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"Empowerment Through Crisis: The Karuna Fellowship's Impact"

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and exacerbated existing inequalities worldwide,
particularly for women and girls in rural areas. The Karuna Fellowship has the potential to
provide a robust countermeasure, not just for survival, but for long-term resilience.

In the present scenario, women and girls are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 due
to its economic and social impacts. Job losses, increased caregiving responsibilities, and a
decrease in access to educational resources disproportionately affect women and girls,
undermining their ability to achieve financial independence and personal growth.

The Karuna Fellowship can play a pivotal role in this crisis. Through its Life Skills pillar, the
fellowship can help women and girls navigate this difficult time with confidence, resilience,
and compassion. By fostering skills such as conflict management, self-protection, and
problem-solving, the Fellowship can support them in responding effectively to the challenges
presented by the pandemic.

In terms of livelihood, the Karuna Fellowship can provide women with the tools necessary to
secure employment or establish their own enterprises. The pandemic has resulted in a
significant shift toward digital and remote work. Through its Digital Skills pillar, the
Fellowship can equip these women with crucial digital literacy, enabling them to capitalize on
this shift and build rewarding, flexible careers that are resilient to future disruptions.

Further, the Fellowship's emphasis on entrepreneurship allows women to create their own
businesses, contributing to local economies and empowering themselves and their
communities. The program's emphasis on mentorship and practical experience also offers
participants the chance to learn from successful entrepreneurs. It provides real-world
experience that can help guide them through the challenges of starting and running a
In summary, the Karuna Fellowship, with its comprehensive approach, is well-equipped to
empower women and girls amid the COVID-19 crisis. By providing life skills, fostering
employability and entrepreneurship, and bolstering digital literacy, the Fellowship can
support these women in transforming challenges into opportunities, paving the way for their
empowerment over 12-23 months.

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