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Artificial Intelligence Has a Racial and Gender Bias Problem | Time

I found this article to be thought-provoking, as because I may not be in the minority that faces
this problem, it was never something I had considered before. This article poses a significant
issue, primarily as AI use rapidly increases. We often believe machines are neutral, and although
they are not inherently racist or sexist, the people and organizations responsible for developing
and programming them must be inclusive to mitigate bias in the algorithm. AI is based on an
algorithm; therefore, the diversity of information put into it is what will come out. The solution
means including more women and other minorities as crucial leaders in positions to develop
technology. Doing so ensures that people who are not opposed and would not consider this
problem (such as myself) pay attention to it. We must spot and solve these problems to eliminate
discriminatory outcomes as we begin to see AI tools in everyday life.

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