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NCMB-419: Exam Rationalization

Sherrmaine Joyce S. Clarianes-Reyes, RN, CRN, MIH

Julie, 70/F, believes that life should not be prolonged when hope is gone. She is
diagnosed with Breast Cancer, stage 4, with lung and bone metastasis. She has
decided that she does not extraordinary measures taken when her life is at its
end. Because she feels this way, she communicated with her daughter about
her desires, completing a living will and left directions with her physician. As
Julie’s nurse, you are aware that Julie is practicing her right to:
a.Receive a considerate and respectful care.
b.Be considered and offered every ounce of privacy, confidentiality and
c. Acquire external support system from family, relatives and friends.
d.Accomplish an advanced directive.
Ms. Matilda Cordero, an 82-year-old maiden is rushed to the Emergency Room due to right
arm fracture. As Nurse Pedro assesses Ms. Cordero, he notes old and new bruises on her
arms and back. When asked how she acquired those, Ms. Cordero told Nurse Pedro that her
nephew hits her whenever she wets her clothes due to urinary incontinence. She cried and
mentioned that she has no family and nobody takes care of her other than her nephew.
Which of the following is the most appropriate response of Nurse Pedro?
a. “I will instruct you with simple ways on how to control your urinary urge so that you
won’t wet your clothes.”
b. “I will try to look for some other relatives so that you can leave your nephew.”
c. “I would like to talk to your nephew regarding this.”
d. “I understand where you are coming from, you can tell me more about it. Meanwhile,
let me assist you with your current condition.”
Mrs. Dela Cruz is diagnosed with cancer and is told that surgery followed by
chemotherapy will be necessary. She asked the nurse, “I have read a lot about
complementary therapies. Do you think I should try it?” As a nurse aware of
bioethical and advocacy principles, which of the following statements would be
the most appropriate?
a.“No, because it will interact with chemotherapy.”
b.“You need to ask your physician about it.”
c. “I would try anything that I could if I had cancer.”
d.“There are many different forms of complementary therapies. Would you
like to talk about it?”
A bioethical issue should be described as:
a.The withholding of food and treatment at the request of the client in a
written advance directive given before a client acquired permanent brain
damage from an accident.
b.After the client gives permission, the physician’s disclosing all information
to the family for their support in the management of the client.
c. A research project that including treating all white men and not treating
all the black men to compare the outcomes of a specific drug therapy.
d.The physician’s making all decisions of client management without getting
input from the client.
Nurse Joshua is a nurse from a remote barrio in Antique. He decided to explore the metro
by himself and luckily, he was hired in the surgical wing of a well-known hospital in Metro
Manila. One of his co-staff, Nurse Lino, approached him and said, “I’m also a newly-hired
nurse like you, but I learned that you came from the province, which means that nurses who
graduated and lived in the city like me, have more advanced skills to handle patients.”
Which of the following is the most appropriate response of Nurse Joshua?
a. “Yes, I definitely agree.”
b. “Honestly, I think you are a pathetic racist. But if that is what you think, there is
nothing I can do. It’s your opinion, anyway.”
c. “I really don’t think that the capacity and performance in handling patients is related
to where you come from.”
d. “I believe we are better than nurses who lived here in the city. We are skilled and
smart, and you have to accept that.”
Nurses are expected to be advocates for their patients. Practice of
advocacy calls for the nurse to:
a.Seek out the nursing supervisor in conflicting situations.
b.Work to understand the law as it applies to the client’s clinical
c.Assess the client’s point of view and prepare to articulate this
point of view.
d.Document all clinical changes in the medical record in a timely
You are caring for Patient X, 54/M, diagnosed with Chronic Liver Disease. He is in need for a
liver transplant to survive. In the current situation, access to healthcare usually depends on
a client’s ability to pay for health care, either through insurance or by paying cash. He has
been unemployed for several months and does not have insurance or enough cash. A
discussion about the ethics of this situation would involve predominantly the principle of:
a. Ethics of care, because the caring thing that a nurse could provide this patient is
resources for a liver transplant.
b. Accountability, because you as the nurse are accountable for the well-being of this
c. Justice, because the first and greatest question in this situation is how to determine
the just distribution of resources.
d. Respect of autonomy, because this client’s autonomy will be violated if he does not
receive liver transplant.
In most ethical dilemmas, the solution to the dilemma requires negotiation
among members of the health care team. The nurse’s point of view is valuable
a.The nurse’s code of ethics recommends that a nurse be present at any
ethical discussion about client care.
b.The principle of autonomy guides all participants to respect their own
c. Nurses develop a relationship to the client that is unique among all
professional health care providers.
d.Nurses have a legal license that encourages their presence during ethical
Nurse Luna is working with the parents of a seriously-ill newborn.
Surgery has been proposed for the infant, but the chances of success
are unclear. In helping the parents resolve this ethical conflict, the
nurse knows that the initial step is:
a.Identifying people who can solve the difficulty.
b.Collecting all available information about the situation.
c.Clarifying values related to the cause of the dilemma.
d.Exploring reasonable courses of action.
A health care issue often becomes an ethical dilemma because:
a.A client’s legal rights coexist with a health professional’s
b.Decisions must be made based on value systems.
c.The choices involved do not appear to be clearly right or
d.Decisions must be made quickly, often under stressful
When caring for a terminally-ill client, it is important for the nurse to
maintain the client’s dignity. This can be facilitated by:
a.Spending time to let clients share their life experiences.
b.Placing the client in a private room to provide privacy at all
c.Decreasing emphasis on attending to the client’s appearance
because it only increases their fatigue.
d.Making decisions for clients so they do not have to make them.
Which activity would not be expected by the nurse to meet the cultural needs of the
a. Promote and support attitudes, behaviors, knowledge, and skills to respectfully
meet the client’s cultural needs despite the nurse’s own beliefs and practices.
b.Expect the family to keep an interpreter present at all times to assist in meeting
the communication needs all day and night while hospitalized.
c. Develop a structure and process for meeting cultural needs on a regular basis
and means to avoid overlooking these needs with clients.
d.Ensure that the available interpreter understands not only the language of the
client but the feelings and attitudes behind cultural practices to make sure an
ethical balance can be achieved.
Nurse Ara is working in a Level-3 Tertiary Hospital in Bulacan for 3 years. She is
assigned in the Emergency Room and during the latest memorandum released
by Nursing Services, she will be transferred in the Intensive Care Unit by next
month. She decided to take courses and webinars related to Critical Care
Nursing and Intensive Care Management. Nurse Ara is exhibiting which of the
a.Duty of Gratitude
b.Duty of Reparation
c. Duty of Self-Improvement
d.Duty of Beneficence
To- be effective in meeting various ethnic needs, the nurse should:
a.Act as if he or she is comfortable with the client’s behavior.
b.Avoid asking questions about the client’s cultural background.
c.Treat all clients alike.
d.Be aware of the client’s cultural differences.
During her coffee break, Nurse Lana overheard a group of residents passing by
that a celebrity patient with syphilis is admitted at the hospital last night.
Having heard this, Nurse Lana went to her friend, Nurse Kit, who was an avid
fan of the celebrity. What ethical principle was violated in this situation?
c. Informed Consent
Mr. Quinto was recently diagnosed to have Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
and is recommended for admission and surgery. He refuses to be admitted to a
first-class hospital and opts to be admitted in a tertiary hospital due to
financial constraints. As his nurse, you are aware that Mr. Quinto is practicing
his right to:
a.Be encouraged to obtain understandable information concerning the
diagnosis, treatment and procedure in line with his condition.
b.Be transferred to another facility or services.
c. Expect reasonable and consistent care.
d.Receive a considerate and respectful care.
Nurse Gab received his patient assignment for the shift. Which of the
following patients should he prioritize in an acute care situation,
while maintaining the duty of justice?
a.Delia, 40/F, newly admitted due to chest pain.
b.Hilda, 63/F, complaining of pain following surgery for hip
c.Lulu, 40/F, with diabetes who has a glucose reading of 180.
d.Mara, 34/F, 3 days post-operative with left calf pain.
Nurse Glen takes beneficent actions when he performs oral and skin care to
the patient he is handling. He also ensures the provision of emotional support
to those who are anxious and stressed out due to their hospitalization. He
shows the application of which of the following?
a.Duty of Gratitude c. Duty of Self-Improvement
b.Duty of Reparation d. Duty of Beneficence
It contends that the most rational choice for the parties in the
original position is the principle of justice.
a.Kantian’s Ethics
b.Rawl’s Ethics
c.Ross’ Ethics
d.Aquinas Principle
Nurse Aaron is one of the vaccinators in the COVID-19 Pinas Lakas Campaign.
One mother hesitated since she verbalized that it would hurt her 5-year-old
son. As a well-versed nurse about ethical considerations, Nurse Aaron
explained to the mother that it might cause discomfort, but it will protect her
son from acquiring the infection. What duty and principle did Nurse Aaron
a.Duty of Beneficence c. Duty of Justice
b.Duty of Non-Maleficence d. Duty of Reparation
The nurse avoids deliberate harm, risk of harm and harm that occurs
during the performance of nursing actions. The nurse is promoting
which of the following duty?
a.Duty of Beneficence c. Duty of Justice
b.Duty of Non-Maleficence d. Duty of Reparation
Mr. Kulafu, 50/M, is diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure and is on hemodialysis treatment,
3x/week. He mentioned that he wants to stop the series of his dialysis sessions due to
financial constraints. He also mentioned that he already feels tired and helpless, knowing
that he can no longer return to work due to his condition. As his nurse, which is the most
appropriate response to his decision?
a. “I will inform your doctor regarding this since he will be the one to decide if your
treatment should continue or not.”
b. “You must finish your treatment sessions, or else you will die.”
c. “I respect your decision and I’d be willing to provide other comfort measures.”
d. “Excuse me, but I have other patients to attend to.”
Maggie, 72/F, is admitted in the medical-surgical wing due to Upper GI bleed.
She has NG-tube in place, however, for the third time, you were informed that
she pulled it out again. Your co-nurse offered to help restrain Maggie so that
you can reinsert the tube. Which of the following duties reflect the action in
this situation?
a.Duty of Justice c. Duty of Gratitude
b.Duty of Beneficence d. Duty of Non-Maleficence
In relation to the previous scenario, what is the initial step that should be done
by the nurse prior re-inserting the NG-tube?
a.Obtain an order for a restraint.
b.Determine the client’s capacity for making health care decisions.
c. Consider that Maggie doesn’t want the NG-tube and document in her
chart that she refused the treatment.
d.Leave a note for the evening shift to contact Maggie’s physician before
the next round of medication is due.
It ensures that patients have the right to make decisions about their
own health.
c.Code of Ethics
Dorothy is a community health nurse conducting a home visit in Robert’s apartment. His home is
contaminated with animal feces and there is no food in the kitchen. He looks disheveled and admits
that he is having visual and auditory hallucinations. Robert assures Dorothy that he is getting better,
and says he does not want her to inform his physician regarding his current condition. Dorothy
explains the importance of sharing health information with his physician but Robert tells her, “I know
you are not allowed to share the information if I tell you not to.” Which of the following should be
Dorothy’s best response?
a. “I will not tell your physician about it. This will be a secret between us.”
b. “I understand that you have your rights to privacy and confidentiality but your condition will
be more addressed if we provide updates to your physician.”
c. “I will call your physician right away and tell him that you are not getting better.”
d. “Who told you that I am not allowed to share this information?”
Nurse Abby explains to her client, Teresa, the benefits of taking her prescribed
medication on time. Teresa understands the benefits as well as the risks of the
medication and refuses to take it. She says that the side effects of the medication
outweigh the benefits. Which of the following should be Abby’s initial step to resolve
the situation?
a. Speak with Teresa’s physician regarding the situation.
b.Document Teresa’s refusal to take the medication.
c. Make a note in Teresa’s chart to inform the staff on the next shift.
d.Explain to Teresa that this measure could prolong her hospital stay and that she
needs to take the medication.
These are actions that are proper to humans, thus the crucial
element of willful consent and knowledge of the action must be
a.Human Act
b.Acts of Man
Nurse April is a staff at the Newborn Unit. On a particular shift, two of the regularly assigned
staff members are on sick leave and there are no other staff available for assistance. She is
with a charge nurse and no other bedside nurse. Which of the following should Nurse April
a. Bring the infants out to their mothers to take care of them, as this is mandated by the
law anyway.
b. Provide quality nursing care only to those patients regularly assigned to her.
c. Coordinate with the charge nurse and prioritize patient care so that all patients
receive reasonably safe and quality care.
d. Refuse the nursing assignment because the increased number of patients makes it
unsafe not just to the patients but to the nurses as well.
Mr. Ventura is in the final stage of lung cancer. He tells Nurse Judy, “I wish I could just
be allowed to die. I am tired of fighting this illness. I have lived a good life. I continue
my chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment only because my family wants me to.”
Nurse Judy’s best response would be:
a. “Would you like to talk to a psychologist about your thoughts and feelings?”
b.“Would you like to talk to your minister about the significance of death?”
c. “Would you like to meet with your family and your physician about this
d.“I know you are tired of fighting this illness, but death will come in due time.”
Mr. Jones, 90/M, with prostate cancer and multiple metastases, is in respiratory
distress and is admitted to a medical unit from a nursing home. His advanced
directive states that he doesn’t want to be placed on a ventilator or receive
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Based on the patient’s advanced directives,
which of the following nursing interventions should the nursing care plan include?
a. Check the status of Mr. Jones once per shift.
b.Provide mouth and skin care only if his family requests it.
c. Turn the patient only if he is uncomfortable.
d.Provide emotional support and pain relief.
Mr. Rajiv Mufasa is a 50y/o Hindu with a severe necrotizing ulcer of the lower
left leg. He refuses to undergo surgery because of religious beliefs regarding
reincarnation. The physician wants to schedule a below the knee amputation
(BKA) of the left leg. What is the role of the nurse in this situation?
a.Encourage the patient to have surgery.
b.Discuss the religious beliefs with the physician.
c. Call a family meeting.
d.Inform the patient of other options available.
Nurse Cynthia is morally opposed to abortion at any time during pregnancy. Which
statement best describes the nurse’s responsibility related to this belief?
a. The nurse must make this position known before being employed at an agency that
provides abortion.
b. The nurse may decline to participate in abortions, but must care for women after the
c. The nurse cannot accept employment in any agency where abortion may be induced.
d. The nurse must provide care only to women who are no longer at childbearing age.
Shortly after arriving for the evening shift, the triage nurse evaluates several patients who have
come into the Emergency Department. Which of the following patients should receive the highest
a. Jeff, a basketball player, limping and complaining of pain and swelling on his right ankle.
b. Martin, a middle-aged man, diaphoretic and complaining of severe chest pain radiating to his
c. Cindy, with her 7y/o son, who has been complaining of nausea and has vomited once since
this afternoon.
d. Patring, an elderly who is complaining of a loss of appetite and fatigue for the past week.
Nurse William is caring for Patient Rico who is diagnosed with Hepatitis B. The patient calls
him and says, “Come here, there is something I want to tell you but you have to keep it a
secret.” The most appropriate response of Nurse William would be:
a. “Sure, you can tell me. Our code of ethics prevents me from telling it to anyone.”
b. “Why not, you can tell me anything, you know.”
c. “I am responsible for the health of other people as well. I am sorry but I cannot keep
anyone’s secrets.”
d. “I will not tell anyone who does not need to know. But if it is important to your health
or to someone else’s health, I may have to tell another person.”
Nurse Jayson is a nurse manager in a tertiary medical center. Caring for patients with
non-medical problems, he calls for the service of a social worker in order to address
some of these problems of some patients. Which of the following patients in his list
requires assistance first?
a. Gertrudes Salvacion, 60/F, post-stroke and currently lives alone.
b.Danilo Martinez, 54/M, with a history of Myocardial Infarction (MI), in a midst
of divorce.
c. Artemio Romero, 72/M, with heart failure, no insurance coverage.
d.Mayumi Yamzon, 29/F, newly diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus who lives with
her parents.
This context evolved into a discipline all on its own as a result of life and death
dilemmas faced by healthcare practitioners.
c. Human Acts
d.Acts of Man
These are principles that govern the behavior of a person or group in
a business environment.
a.Health Ethics c. Professional Ethics
b.Nursing Ethics d. Bioethics
Which of the following is not included in the code of ethics for nurses?
a. The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity,
worth and uniqueness of every human being.
b.The nurse has the responsibility to carry out all doctor’s orders and maintain
smooth relationship with the physicians and other members of the healthcare
c. The nurse has the authority, accountability and responsibility for the nursing
d.The nurse collaborates with other healthcare professionals to promote health
diplomacy and reduce health disparities.
Nurse Kat receives an order from Dr. Velasco to give her patient, Mr. Samuel Cruz, two
tablets of ciprofloxacin (Ciprobay) for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Nurse Kat knows that Mr.
Cruz has no UTI and that the drug should be given to another patient who has UTI. Which of
the following should Nurse Kat do?
a. Give the drug because it is the order of the physician.
b. Give the drug to the patient with UTI.
c. Call the attending physician and clarify the order.
d. Write a report and submit it to the hospital management.
Dr. Perez ordered a medication to be given intramuscularly on the left deltoid of Patient
Tamara. Nurse Percy knows that the patient is post MRM, left. Which of the following should
he do?
a. Give the medication on the right deltoid.
b. Give the medication on the right deltoid and document it on the patient’s chart.
c. Follow the order, since this is not contraindicated.
d. Inform Dr. Perez that the patient is post-MRM on the left and clarify the order.
Ashley, 10/F, is scheduled for tonsillectomy at 0700H. Nurse Gian is the OR nurse who will
bring Ashley in the Operating Room. Ashley asks Gian if she can pray first before leaving the
room. Which of the following is the appropriate response of Nurse Gian?
a. “I’m sorry, Ashley, but we might be late for your surgery. We are strictly following the
b. “It’s alright. Do you want me to stay here and pray with you or shall I go out for a
c. “Just pray by yourself on our way to the OR.”
d. “You should have prayed earlier. There are a lot of patients scheduled for operation
Nurse Minnie upholds the duty of justice at all times. Which of the following
situations precept Nurse Minnie in doing this?
a.Uphold universal access to healthcare and healthcare facilities.
b.Collaborates efficiently with the members of the health care team.
c. Defend for the patient’s rights.
d.Do no harm to the patient.
Bae Suzy is a Korean client admitted to the post-partum unit following the delivery of
a 9-lb infant. She speaks English fluently and although she does not refuse to shower,
the nurse noticed that she stands in the shower but does not allow the water to
touch her. Which of the following should be the next action by the nurse?
a. Ask the client why she refuses to shower.
b.Call the doctor and report the client’s behavior.
c. Tell the client that she will open the water heater in order for the client to
d.Turn the shower towards the client so that the water can spray her.
Patient Via has been assigned to Nurse Jo for one week now. She reveals to Nurse Jo
that she is planning to commit suicide and asked him to keep this as a secret. Which
of the following is can guide Nurse Jo in response to the patient’s statement?
a. Information may be revealed with the permission of the patient.
b.It is improper to reveal this type of information because it will destroy the trust
which is important in any nurse-patient relationship.
c. Confidentiality should never be violated at all times.
d.Confidential information may be revealed if serious harm is deemed to happen.
Nurse Giselle is caring for a woman who is pregnant and is terminally-ill with
inoperable cancer. The woman has not been informed about her status by the
physician. She states, “I know I am terribly sick. I think you know what it is. I want
you to tell me right now.” Which of the following should Nurse Giselle do?
a. Give a detailed explanation on the disease of the patient since it is her right to
b.Deny knowledge about the patient’s condition and do not give any further
c. Make the patient’s chart available to her because she is entitled to see it.
d.Discuss the situation with the physician.
Leslie, 27/F, is diagnosed with Lower GI bleeding. She is a Jehovah’s Witness. The
physician ordered 2 units of PRBC to be administered over 2 hours each. Upon
knowing this, Leslie strongly refused and tells Nurse Kim that she will not have it.
Which of the following is the most appropriate response of Nurse Kim?
a. “The physician’s order overrides your decision. We are still going to do this.”
b.“Are you crazy? You will die if you will not have this.”
c. “I understand your concern. I will inform your physician about this.”
d.“I will no longer be your nurse for the next shift, so I will endorse your case to
my colleague.”
Patient B is admitted to the medical unit with a diagnosis of Hepatitis B. hospitals are
mandated by accrediting bodies to demonstrate respect for the patient’s privacy and
confidentiality. Which of the following is considered a violation to patient confidentiality?
a. Keeping the medical records in the view and care of healthcare providers directly
involved with the patient.
b. Placing assign on the patient’s door stating “Isolation for Hepatitis B” for others’
c. The nurse ensures that the patient’s chart is secure at the rack in the nurse’s station.
d. Providing a copy of hospital policies and procedures to the patients, that address
patient confidentiality at each unit.
Nurse Suzy was informed by her pregnant patient that her live-in partner (the father of the infant) has hit her
in the past. She also mentioned that her partner is short-tempered and that she is worried about what might
happen if the newborn baby has colic, which could lead to her partner getting upset. She begs to Nurse Suzy
not to report the occurrence because she is afraid that he will beat her. Nurse Suzy should:
a. Record the incident in the nurse’s notes but do not report for she did not actually witness the beating
and she should keep a promise to gain the trust of the patient.
b. Record the incident in the nurse’s notes but do not report for she will place the mother and the infant
in greater risk of harm.
c. Record the incident in the nurse’s notes and report it as reasonable suspicion of child and woman
d. Divert the mother’s attention and teach her regarding breastfeeding and post-partum care techniques.
Nurse Warren works with a colleague who consistently fails to use standard precautions or wear
gloves when caring for patients. He called the attention of his colleague but the latter insisted that
standard precautions and the use of gloves are not necessary until the patient is known to have
tested positive for HIV. What is the most appropriate action that Nurse Warren should take?
a. Instruct the patients to remind this particular nurse to wear gloves.
b. Document the problem in writing and submit it to the unit manager.
c. Discuss the issue with other staff members.
d. Ignore the problem, since he already did his job in reminding his colleague.
Nurse Paulo suspects that Nurse Gilbert has been drinking alcohol before their night
shift. He smells alcohol on Gilbert’s breath and notes slurring of speech. What is the
best course of action that Nurse Paulo should take?
a. Immediately notify the nursing supervisor.
b.Cover up for Nurse Gilbert because the profession depends on loyalty from
c. Tell Nurse Gilbert that he has one last chance, but if he drinks before another
shift, he will be reported.
d.Call the security and have Nurse Gilbert arrested because he endangers the
lives of the patients.
Patient G has brain cancer with poor prognosis. He has been admitted in the hospital
for over two months now and his condition is deteriorating. He already meets the
brain-dead criteria. Which nursing intervention shows the advocacy role of the
a. Make the decision to withdraw life support.
b.Sedate the client.
c. Approach the patient’s family for possible organ donation.
d.Talk to the staff about their feelings.
MJ, 20/F, is scheduled for exploratory laparotomy tomorrow at 0900H. During the morning of her
surgery, which of the following should the nurse advocate do?
1.Assess the patient’s readiness for the surgery.
2.Provide pre-operative teachings.
3.Obtain and accomplish the pre-operative checklist.
4.Ask the patient to sign the consent.
a. 1, 2, 3
b. 2, 3, 4
c. 1, 3, 4
d. All of the items mentioned
As a nurse having the knowledge regarding the patient’s bill of rights, which of the
following statements do not depict the patient’s right to make decisions about the
plan of his/her care?
a. “Your family will be here anytime soon.”
b.“I will give you time to decide.”
c. “Your only option is to have the surgery.”
d.“You may have a follow-up in our out-patient unit.”
Nurse Queen is making assignments for the day. Which among the following clients
should assigned to Nurse Ayla who is pregnant?
a. Patient A, receiving radium linear accelerator radiation therapy for cancer.
b.Patient B, with a radium implant for vaginal cancer.
c. Patient C, who has just been administered radioactive isotopes for cancer.
d.Patient D, who returned from placement of iridium seeds for prostate cancer.
Nurse Zia is planning room assignments for the day. Which patient should be
assigned to the only private room?
a. Patient A with Cushing’s Disease c. Patient C with acromegaly
b.Patient B with diabetes d. Patient D with myxedema
This duty is binding or obligatory, and is commonly based on the first
a.Duty of Respondeat Superior c. Duty of Force Majeure
b.Duty of Prima Facie d. Duty of Justice
Privacy and confidentiality of all client information is legally protected. In which of
the following situations would the nurse make an exception to this practice?
a. When a visitor insists that he has been given permission by the client.
b.When the client threatens self-harm and harm to others.
c. When a family member offers information about their loved one.
d.When the nurse decides that the family has the right to know the client’s
The nurse returns to the client’s room in exactly four hours to administer the next
dose of pain medication as promised. Which of the following ethical duties is best
demonstrated by the nurse?
a. Justice
c. Beneficence
Which of the following is the best example of an ethical dilemma faced by the nurse?
a. Deciding whether or not to ask another nurse to care for a very complex
b.Deciding whether or not to tell a client about the client’s diagnosis.
c. Deciding the order in which staff members should take their breaks.
d.Deciding whether or not to place a client in a private room.
The children of a patient who is in a persistent vegetative state and dependent on a
ventilator want the ventilator removed because the patient's condition is causing them
great distress. Which course of action could best be supported by Kantian ethics?
a. It is not permissible to remove the ventilator only to benefit the patient's children.
b. It is not permissible to remove the ventilator for the purpose of respecting patient
c. It is permissible to remove the ventilator if it can be used to treat more worthy
d. It is permissible to remove the ventilator if the patient's children will greatly benefit
from it.
It is important to consider the cultural and religious beliefs of patients in providing
healthcare. Which of the following rationalizes the inclusion of culturally required food in
the diets of patients from cultures other than the dominant ones?
a. To prevent the patient from becoming agitated.
b. To prevent malnutrition.
c. To convey acceptance of the patient’s belief and identity.
d. To ensure the patient’s cooperation with scientifically based treatments.
Max, 21/M, is admitted to the psychiatric unit because of severe depression. He is employed
in a call center as a sales agent and a few days after his admission, his employer called the
station inquiring about the patient’s progress. The best response of the nurse would be:
a. “I’m sorry, he is not here. I will just tell him to call you back.”
b. “I’m sorry, I cannot confirm whether your employee is a patient here.”
c. “I’m sorry, I am not in the position to discuss his progress.”
d. “I will provide the number of his attending physician so you can call him.”
Ms. Sy wishes to be discharged from the healthcare facility against medical advice. As
a nurse, you are aware that the following intervention would be necessary:
a. Inform the security to help detain Ms. Sy.
b.Notify the physician of Ms. Sy.
c. Take measures to prevent Ms. Sy from leaving.
d.Request Ms. Sy to sign the DAMA form.
Nurse Rachel works in the pediatric unit of a tertiary hospital. When she went back
to the nurses’ station, she heard two family members arguing in a child’s room. They
start to hit each other and the child is crying. As a nurse advocate, which of the
following should Nurse Rachel do?
a. Call the security to come and intervene.
b.Remove the child from the room.
c. Ask the family members to calm down.
d.Try to reason with both family members.
Alicia is a nurse newly assigned in the Operating and Delivery Room Complex. She is
aware that sterility should be maintained in the area at all times. Hence, she
consistently and religiously practices surgical hand washing and aseptic technique in
all procedures that she handles. Alicia is exhibiting which of the following?
a. Beneficence
c. Justice
It is emphasized that cautiousness during medication administration is important to
avoid errors which could result to adverse reactions of the medications. Lack of
cautiousness in drug administration violates which of the following principles?
a. “I will be faithful to my patient’s care.”
b.“I will be honest in my patient care.”
c. “I will do good to the patient.”
d.“I will avoid anything harmful to the patient.”
Patient X, who was rushed in the Emergency Room two hours ago is now declared
brain dead. Nurse Ran has been with the patient since admission. Now, she must talk
to the family about organ donation. Which of the following interventions would be
most appropriate?
a. Take the family to the prayer room.
b.Discuss life support systems.
c. Include as many family members as possible when discussing organ donation.
d.Clarify the family’s understanding and perception about brain death.
You witnessed a nursing assistant being abusive to a client with Alzheimer’s Disease.
You are aware that the nursing assistant can be charged with which of the following?
a. Negligence
c. Assault
Elsa is a registered nurse assigned in the cardiac unit. She faces an ethical dilemma when her
supervisor asks her to have her shift at the OB-GYN unit because the area is understaffed and there
are few patients in the cardiac unit that day. Elsa was anxious because she has never worked in the
OB-GYN unit before. What are the first action that she should take in this situation?
a. Accept the assignment as she has a commitment to her colleagues and practice environment.
b. Speak with the supervisor, clearly stating concerns and identifying conflicting obligations.
c. Refuse the assignment as she does not feel competent to provide care in the assigned setting.
d. Speak with the supervisor to discuss how the facility could handle staffing issues in the future.
Which assignment is outside the responsibility of a nurse assistant?
a. Starting a blood transfusion c. Assessing the intake and output
b.Monitoring vital signs d. Obtaining a sputum specimen
As your patient Mr. B starts to leave his room, you reminded him to use his walker. He responds by saying, “I don’t like
using that thing.” He complains as he goes back to retrieve it and uses it to walk down the hall. But later that day, you
noticed him walking unsteadily in the hall without the walker. At one point, he starts to lose his balance and your quick
response to steady averts a fall. When you asked a colleague if you need to complete an incident report about his near-fall,
the colleague replied, “No, because he didn’t actually fall, so we don’t have to report it. Incident reports look bad on your
records and maybe people will think you are careless. After all, it was up to you to make sure he was using his walker.”
What is your ethical responsibility at this point?
a. Follow the colleague’s advice by not mentioning the event, but watch him more closely throughout the day and
mention it to the next shift in your afternoon report.
b. Ignore the colleague’s advice and report the near-miss at the unit’s interprofessional safety meetings to be held
the next day.
c. Follow the colleague’s advice but document the incident in the patient’s chart.
d. Ignore the colleague’s advice and consult the nurse-in-charge to clarify what procedures your facility has for
documenting near-misses.
Which of the following statement is false?
a. Consent taking is necessary in a teaching hospital.
b.Information given to patients during consent taking must include the benefits
and risks of the intervention.
c. A living will is valid in bioethics.
d.Information given to patients during consent taking is only about the risks of
the intervention.
Which of the following principles is not relevant in autonomy?
a. Self-determination
c. Confidentiality
Nurses agree to be advocates for their clients. The practice for advocacy calls for the
nurse to:
a. Assess the client’s point of view and assist in the client’s decision-making.
b.Work to understand the law as it applies to the client’s clinical condition.
c. Document all clinical changes in the medical record in a timely manner.
d.Seek out the nursing supervisor in conflicting situations.
Which of the following statement is correct?
a. Advanced decision can only be made by someone with capacity.
b.If a mentally-ill patient went agitated and the physician is not around, the
patient may be restrained by virtue of totality.
c. In testifying before a court, legal authorities have the right to force any person
to answer a question regardless of incrimination.
d.Euthanasia is the direct killing of people who may not have committed any
crime deserving of death, and is considered legal in most countries in Asia.
The core principles of bioethics are the following, EXCEPT:
a. Autonomy
c. Justice
Patient Henry is to be discharged soon but is still not knowledgeable on how to use
his cane. What underlying principle in bioethics should guide the nurse in doing his
a. Responsibility
c. Accountability
The following entails the best practices in bioethics, EXCEPT:
a. Acceptance of the fact that patient can change his/her mind regarding a
therapeutic intervention.
b.Non-consent in mentally fit but very sick patient.
c. Counseling before seeking consent.
d.Valid consent is a continuous process.
Patient Edwin was diagnosed with terminal cancer. His family asked his physician to
explain to him his illness on their behalf. What principle guides this situation?
a. Autonomy
c. Beneficence
Which of the following is inappropriate in implementing the validity of a consent?
a. It is given by a patient with the capacity to make decisions.
b.It comes with caution that patients cannot change their mind once given.
c. It is given in background of sufficient counseling.
d.It is done without pressure and coercion.
Which of the following is considered to be least important in bioethics?
a. Health professional bodies and regulations
b.National Laws
c. Ethical Theories
d.Personal preference of healthcare provider exclusive of the patient’s
The following are components that support doctor-assisted suicide as an ethical
decision, EXCEPT:
a. The patient gives conscious consent.
b.The patient cannot give conscious consent.
c. The procedure is done by a medical professional.
d.The procedure is quick and painless as possible.
The Emergency Room is flooded with patients injured in an earthquake incident. Which of
the following clients can be assigned to share a room in the ER during the disaster?
a. Juan, a schizophrenic client having visual and auditory hallucinations and Roy, a client
with ulcerative colitis.
b. Lia, six months pregnant with abdominal pain and Eula, with facial lacerations and
broken arm.
c. Bree, a child whose pupils are fixed and dilated and his parents; and Ola, a client with
frontal head injury.
d. Ulysses, who arrives with a large puncture wound to the abdomen, and Oscar, a client
with chest pain.
Informed consent is an agreement that allows a certain procedure to push through.
Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Sisa, 38/F, is being given all the relevant information regarding her
b.Pepito, 18/M, refuses treatment and is allowed to sign his waiver in the
absence of his parents.
c. Neneng, 29/F, mother of Baby Timmy, signed the consent form for his blood
d.All of the above.
Who among the following individuals cannot make a will?
a. Nina, 19/F, diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
b.Ricky, 42/M, married and has prostate cancer
c. Gina, 28/F, married and is suffering from post-partum psychosis
d.Jose, 16/M, diagnosed with Acute Renal Failure
Danny, 55/M, is a physician in the same institution where Nurse Ali works. The
patient was treated in the ER due to dizziness and severe headache. The ER physician
prescribed medications and discharged him with instructions to follow-up with his
family physician. Nurse Ali assumed that the ER physician explained the medication
and the patient understood how and why to take it. What ethical principle did Nurse
Ali violate in this situation?
a. Veracity
c. Justice
Patient A, 50/M, is refusing in his plan of care. Nurse Bonnie is aware that the
patient’s refusal will negatively affect his health outcome. Which of the following
interventions should Nurse Bonnie consider?
a. The patient’s unhealthy life practices require further allocation of resources.
b.The nurse has the right to refuse to continue care.
c. The provision of nursing care must remain non-judgmental.
d.The patient requires more teaching to accept the plan of care.
The ER team decides that the most critically ill patient will be treated first.
Which of the following ethical principles is illustrated by the decision-making
process in this case?
c. Beneficence
Which of the following actions indicate correct application of legal and ethical
responsibilities related to advanced directives?
a. An advance care directive indicating a patient’s wishes needs to be in writing to be
considered legal.
b. A nurse’s role includes informing other health team members of the presence and
content of advanced directives.
c. Once an individual has assigned a substitute decision-maker, a nurse does not need to
involve the patient in ongoing decisions about their care.
d. Once a capable patient provides an advance care directive indicating their wishes,
they cannot change their mind.
Nurse Rica upholds the profession’s code of ethics, practices within the
established scope of practice, and take steps to remain competent. Which
ethical principles is she implementing?
Patient Ellen expresses a wish to die at home and some members of the health care team have
pressured the nurse to talk to the family into taking the patient home so her wish can be realized.
The family has told the nurse privately that the presence of the patient at home will create
intolerable stress for them. Additionally, the nurse knows that community-centered palliative care
services are in very short supply in their community, so there would be few resources to support the
family at home. What actions should the nurse prioritize in this situation?
a. Advocate for additional community resources so the family can access the resources they
b. Encourage the family to accept the patient home since the wishes of a patient should take
c. Suggest a family meeting and invite the facility’s clinical ethicist to help facilitate it.
d. Explain to the patient that the family have explained they would not be able to cope.
A patient with an advanced stage of cancer struggles to make a choice between opting for
another round of chemotherapy and palliative care. What nursing action would be the best
place to start this conversation?
a. Explain the team’s rationale for the proposed treatment plan.
b. Help the patient articulate their values and what is important to them.
c. Provide text materials that explain the options clearly.
d. Provide the patient with privacy so they can think through the options.
A nurse who is transferring to a palliative care unit has taken time to explore their own
views on death and dying, identifying their values and feelings related to end of life issues.
As they begin to work in the unit, what practices would help this new nurse provide ethical
care to her patients?
a. Encourage patients and families to accept choices the health team feel would be best.
b. Avoid use of words like “death” and “dying” as these can be too harsh for individuals.
c. Explore areas of confusion patients and families might have about treatment options.
d. Offer sympathy as a means of comfort for grieving families.
Which statement best explains the role of the nurse when planning care for a
culturally and gender diverse population?
a. Include care that is culturally congruent with the staff as directed by policies of
the institution.
b.Focus only on the needs of the client, ignoring the nurse’s beliefs and practices.
c. Blend those values of both the nurse and the client which maximize client
d.Be aware of one’s own beliefs and values, providing care that focuses on the
client’s individual needs.
Cleaning a severely infected wound of a patient with diabetes in the ER, Nurse Alice learns
that the patient had come to the hospital two weeks earlier but had not stayed for
treatment. Having a transcultural perspective, it is expected for Nurse Alice to:
a. “Why did you wait so long to come? This wound would have had a much better
chance of healing if we’d seen it sooner.”
b. “What was it like the last time you came to the hospital?”
c. Provide teaching to help the patient learn that people with diabetes need to be
particularly careful about foot wounds.
d. Say nothing. It is good that the patient is here now and making him anxious would
affect his recovery.
Nurse Lisa performs pain assessment on a client and requests an order for
an analgesic as an intervention. Which of the following ethical principles
is being applied in this situation?
While you are hanging a dose of IV antibiotics for your newly admitted patient who does not speak Filipino and English,
the patient asks his daughter to ask you about its side effects. The daughter adds that her father did not take the
previously prescribed oral medication because it gave him severe gastric distress. Entering the nursing station afterwards,
you confirmed with your team leader that the medication for this patient has arrived from the pharmacy and you already
started the first dose. Your team leader sighs and states, “Good, I am so frustrated dealing with those people who don’t
even know how to follow instructions and read the instructions on a pill bottle.” Which response from the nurse provides
the greatest likelihood that the colleague’s unethical behavior will be corrected?
a. “Actually, talking with the patient, I learned that he tried to take the previous medication but it gave him gastric
b. “Don’t be such a racist, that is really unfair.”
c. The nurse should report the team leader’s comments to the patient care manager as the comments are unethical.
d. The nurse should acknowledge that it is frustrating when patients do not comply with treatment regimens.
Mr. Kokak is suffering with severe cancer pain and is asking for a higher dose of pain
medication. The physician has written an order that would allow nursing discretion in
analgesia (PRN medication). But Nurse Oliver is reluctant to give the highest dose as he is
concerned that it may initiate serious side effects or the possibility to hasten the patient’s
death. What ethical principle is Nurse Oliver struggling to balance in this situation?
a. Beneficence VS Non-maleficence c. Beneficence VS Justice
b. Beneficence VS Epikia d. Promoting well-being VS Honoring dignity
The nurse promises a patient that she will return in five minutes to sit and
speak with him. What ethical principle does this situation illustrate?
Nurses make choices about allocating their time across their patient assignment on
the basis of patient need and level of care. Which of the following ethical principles is
illustrated by the decision-making process in this case?
a. Justice
c. Fidelity
Nurse Sheryl, a community health nurse, speaks with a post-op patient recovering at home after bilateral radical
mastectomy surgery necessitated by breast cancer. The surgeon has told the patient that they were able to remove 100%
of the tumor they could see during surgery, but her medical team recommends a course of chemotherapy to increase the
patient’s chance that the cancer will not return. The nurse learns that the patient is well-informed and understands the
medical impact of treatment options presented by the health care team, but worries if she will be able to cope with the
side effects of the treatment. The patient also worries what might happen if she chooses to have the treatment. She lives
alone and has no close family or friends she would like to involve in her decision-making. She then asks Nurse Sheryl,
“What do you think I should do?” Which response by Nurse Sheryl would be most helpful?
a. Answer the patient’s question and provide an honest opinion.
b. Advise the patient to ask her doctor which course of action is best.
c. Ask the patient to prioritize and value her lifestyle in relation to her treatment options.
d. Provide educational resources so the patient can learn more about the consequences of each potential action.
You are preparing to make rounds to your patients. Which client should be
seen first?
a.A 1y/o patient with hand, foot and mouth disease
b.A 69y/o with congestive heart failure
c. A 40y/o with resolving pancreatitis
d.A 56y/o with Cushing’s Disease
A 6.0 intensity earthquake has injured 50 people from the community.
You are the nurse responsible for the in-field triage. According to the
triage protocol, which client should be treated last?
a.The 30y/o with lacerations in the neck and face
b.The 70y/o with chest pain and shortness of breath
c.The 6y/o with fixed, dilated pupils who is nonresponsive
d.The 40y/o with tachypnea and tachycardia
Which nurse should be assigned to care for a client who has recently returned
from surgery following a coronary artery bypass graft?
a.The nurse with experience in surgery for 2 years
b.The nurse with oncology experience for 1 year
c. The nurse with experience in neonatal intensive care for 10 years
d.The nurse with emergency room experience for 5 years
The healthcare has outlined the nature of proposed plan of treatment and identified its
expected benefits, risks and side effects. The patient is cognitively able to understand the
options and implications of them and when asked if he has any question about it, his answer
is none. What legal requirement is missing from this process of obtaining an informed
a. Nobody asked the patient if identified goals of care confirmed with his own goals.
b. The implications of not following the treatment plan were not discussed.
c. The patient’s spouse was not invited to participate in the conversation about the
d. The healthcare team did not ask for the patient’s consent in writing.
While attempting to teach a patient how dietary management to avoid high blood sugar levels can help
prevent complications of his diabetes, the patient states, “Enough, I don’t want to hear anymore!” When the
nurse inquires why the patient feels this way, he states, “Everybody in my family has diabetes and I know that I
am going to end up like them. I’m going to be blind and I will keep on my injections throughout my life.” What
would be the nurse’s best response?
a. Ask for referral to a psychologist to evaluate the patient’s comprehension levels.
b. Continue to provide information to promote health, but divide the teaching into shorter lessons so it
would be easier for the patient.
c. Stop questioning the patient and leave him alone to think about what they have discussed so far, then
return to the conversation later.
d. Continue to provide care and share the patient’s comments with the interprofessional teams for
further discussions.
While Nurse Trisha is changing an indigenous patient’s dressing, the patient tells her that the elders
in his family would like to perform a smudging ceremony at his bedside in order to burn a mixture of
the herbs to promote healing. What would be the best response of Nurse Trisha?
a. Respectfully inform the patient that burning anything is against hospital regulations.
b. Listen carefully to the patient’s story, then continue with the dressing change.
c. Search for a chaplain and make a referral.
d. Explore what the ceremony involves and relay the information to the nurse manager.
Mr. Jones, an elderly patient who self-identifies as a gay person, becomes angry when a fellow
patient, Mr. Smith makes a homophobic gay “joke” in the dining room of their retirement facility.
How might the nurse respond to reduce the impact of discrimination?
a. Attempt to defuse the conflict by explaining that the other patient was just joking.
b. Avoid future conflict by re-arranging the dining room table assignment so the two patients do
not need to sit together and risk annoying each other in the future.
c. Ignore the conflict as it is extremely unlikely that Mr. Smith will change his views.
d. Empathize with Mr. Jones and explore his feelings further.
A nurse stopped at an accident scene and began to provide emergency
care for the victims. Her actions are best labeled ethically as:
A nurse who supports a patient and family’s need to make decisions that
is right for them is practicing which of the following ethical principles?
Gwen rides the elevator to the 5th floor where her husband is a patient. While
on the elevator, she hears two staff nurses talking about Marvin, her husband.
They were discussing the potential prognosis and whether he should be told of
it. The staff nurses are violating which of the following ethical principles?
c. Morality
You ask a colleague on your team for advice about a medication error you have made, telling
him that you misread the packaging on a medication and mistakenly gave a lower dosage of
pain medication to a patient earlier that day. The patient has not experienced any adverse
effects due to the lower dose and is unaware of the mistake. The colleague says, “Don’t
worry about it. If you had given too much medication, that would be different. But there is
no harm done in this case. The patient might get upset and it would look bad on your
record.” What should your first action be?
a. Accept your colleague’s advice and do not report the incident.
b. Tell the patient as they deserve to know the truth.
c. Tell the patient’s physician and discuss next steps.
d. Tell the patient’s family as you do not want to upset the patient.
You suspect a child who is being treated for a broken arm in your emergency department may have
been a target of abuse. The child is withdrawn and watchful, has unexplained bruises and his parent
reports the fracture is a result of the child’s clumsiness. What should you do, being a nurse
a. Document your observations and ask colleagues to be alert for additional signs of abuse.
b. Report the situation to the nurse manager and wait for the next decision to make.
c. Report the concern to the security office for further evaluation.
d. Report the situation to your colleagues and ask them to interrogate the parent for further
Martha, 22/F, wants to have an abortion and asks Nurse Patty if she can do it. Nurse Patty
refuses to do it but made further recommendations to a doctor who is able to perform it.
Which of the following moral principles shall apply in this situation?
a. No one is obliged to betray him/herself.
b. One who acts through an agent is himself responsible.
c. Principle relating to the origin and destruction of life.
d. The morality of cooperation.
Baby Bono is born with cleft palate. On his 6th month, his parents decided to consent for
cleft palate correction through surgery. As a nurse, you understand that the moral principle
applied in this situation is:
a. A little more or less does not change the substance of an act
b. The end does not justify the means.
c. Defects of nature may be corrected.
d. If one is willing to cooperate in the act, no injustice is done.
During an epidemic, immunization against communicable diseases is administered to people.
Although there may be some who may have slight reactions to the vaccine, the greater majority of
the population shall be considered rather than the isolated few. What moral principle is applied in
this situation?
a. No one is held to the impossible c. The greatest good for the greatest number
b. The principle of totality d. The morality of cooperation
When a nurse is faced with a situation which may have both good and bad effects, how
should she choose which one to follow?
a. The action must be morally good
b. The good effect must be willed and the bad effect may not be merely allowed
c. The good effect must be equal with the bad effect
d. All of the above
While Nurse Van was administering medications, he realizes that he had given
the wrong dose to the patient. He acts by completing an incident report and
notifying the client’s physician. Nurse Van is observing:
c. Responsibility
Nurse Paul, who works in a nursing home, loves photography and brings his
camera to work. He takes a picture of one of his co-workers while walking a
patient. Which of the following shall apply to Nurse Paul?
a.Violation to the patient’s right to privacy
b.Failure to obtain proper clearance
c. Performance of a negligent nursing act
d.No offense or harm is done
Dr. Javier ordered Nurse Joey to give a placebo medication to a patient
complaining of stomach pain. Which of the following is violated?
c.Double Effect
Any information obtained by the nurse should be treated with utmost confidentiality.
When can such information be revealed?
a. If the patient is ill with communicable disease and public safety may be
b.When the patient’s nephew requests from the attending physician.
c. The case is ordinary, the requesting person may just get it anytime.
d.The patient himself permits such revelation through a waiver but is unsigned.
The following contains a list included in the Patient’s Bill of Rights. Which statement
is correct?
a. The patient has the right to considerate and immediate care.
b.The patient has the right to have an advanced directive concerning power of
attorney for course decisions.
c. The patient has the right to review the records of themselves and their family
d.The patient has the right to obtain understandable information concerning
diagnosis and prognosis.
Nurse Sarah is taking care of a 50-year-old male patient diagnosed with
terminal cancer. She just finished administering the patient’s medications
however, the patient cannot seem to understand the explanation regarding his
medications. Nurse Sarah left the patient without saying anything. What
ethical principle was violated?
c. Advocacy
Patient Mike is a bank executive who underwent surgery that affected his sexual drive.
During the interview, he expresses this concern to Nurse Leo who is assigned for his care. In
planning, the most appropriate nursing intervention would be:
a. Suggest referral to a sex counselor or to an appropriate professional.
b. Provide support for the spouse or significant other.
c. Encourage the patient to ask questions to further explore about his apprehensions.
d. Provide time for privacy as the patient needs to examine his thoughts.
Jena is a diagnosed HIV+ patient and she is not informed about her condition yet. When
Nurse Jessica is doing her morning care, she told her, “I know that the results of my tests
already came out and I know that you are aware of it, too. Which of the tests turned
positive?” Which of the following is the most appropriate response of Nurse Jessica?
a. Deny about the patient’s test results and do not give any information.
b. Make the patient’s chart available to her because after all, she is entitled to see it.
c. Discuss the situation with the physician.
d. Give a detailed explanation on the patient’s status since she deserves to know the
Nurse Joy strictly adheres to the use of standard precautions through proper donning of gloves. She
believes that it is necessary for the protection of herself and her patients. She has a colleague who
consistently fails to use standard precautions or wear gloves when caring for patients. She calls the
attention of her colleague but the colleague insisted that standard precautions and the use of gloves
are not necessary until the patient is known to have any contagious disease. What is the most
appropriate action should Nurse Joy perform?
a. Discuss the issue with other staff members.
b. Document the problem in writing for the nurse supervisor to know.
c. Forget about it since she has done her part for her colleague.
d. Instruct the patients to remind this colleague to wear gloves.
Nurse Sonny is handling a 40y/o patient who refuses a procedure because of religious
beliefs. Which of the following is the most appropriate action to take?
a. Ignore the behavior and continue with the procedure.
b. Convince the patient that the procedure is for her own good.
c. Note that the patient refuses and inform the attending physician.
d. Put restraints on the patient because the procedure needs to be done.
When a nurse utilizes the belief that social justice is needed for quality health
care, which of the following statements supports this?
a.Proper communication between the patient, the nurse, and the members
of the health team.
b.Healthcare and healthcare facility are universally accessible regardless of
patient status.
c. Provide a good environment where the patient can hasten his recovery.
d.Competent, committed and compassionate care for the patient.
Which of the following statements does not show manipulation of the patient in
giving consent?
a. “Would you like me to leave you for a while so that you can think about it?”
b.“There are many people wanting your donor’s liver.”
c. “Do you want to see your daughter on her wedding day?”
d.“The child in your womb is a gift, so you should consider it a blessing.”
The duty to do good to others and maintain a balance between those items that may
cause harm and those that may cause good is called:
a. Fidelity
b. Veracity
c. Beneficence
d. Non-maleficence
Which of the following patients are capable of giving an informed consent?
1. Married, emancipated minor 3. Blind adult
2. A manic-depressive patient 4. 25y/o deaf and mute patient

a. 1, 2, 3
b.1, 2, 4
c. 1 only
d.None of the above
The following scenarios show the application of the principle of justice, except
one. Which is it?
a.Properly disclosing of information regarding the procedure and
maintaining anonymity of research subjects on abortion.
b.Providing accessible quality health care service for all patients.
c. Make available the health resources according to the needs regardless of
social status.
d.Proper allocation of healthcare resources and supplies to patients.
Mr. Elvis has not finished any formal education. Nurse Noemi provides clear,
complete and accurate information to the patient despite his ignorance. She
also supports the patient’s decisions regarding his care. Nurse Noemi is
implementing which of the following principles?
c. Competence
Four clients arrived in the emergency room for evaluation. Which client should
receive priority?
a.Ella, with burns on the chest and neck
b.Bean, with gastroenteritis
c. Klay, with migraine headache
d.Chris, with fracture tibia
A nursing assistant has reported to work late for the last three days. Which
action should be taken first?
a.Document the lateness in the employee’s record
b.Terminate the employee immediately
c. Discuss the problem with the employee
d.Confront the employee during the change of shift
Which task should be performed by the registered nurse?
a.Hanging a bag of total parenteral nutrition solution
b.Measuring the client’s weight prior hemodialysis procedure
c. Obtaining a urine specimen from a client with indwelling foley catheter
d.Administering a fleet enema
A client has just died from terminal pancreatic cancer. Which task is best
delegated to a nurse assistant?
a.Talking with the family about aftercare
b.Assisting with post-mortem care
c. Informing the doctor about the patient’s death
d.Completing the chart for funeral arrangements
Which task is best delegated to a nurse assistant?
a.Beginning an infusion of platelets
b.Turning the client in the ICU every 2 hours
c.Flushing a central venous catheter
d.Administering IV dexamethasone medication
According to section 15 of R.A. 9173, an examinee needs to reach at least
how many percent of the total general average to pass the exams?
The nurse observes the nursing assistant speaking harshly to an elderly client.
Which action is most appropriate?
a.Ask the nursing assistant to speak in a lower tone because he is disturbing
other clients
b.Report the nursing assistant to the charge nurse
c. Reassign the nursing assistant to a younger client
d.Call the nursing assistant aside to discuss the observation
The nurse realizes that the nursing assistant needs further teaching if she
a.The nursing assistant walks the post-operative client with leg pain
b.The nursing assistant bathes the client using soap and water
c. The nursing assistant changes the bed of the client in traction from top to
d.The nursing assistant feeds the client using disposable spoon and fork
During the morning report, the nurse is told that the post-operative client has
complained of unremitting pain during the night. Although she has been given
pain medication several times, there seems to be no change in the client’s
condition. Which action should the nurse take at this time?
a.Call the doctor and ask for a change in the client’s medication
b.Perform a head-to-toe assessment
c. Administer another dose of the client’s prescribed analgesic
d.Ask the client whether she is addicted to pain medications
The nurse observes a co-worker putting a contaminated dressing on the
client’s bedside table. Which action is most appropriate?
a.Remove the contaminated dressing and clean the surface of the bedside
table with a hypochlorite solution
b.Wait until after the co-worker finishes and then request housekeeping to
completely clean the room
c. Remove the contaminated dressing and place it in the client’s waste can
d.Ask the co-worker why he placed the contaminated dressing on the
client’s bedside table
The nurse is giving a report to a senior nursing student. Which would the nurse
instruct the student to report on a client diagnosed with hyperthyroidism?
b.Frontal headache
c. Insomnia
d.Subnormal temperature
Which of the following is an example of a primary source in a research study?
a.A published commentary on the findings of another study
b.A doctoral dissertation that critiques all research in the area of attention
deficit disorder
c. A textbook of medical-surgical nursing
d.A journal article about a study that used large, previously unpublished
databases generated by the United States census
What is the best source to use when conducting a Level 1 systematic meta-
analysis of the literature?
a.An electronic database
b.Doctoral dissertations
c. The Cochrane Statistical Methods
d.An electronic database of Doctoral dissertations
What is a characteristic of an audio recording of an unpublished research study
reported at a professional conference?
a.Databased literature
b.Secondary sources
c. More difficult to analyze than written reports
d.Not useful because they are not published
What is the first step in the qualitative research process?
a.Data analysis
b.Literature review
d.Study design
Which mode of clinical application for qualitative research is considered
to be the sharing of qualitative findings with the patients?
a.Insight or empathy
b.Anticipatory guidance
c.Assessment of status or progress
Always Remember!


Good luck, FUTURE RNs!


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