should be
done in the old boring traditional way. So it is very important to automate the
attendance systems.
Many other application of the project are the following:
 Replacement of PIN, physical tokens
 Voting system
 Banking using ATM
4. Process Model and Methodology
4.1 Process Model

The application will be built and test so we prefer the waterfall model to
develop the application.

4.2 Methodology

Following the incremental model, we will develop the front end of application
which is based on python and backend using xamp. Our system has multiple
feature which will provide friendly environment. It will save a lot of time and
energy for the both parties teaching staff as well as the students.

4.2.1 Design phase

The process through which designer design the interface in software with an
emphasis on style is termed user interface (UI) design. Designer develop the
interface that are easy to use and user friendly.

4.2.2 Implementation phase

The implementation source is following:

Python is used to develop front end.

Phpmyadmin, xamp, MySQL, database is used to develop backend.

4.2.3 Testing phase

We will use alpha testing and beta test.

5. Project flow & explanation

 After you run the project you have to register your face so that system can
identify you, so click on register new student
 After you click a small window will pop up in that you have to enter you ID
and name and then click on Take Image button
 After clicking Take Image button A camera window will pop up and it will
detect your Face and take up to 50 Images (you can change the number of
Image it can take) and stored in the folder named Training Image. More you
give the image to system, the better it will perform while recognizing the
 Then you have to click on Train Image button, it will train the model and
convert all the Image into numeric format so that computer can understand.
We are training the image so that next time when we will show the same
face to the computer it will easily identify the face.
 It will take some time (depends on your system).
 After training model click on Automatic Attendance, you have to enter the
subject name and then it can fill attendance by your face using our trained
 It will create .csv file for every subject you enter and separate every .csv file
according the subject.
 You can view the attendance after clicking View Attendance button. It will
show record in tabular format.
6. Hardware and Software Requirements
 Core i5 computer with minimum 4gb of ram
 MySQL, xamp Server
 Python
 Visual studio code
7. Diagrammatic Representation of the Overall System


8. Project Plan

Month 10 20 days 3 month 20 days 1 month 10 days






Waterfall modal
9. Conclusion:
Automated attendance systems based on face recognition technique thus proved to
be time saving and secured. This system can also be to identify an unknown
person. In real time scenarios PCA outperforms other algorithms with better
recognition rate and low false positive rate. The future work is to improve the
recognition rate of algorithms when there are unintentional changes in a person
like tonsuring head, using scarf, and beard. The system developed only recognized
face up to 30 degree angle variations which has to be improved further.

10. Reference:

1. URL:

2. URL:

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