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State of Israel - Ministry of Education
Pedagogical Secretariat - Language Department
English Language Education
Sources for the Lexical Bands
Source Description

Word Family Framework (WFF) The Word Family Framework (WFF), designed by Richard West, constitutes a searchable resource and
comprises over 22,000 vocabulary items arranged according to six levels aligned with the CEFR. It
shows how words within the same family are placed at different levels. Teachers can use the WFF to
plan courses, syllabi and lessons.

Accessed from:

English Vocabulary Profile (EVP) The English Vocabulary Profile (EVP) cpnstitutes a searchable resource and provides information
about which words (and which meanings of those words) and phrases are known and used by
learners at each level of the CEFR.

Demonstration accessed from:

Academic Word List (AWL) The Academic Word List (AWL), first developed in 1998 and reviewed in 2000, is a set of 570 high-
frequency words compiled from a corpus of 3.5 million running words in written academic texts.
Source: Coxhead, A. (2000). A new academic word list. TESOL Quarterly, 34 (2), 213-238.

Accessed from: data/assets/pdf_file/0020/1626131/Coxhead-2000.pdf

Academic Vocabulary List (AVL) The Academic Vocabulary List (AVL) is based on 120 million words of academic texts appearing in the
Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). The list was developed in 2013 by Gardner and

Accessed from:

Cambridge Dictionary The Cambridge dictionary, an online, corpus-informed dictionary served as a resource for items that
did not appear on the EVP or WFF.
Accessed from:
Academic Forumulas List (AFL) The Academic Formulas List includes fomulaic expressions most frequently appearing in academic
speech and writing.
Source: Simpson-Vlach, R. & Ellis, N.C. (2010). An academic formulas list: New methods in phraseology
research. Applied Linguistics 31 (4), 487-512.

n=noun; ns=nouns
PoS=part of speech
Prod=productive knowledge
Rec=receptive knowledge
v=verb; vs=verbs
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Pedagogical Secretariat - Language Department
English Language Education

Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro
1 member(s) d

a little bit Prod

a pity Rec
a shame Rec
a variety of sth/sb Rec
abroad adv Rec
accent n Rec
accept v receive something Rec
accident n Prod
accompany v Rec
according to Prod
ache n Rec
achieve v achievement n Prod
across adv, on the other side Prod
activity n event, work Prod
adequate adj Rec
adjective n Rec
adjust v adjustment n Rec
admire v Prod
admit v confess Prod
advantage n Prod
adventure n adventurous adj Prod
adverb n Rec
advertise v advertisement, n Prod
ad, advert
affect v influence Prod
affect v cause emotion Rec
afraid adj worried Prod
afterwards/afterwar adv Prod
aim v, n aimed at intend, purpose Prod
airport n Rec
album n Prod
alive adj living adj alive now Rec
all the best Rec
along prep beside, next to Prod
aloud adv Rec
alter v Rec
although conj Rec
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English Language Education

Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
amazing adj amaze v Prod
among prep in the middle Rec
amount n Prod
and conj after verb Rec
announce v announcement n Rec
anticipate v Rec
anymore adv Prod
anyway adv more importantly Prod
apartment n Rec
apology n apologize v Prod
appointment n Rec
approximately adv approximate adj Rec
Arab n Rec
area n space, region Rec
army n Rec
around adv, nearby Prod
around adv approximately Rec
arrival n Prod
article n report in journal Rec
as much / quickly / Prod
soon, etc. as possible
as soon as Prod
as you know Prod
ask v invite Rec
at prep point on a scale Rec
at first Rec
at present Prod
at the moment Rec
attention n Rec
Attention! exclam Rec
attitude n Rec
audience n Rec
author n Rec
available adj Prod
awake adj Rec
away adv two weeks/five
hours, etc.
back adj at or near back of Prod
backward/backwards adj, adv Rec
bad adj Prod
baker n Rec
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English Language Education

Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
balloon n Rec
bar n Rec
barbecue n Rec
baseball n Rec
basket n Rec
battery n Rec
battle n war Rec
be able to do sth Rec
be crazy Rec
about sb/sth
be located in / near / Rec
on / etc.
be made of Rec
be off Rec
be responsible for Rec
sb/sth/doing sth
be supposed to do Prod
be unable to do sth Rec
be used to Rec
sb/sth/doing sth
be willing (to do sth) Prod
be worth have a value Rec
be worth it involve a justified Rec
be wrong Rec
be aux v with present Rec
participle, passive
bear n Rec
beauty n Rec
Bedouin n Rec
bedtime n Rec
behave v Prod
behavior n Rec
belief n Rec
belong to sb Rec
below adv less than Rec
beside prep next to Rec
best wishes Rec
Bible n Rec
blanket n Rec
blond/blonde n, adj Rec
blood n Rec
blow v Rec
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English Language Education

Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
body n corpse Rec
boil v Rec
book v Rec
boot n Rec
border n Rec
borrow v Rec
boss n bossy adj Rec
bowl n Rec
boyfriend n Rec
brain n Rec
branch n tree part Rec
brave adj Rec
break n short rest, holiday Rec
break down Prod
bridge n Rec
bring back sth Rec
or bring sth back
broken adj Rec
burn v damage by far, cook Rec
too long
business n businessman n trading Rec
businesswoma n
but prep except Rec
by prep authorship Rec
by prep before a time Rec
by mistake Rec
by the way Rec
café n Prod
calendar n Rec
call v name Rec
call back (sb) or call Rec
(sb) back
calm adj sea/weather; person Rec
can n Rec
can afford Rec
cancer n Rec
candle n Rec
can't stand sb/sth Rec
can't wait Rec
cap n Rec
capital n main city Rec
card n Rec
care n attention Rec
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
care v love Rec
careless adj Rec
carrot n Rec
carry v hold Rec
carry on Prod
carry out Rec
case n situation Rec
case n container Prod
cash n note/coins Rec
castle n Rec
catch v illness Rec
catch fire Rec
Catholic n Rec
ceiling n Rec
celebrate v celebration n Rec
cent n Rec
centimeter n Rec
century n Rec
certain adj certainly adv sure Rec
champion n championship n Rec
chance n possibility Rec
change v clothes Prod
change n Prod
channel n radio/TV Prod
character n in a story Prod
charge v, n money Rec
chat v, n Rec
check v ,n Rec
check-in (desk) n Rec
chef n Rec
childhood n Rec
chip n Rec
choice n person/thing Rec
Christian n Rec
church n Prod
Circassian n Prod
circus n Rec
clap v Rec
clear adj clearly adv certain Rec
click v, n Prod
close adj closely adv friendly, relationship Rec
closing time Rec
coach n bus, railway carriage Rec
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
code n secret writing Rec
coin n Rec
cold n illness Rec
comb n,v Rec
combine v,n combination n Rec
come down Rec
comma n Rec
communication n communicate v share information Rec
compare v comparison n Prod
compete v Prod
complete adj completely adv total Prod
concert n Rec
confident adj ability Rec
Congratulations! exclam Rec
connection n connect v joining things, Prod
contact n, v Rec
contents n Prod
context n Rec
continue v continuous adj Rec
contract n Prod
control n, v Prod
convince v convinced adj Prod
cooking n Rec
copy n, v duplicate Rec
corn n Rec
correct v grade academic Rec
cotton n Rec
cough v, n Rec
could v past ability Rec
course n class Prod
cousin n Rec
crazy adj stupid Rec
cream n, adj Prod
create v creation n Rec
creative adj
credit n money Prod
crisp adj, n Prod
crossing n where people cross Rec
cry v, n Rec
culture n cultural adj society Rec
cupboard n Prod
curtain n Rec
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
cut up sth or cut sth Rec
daily adj, adv Rec
danger n dangerous adj Prod
date of birth Prod
deal n Rec
death n Rec
definitely adv Prod
degree n temperature Rec
delay n, v Rec
demand v, n Prod
dentist n Prod
department store n Rec
dependent adj Rec
description n Rec
desert n Rec
dessert n Prod
destroy v Prod
develop v development n grow, change Rec
diary n Rec
diary n Prod
dictation n Prod
differently adv Rec
difficulty n problem Prod
dig v Prod
digital adj Prod
diploma n Rec
direct v show the way Rec
directions n Rec
director n film/play Prod
dirt n dirty adj Rec
disappear v Prod
discount n Prod
discover v Prod
discuss v discussion n Rec
disease n Prod
dish n container Rec
distance n distant adj Rec
do aux v avoiding repetition Rec
doubt n Rec
drawer n Rec
dream n,v in sleep Rec
drive n journey Prod
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
drop v fall Rec
drum n Rec
Druze n Rec
duck n Rec
due adj Prod
duty n Prod
each other Rec
earn v Rec
earring n Prod
Earth n Prod
education n educational adj Rec
effect n Rec
election n Prod
electricity n Prod
elevator n Prod
email n Rec
emoji n Prod
employ v employee n Prod
employer n
ending n Prod
enemy n Rec
energy n physical strength Rec
energy n electricity, gas, etc. Prod
enter v entry n building, room Prod
entrance n
envelope n Rec
environment n environmental adj Prod
equipment n Rec
error n Prod
euro n Prod
even adv to emphasize Rec
something surprising
event n Rec
everyday adj Prod
exact adj Prod
examine v test Prod
excited adj exciting adj Rec
exercise n physical activity Prod
exit n Prod
expect v believe that Prod
something will
expensive adj Prod
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
experience n experienced adj skill/knowledge Prod
gained through
explanation n Prod
explore v Prod
express v feelings Prod
extremely adv Prod
face v turn towards Prod
factory n Rec
fair adj pale, light Prod
fair adj reasonable Rec
fairly adv in the right way Rec
fall n autumn Rec
fall down Rec
false adj not correct Rec
familiar adj Prod
fan n supporter Prod
fantastic adj Prod
fashion n Prod
fear n,v bad feeling Rec
feather n Rec
feel v feeling n emotion Rec
fight v,n use force Prod
fill in/out sth or fill Rec
sth in/out
fine adj weather Prod
fine adj well, healthy Rec
first of all Rec
fish v Rec
fishing n Prod
fit v be correct size Rec
fix v repair Rec
flag n Prod
flat adj level Prod
flight n Rec
flour n Prod
fog n foggy adj Rec
follow v obey Rec
for prep get, at a time, help Rec
for sale Rec
form n type Rec
forward adv Rec
frame n border Rec
free adj no cost Rec
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
free adj not busy Rec
freedom n Prod
fresh adj new, food, drink Rec
fresh adj fresh air etc. Prod
fresh air Rec
friendship n Rec
from prep comparing Rec
full stop Rec
fully adv in full Rec
fur n Prod
furniture n Prod
gain v get Prod
gap n time Rec
garbage n Rec
gas n for cooking Rec
gas/gasoline fuel Rec
gather v Rec
general adj generally adv common, usually Rec
geography n Prod
get back sth or get Rec
sth back
get married Rec
get to know sb/sth Rec
get together Rec
girlfriend n Rec
give back sth Rec
or give sth back
glove n Rec
go abroad Rec
go back Rec
god n Rec
gold n, adj metal Prod
gold n color Rec
golden adj Rec
good-looking Rec
government n Prod
grammar n Prod
great adj famous, important Rec
great adj greatly adv excellent Rec
grow up Rec
guard n Prod
guest n personal guest Rec
guest n in hotel Prod
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
guide n, v Prod
guy n Prod
gym n Rec
habit n Rec
hall n large room in Prod
hand sth out or hand Rec
out sth
handbag n Rec
hard adj solid Rec
hardly adv almost not Prod
hardly ever Prod
hate n Prod
have (got) to do sth Prod
have a question / Rec
idea / plan
have a talk / meeting Prod
have/have got Rec
head v lead Rec
head back / down / Prod
towards, etc
headache n Rec
health n physically strong and Rec
healthy adj good for one's Prod
hear from sb Prod
hearing n Prod
heart n emotion Rec
heart n shape Rec
heavily adv Prod
helpful adj Rec
hero n Rec
herself pron Prod
hide v Prod
high adj more than usual, Rec
highway n Prod
himself pron Prod
history n the past; an Rec
academic subject
hobby n Rec
honey n Rec
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
horrible adj Rec
housewife n Rec
How do you do? Rec
How/What about? Rec
however adv, nevertheless Rec
hug v, n Rec
human adj Rec
hundreds n Prod
hunger n Prod
hunting n Rec
hurry v, n Rec
hurt v cause physical pain Rec
idea n opinion, belief, Prod
identify v Prod
if conj might Rec
if conj whenever Prod
if you like Rec
ignore v Rec
ill adj Rec
I'm afraid … Prod
image n mental picture Rec
imagine v believe Rec
imagine v not real Prod
immediate adj Prod
importance n Rec
important adj powerful Rec
impossible adj Rec
improve v improvement n Prod
improved adj
in prep during Prod
in prep in a language Prod
in prep in a profession Prod
in prep in an age group Prod
in prep wearing Prod
in addition (to) Rec
in case of sth Prod
in front Rec
in love Rec
in the end Rec
in time Rec
in two/half Rec
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
included adj including pre Rec
increase v, n Rec
industry n industrial adj Rec
inform v Rec
information Prod
ingredient n Rec
inner adj location Rec
insect n Rec
inside n inner part Rec
instrument n Rec
insult n Rec
interest n attention, Rec
international adj Prod
interval n Prod
introduce v meeting people Prod
invent v invention n new design Rec
involve v Rec
Islam n Rec
it looks like/as if Rec
it/that depends Prod
item n thing
itself pron emphasis Prod
jail n Prod
jazz n Rec
Jew n Jewish adj Rec
jewelry n Rec
job n task Rec
join v connect Prod
joke n Prod
joy n Prod
Judaism n Rec
judge n, v court Rec
just adv only/simply Prod
just adv emphasis Prod
just a moment Prod
kick n Prod
kilogram n Rec
kilometer n Prod
kite n Rec
know v known adj recognize Rec
lack of sth Prod
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
lake n Rec
lamp n Rec
land n ground Rec
land v landing n arrive Rec
laptop n Prod
largely adv Rec
latest adj Prod
laugh at sb/sth Rec
law n legal rule Rec
lawyer n Prod
lead v show way Rec
leaf n Rec
leave v end relationship Prod
leave v not use all of Rec
leave out sb/sth or Prod
leave sb/sth out
left n side Prod
lemon n Rec
lemonade n Rec
lend v Rec
let sb know (sth) Prod
level n standard Rec
level n amount Prod
library n Prod
licence/license n Rec
lick v Prod
lift v Prod
lift n ride Prod
like prep such as Prod
limit v, n Prod
line n of people Rec
lion n Prod
liter n Prod
local adj locally adv Rec
locate v location n Rec
lock n, v Prod
long adj wordy
look around/round Prod
look like Prod
look nice/strange, Prod
Look out! Prod
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
look up sth or look Rec
sth up
lose v weight, job Prod
loud adj Prod
love n of somebody Prod
love n interest Rec
love / (with) love Rec
from / all my
love/lots of love
luck n chance, fortune Prod
luck n success Prod
lucky adj Prod
luggage n Prod
machine n Prod
magic n special power Rec
magic n entertainment Prod
mail n Prod
main adj Prod
mainly adv Prod
make a face Rec
make sure (that) Prod
manage v succeed Prod
map n Prod
marry v Prod
match n stick Prod
maximum n, adj Prod
measure v find size Rec
medal n Prod
medicine n substance Rec
medicine n treatment Rec
medium adj, n Prod
meet v introduce Rec
memory n event remembered Rec
midday n Rec
midnight n Prod
military adj Prod
mind n thinking Prod
minimum adj minimal adj Rec
mirror n Prod
miss v not see/hear Prod
modern adj Prod
moment n occasion Prod
Moslem/Muslim n Prod
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
mosque n Rec
most adj, det almost all Prod
mostly adv Prod
mouse n computer Prod
move v change of place Rec
move in/move out Prod
murder n, v Prod
muscle n Rec
musical adj Rec
musician n Prod
myself pron Prod
name v give name
nation n national adj Rec
nationality n Prod
natural adj Prod
near adj, adv distance Prod
nearby adv, adj Prod
necessary adj Rec
necklace n Prod
neither adv, det Prod
never mind Prod
normally adv Prod
note n personal jottings Rec
nothing pron Prod
notice v be aware Rec
noticeboard n Rec
noun n Rec
object n Prod
obvious adj obviously adv Rec
of prep show, comparing Prod
of course Prod
of course not Rec
off prep, away from, down or Prod
adv away from a place of
off prep,ad removed, distant Rec
offer v propose Prod
officer n police, military Rec
oh exclam Prod
old adj from the past Prod
on business Rec
on fire Rec
on foot Rec
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
on offer Prod
on time Rec
one pron particular person Prod
one another Rec
one day Rec
open v container/parcel etc Prod
open v, adj shop, doing business Rec
operate v operator n machine Prod
opinion n Prod
opportunity n Prod
option n optional adj Prod
or something (like Rec
order n arrangement Rec
ordinary adj Rec
organization n group Prod
organize v organizer n plan,arranging Prod
original adj first, not copied Rec
ourselves pron Prod
out of order Prod
over prep during a particular Rec
over prep more than, Prod
owe v Rec
p.m. Rec
package n Prod
pain n Prod
pajamas/pyjamas n Rec
palace n Rec
parcel n Rec
part of sth Rec
pass v go past something Rec
passenger n Rec
passport n Rec
path n track Prod
patient n Prod
pattern n Prod
peace n quiet, calm Prod
pear n Prod
pension n Prod
pepper n spice Rec
performance n entertainment Prod
period n length of time Rec
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
personal adj private Prod
petrol n Prod
physical adj physically adv Rec
physics n Prod
piano n Prod
pick up sb/sth or pick Rec
sb/sth up
piece n single thing Prod
pillow n Prod
play v compete Rec
playground n Prod
please v Prod
pleased adj Prod
pleasure n Prod
poem n Rec
point n Rec
point n purpose, reason Rec
polite adj Rec
poor adj inferior, bad Prod
popcorn n Rec
position n location, place Rec
possibility n Prod
post n, v postman n letters and parcels Prod
post office n
potential adj Prod
powerful adj having a strong Rec
effect on people
preparation n prepared adj Prod
press v Rec
prison n prisoner n Prod
private adj secret; not everyone Prod
produce v product n make, manufacture Rec
production n
professional adj job Rec
program n plan Rec
promise v, n Rec
property n things owned Rec
proposal n Rec
protect v protection n Rec
proud adj Prod
prove v Rec
public adj opposite of private Prod
puppy n Prod
pure adj not mixed; clean Prod
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
purple adj, n Rec
purpose n reason; function Prod
purse n Prod
push v press Prod
put off sb or put sb Rec
off (sb/sth doing sth)
put off sth/doing sth Rec
or put sth off
put on sth or put sth Rec
on (music/movie)
put on sth Prod
or put sth on (clothe
put sb up Prod
put sth (down) in Rec
put sth together or Rec
put together sth
put up sth or put sth Rec
puzzle n Prod
quality n, adj good or bad Prod
quantity n Red
question mark n Rec
quietly adv, n quiet Prod
quite adv Prod
race n sports competition Prod
range n group of different Rec
things of same
general type
rat n Rec
reach v arrive; attain Rec
reaction n bad effect Prod
read out sth or read Prod
sth out
real adj not false/fake Prod
realize v Prod
really adv fact Prod
really adv emphasizing Prod
reasonable adj quite good, Prod
acceptable, logical,
receive v Rec
recent adj recently adv Prod
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
recognize v find familiar Rec
record v, n recording n sounds, pictures Rec
reduce v Rec
refer to sb/sth Prod
relations n social connections Rec
religion n religious adj Prod
remain v remaining adj stay in place, state Rec
remove v Prod
repair v, n Rec
reply v, n Rec
resource n money, etc. Rec
EVP resource
responsible adj responsibility n have authority for Prod
rich adj containing a lot Prod
right away / now / Prod
ring v, n sound Rec
rock n hard substance Rec
rock n music Rec
role n actor's part in play, Prod
film etc.
roll v, n turn over; piece of Rec
film, paper or cloth
that is rolled in the
shape of a tube
round adv, circle/circular Rec
prep movement; to
several places
row n line Prod
safe adj not dangerous Rec
salty adj
sauce n Rec
sausage n Prod
save v collect for the future Prod
scarf n headscarf Prod
scientific adj scientist n Rec
scissors n Prod
scooter/electric n Rec
score v, n Rec
scream v, n Prod
season n Prod
secret n in secret Prod
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
secretary n Prod
seem happy / a nice Rec
person, etc.
select v selection n Rec
selfie n Prod
sense n sensation n natural ability; Prod
physical feeling
separate adj, separate v not joined; different Rec
serve v service n in restaurant, shop Rec
etc; dealing with a
set v put something Prod
somwhere, get ready
sex n gender Rec
shadow n Rec
shake hands Rec
shape n Prod
share n, v shared adj Prod
sheet n for bed; piece of Rec
shelf n Prod
ship n Prod
shoot v shot n weapon, gunfire Prod
shopping n shopping mall Rec
shout v, n Prod
shut adj closed Rec
shy adj Prod
side n team, argument etc Prod
sight n sense; view Prod
silence n, adj Rec
silly adj Rec
silver n, adj Rec
similar adj Prod
simple adj not ornate or Prod
single adj one, for one person Rec
sink n Rec
sir n Prod
sitting room Rec
situation n Prod
skate v skating n Prod
skateboard n
ski n, v skiing n Rec
sleep n sleepy adj Prod
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1 member(s) d
slice n, v Rec
slim adj Rec
smart adj Rec
smell n, v Prod
smoke v smoking n consume tobacco Prod
so adv to such an extent Prod
so far Prod
soccer n Prod
soft adj smooth and pleasant Rec
to the touch
soft drink Prod
software n Prod
soldier n Rec
somehow adv Prod
sort n type Rec
space n beyond Earth Rec
speech n ability to speak Rec
spot n place Prod
staff n Rec
stage n theater Rec
standard adj usual rather than Prod
star n, v performer Prod
state v statement n say, express Rec
stay v continue; live Rec
steam n Rec
step v walk Rec
stomach n Rec
stomach ache n Rec
stone n Prod
stop v prevent Rec
stop n pause during journey Prod
story n report in a
newspaper or on a
news broadcast of
somethat that has
straight adv straight away immediately Rec
strawberry n Rec
strength n strong Prod
strongly adv strongly very much or in a Prod
very serious way
study n room Prod
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1 member(s) d
style n fashion Prod
subject n area of study at Prod
succeed v Prod
such a(n) Prod
such as Rec
suggest v suggestion n idea, advice Rec
suit v be appropriate Prod
sunglasses n Prod
suppose v I suppose Rec
surely adv ensure v Prod
surprise v surprising adj Rec
surprisingly adv
swim n swimmer n Prod
swimming n
synagogue n Rec
take v go with someone; Prod
perform action
take a break/rest, Prod
take an exam Prod
take sb/sth seriously Rec
take sth back or take Rec
back sth
take sth out or take Rec
out sth
taste n, v Rec
teaching n Rec
team n Prod
tear n crying Rec
teaspoon n Rec
technology n technological adj Prod
teenager n teenage adj Prod
tell v tell a story, joke etc Prod
tell sb to do sth Prod
tend to do sth Rec
terrible adj terribly adv bad, unpleasant Rec
terrible adj terribly very great, severe; Prod
very much
text n words, not pictures; Prod
piece of writing
thanks n Rec
that det already mentioned Rec
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1 member(s) d
that pron defining relative Prod
that's all right Prod
the air Rec
the army Rec
the best Rec
the day after Prod
the day before Rec
the dishes Rec
the first Prod
the matter Rec
the most attractive / Rec
the same Prod
the young Rec
theater n Prod
their det to avoid his/hers Rec
themselves pron Prod
then adv so that, result Prod
therefore Rec
there's no doubt Prod
thick adj opposite of thin Prod
think of sth Rec
think v use brain Prod
though adv despite Prod
thought n Rec
threat n threaten v Prod
throat n Prod
thumb n Rec
thunder n thunderstorm n Prod
tidy up (sth) or tidy Rec
(sth) up
tie v Rec
tie n Rec
time n period; time Prod
available for
timetable n Rec
tin n food container Rec
tiny adj Rec
title n Prod
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1 member(s) d
to prep until; telling time Rec
toast n, v Prod
today n present time Prod
toe n toenail n Prod
together adv simultaneously; Prod
tongue n Prod
too bad Prod
toothache n Prod
toothpaste n Prod
top adj, adv best; most Rec
topic n Rec
total adj totally adv in sum, in all; very Prod
great, extreme or
touch v, n make physical Prod
contact; physical
sense; quick contact
tour n tour guide look around Prod
toward prep Prod
towel n Rec
tower n Prod
trade n, v commerce Prod
traffic n traffic lights Prod
train v training n sport, teach, learn Rec
trainer n
tram n tram Prod
traveler n travel n Rec
treat v deal with; behave Prod
trouble n problem, difficulty Prod
trousers n Rec
truck n Prod
trust n, v Prod
try v test, taste etc. to Prod
discover if it works
or if you like it
try on sth or try sth Prod
try/do one's best Rec
tune n Prod
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1 member(s) d
turn v page
turning n a corner where one Rec
road meets another
ugly adj Rec
understanding n knowledge Prod
uniform n Prod
unit n part, component Prod
unless conj Prod
unnecessary adj Rec
unpleasant adj Prod
until conj continuing to
up the street/road, Prod
use n function, purpose
for which something
is used
used to do/be sth Prod
usual adj Prod
video Prod
virus n organism, disease; Prod
computing problem
visit v Internet
voice n Rec
volume n sound Prod
vote v, n Rec
warm adj friendly Prod
warn v warning n Prod
watch out Prod
wave v Prod
we pron we Prod
website n Internet Prod
weekly adv Prod
weight n Prod
well adv completely, Prod
thoroughly, easily
well-made Prod
wet adj not dry yet Prod
(describes paint, ink
What is sb/sth like? Prod
wheel n Prod
whenever adv, Prod
whether conj Prod
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Entry PoS Column Family PoS2 Meaning Rec/Pro

1 member(s) d
whether … or Prod
which det, referring to Prod
pron something
whose pron, Prod
Why don't you?/ Prod
Why not do sth?
Why not? Prod
widely adv Rec
wild adj untamed, violent, Rec
wild adj animal; land Rec
window n computer Rec
wing n creature; aircraft Prod
wish v, n Rec
wonder v speculate, question Rec
wool n Prod
work v working adj function, operate Prod
worried adj worry v,n be concerned Rec
worse adj, adv Rec
would love sth Prod
would love to (do Rec
would prefer Prod
wow! exclam Rec
wrap sth up or wrap Prod
up sth
wrong adj problem; not moral Rec
you know Rec
your big brother / Prod
yourself pron Prod
yourselves pron Prod
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a good/great deal Rec
a sense of humor Rec
ability n Prod
absent adj absence n Prod
absolutely adv absolute adj completely, complete, Rec
abstract adj Rec
academic adj Rec
accept v acceptable adj agree to, admit Prod
accommodation n Rec
accurate adj accurately adv Rec
accuracy n
act n, v actor n perform Prod
actress n
active adj actively adv energetic, busy Prod
actual adj actually adv real, truth Prod
adapt v adaptation n Prod
add v increase, include Prod
something extra
adopt v adoption n Prod
again and again Rec
against prep touching Prod
agency n agent Prod
agree v agreement n decide Prod
ahead adv Rec
aid n help, assistance Rec
aim v, n aim to do sth target Prod
aircraft n Rec
alcohol n alcoholic adj Rec
alike adv, Rec
all day long Prod
allow v allowed adj Rec
alphabetical adj alphabetically adv Rec
alternative n Rec
ancient adj Rec
and so on Prod
angel n Rec
angry adj anger n Rec
ankle n Prod
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anniversary n Rec
annual adj annually adv Prod
any adj, not feeling any better; Rec
adv any leftovers in the bin
anyhow adv Prod
apart adv Prod
apart from Prod
appear v appearance n be seen Rec
application n computer software Prod
apply v application n request Rec
appreciate v appreciation n Rec
approach v, n come close Rec
approve v approval n Rec
architect n architecture n Prod
Are you kidding? / Rec
You're kidding!
area n subject Rec
argue v argument n disagree Rec
arrange v arrangement n Prod
arrest v, n Prod
as conj because Rec
as if Rec
as/so far as I know Prod
as/so long as Rec
aspect n Rec
assess v assessment n Rec
assume v Rec
at (long) last Rec
at all Prod
at his/its, etc. best Rec
at least Prod
at once Prod
at the same time Rec
athlete n Prod
attach v Rec
attack n, v Rec
attempt n, v Rec
attend a church / Rec
college / school,
attend v attendance n Rec
attract v attractive adj Rec
authority n Rec
avatar n Rec
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average n mean, medium Rec
avoid v Rec
award n, v Prod
aware adj Prod
awful adj Rec
babysit v babysitter n Prod
balance n, v not falling Prod
bandage n Rec
barber n Rec
base sth on sth Rec
base n bottom Rec
basic adj Rec
basin n Rec
basis n Prod
battle n struggle Rec
be dying for/to do Rec
be expecting sb/sth Rec
be familiar with Rec
be friends (with sb) Rec
be in doubt Rec
be into sth Rec
be known as sth Rec
be short of sth Rec
be up to sb Prod
be up to sth Rec
be welcome to do Rec
be worth sth/doing Rec
be/get/keep, etc. in Prod
bean n Prod
bear v Rec
beat v defeat Rec
become Rec
writer, etc.
bee n beekeeper n Rec
beef n Rec
before prep in front of Rec
before/after dark Rec
belong v Rec
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belong to sth Prod
belt n Rec
beneath adv, Prod
benefit n,v beneficial adj Rec
beyond adv, Prod
bill n invoice, receipt Rec
billion n Rec
bin n dustbin Rec
binge-watch Rec
birth n Rec
bite v, n food, injury Rec
blame v Rec
blank adj Rec
blind adj Rec
block n piece Rec
blog n Prod
blow your nose Prod
board v enter ship, train, Rec
aircraft etc.
board n plank, surface Rec
bomb n, v Prod
bone n Rec
bookcase n Rec
bother v Prod
bottom n body part Rec
break a record Prod
break/cut, etc. sth Rec
in half
breath n breathe v Rec
brief adj briefly adv Rec
bring (sb) happiness Prod
/ luck / peace etc.
broad adj Rec
broadcast v, n Prod
brush n, v Rec
budget n Prod
builder n Rec
burger n hamburger n Rec
burn v be on fire Rec
business n company, organization Rec
butterfly n Rec
button n Prod
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by prep beside, near Prod
by accident Prod
by hand Prod
by heart Rec
by oneself Prod
by/in contrast Rec
cabbage n Rec
cage n Rec
call for sb Rec
camp v campsite n Rec
can v modal, surprise Rec
canal n Prod
cancel v Prod
candidate n Rec
can't/couldn't help Rec
doing sth
capable adj Rec
capable of Rec
sth/doing sth
captain n Rec
care v worry Rec
career n Rec
carpet n Rec
carry v transport Rec
cartoon n Rec
case n court case Prod
cast n Rec
catch sb's attention, Rec
interest, etc.
catch up with sb Rec
category n Rec
cause n, v Rec
celebrity n Rec
central adj centrally adv Rec
certain adj, particular person, Rec
pron thing
certainty n Prod
chain n linked metal Prod
challenge n, v difficulty Rec
chance n luck Rec
change your mind / Prod
change one's mind
change v convert money Prod
chapter n Prod
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character n personality Rec
charity n Prod
chart n Rec
cheek n Prod
cheerful adj Rec
chemistry n Rec
chest n Rec
chewing gum n Rec
chief adj, n Rec
chin n Rec
choice n variety Rec
circular adj Rec
circumstance n Prod
citizen n Rec
class n economic group Rec
clear v, adj without obstacles Rec
client n Prod
climate n Rec
close v stop operating
coast n Rec
code n set of rules Rec
colleague n Rec
collect v collection n pick up from Rec
college n Rec
column n building Rec
combined adj Rec
come down Rec
Come on! Rec
come out Rec
come out Prod
come true Rec
comedy n, adj Rec
comment n, v Rec
commit v Rec
commitment n Rec
committee n Rec
common sense Rec
common adj commonly adv usual, frequent Rec
communicate v be understood Rec
community n Rec
complain v complaint n Prod
complete v fill in form Rec
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complex adj Rec
concentrate v concentration n think hard Rec
concern n concerned adj worry Rec
conclusion n conclude v judgment Rec
n Rec
conference n Prod
confidence n confident adj certainty Rec
confirm v confirmation n Prod
conflict n Prod
confusion n confuse v Rec
confused adj
confusing adj
consciousness n conscious adj Rec
consider sb/sth (to Prod
be) sth
consider v consideration n Rec
consist of sth Rec
constant adj constantly adv Rec
construction n construct v Rec
content n Rec
contrast n Prod
contribute v contribution n Rec
convenient adj convenience n Prod
conveniently adv
convert v Rec
cool v Prod
cottage n Rec
could v modal suggestion Rec
council n Prod
count v see how many Prod
county n Rec
couple n Prod
course n part of a meal Rec
court n Rec
creature n Rec
crew n Rec
crime n criminal adj Rec
crisis n Rec
crowd n crowded adj Rec
crown n Rec
crucial adj Rec
cruel adj Rec
cucumber n Rec
culture n cultural adj arts Prod
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curious adj Prod
curly adj Rec
currency n Prod
curriculum n Rec
custom n Rec
cut n injury Rec
cut down sth or cut Rec
sth down
cut down sth or cut Prod
sth down
daily life Prod
damage n, v Prod
damn exclam Rec
dark adj darkness n no light Rec
data n database n Prod
deal with sth Rec
Dear Madam Rec
Dear Sir Rec
debate n, v Rec
defend v defense protect Prod
define v definition n Prod
definite adj Prod
degree n amount Rec
delete v Prod
delicious adj Rec
democracy n democratic adj Prod
demonstrate v prove Rec
deny v not true Rec
depend on/upon Prod
depression n depressed adj Prod
design n, v planning, plan Prod
desire n Rec
desktop n Rec
despite prep Rec
detail n detailed adj Rec
detective n Prod
device n Prod
dialog/dialogue n Prod
diet n, v Prod
direct adj nothing between Prod
director n senior manager Rec
disadvantage n Rec
disagree v Rec
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disappoint v Prod
dish n food Prod
display v, n Rec
district n Rec
dive v diver n Rec
divide v separate Rec
do badly/well Prod
do your best Prod
documentary n Rec
dolphin n Rec
domestic n household Rec
dot n Rec
download v, n Prod
downtown adj, Rec
drag and drop Prod
drama n Rec
dream n, v hope, ambition Prod
dressed adj Prod
driving license Prod
drug n narcotic Rec
drug n medicine Rec
due to Rec
dust n, v Rec
duty n Rec
duty-free adj, n Prod
eastern adj Rec
economy n economic adj Prod
edge n Rec
effective adj effectively adv Prod
either … or Prod
electric adj electrical adj Prod
electronic adj Prod
elementary adj Prod
emergency n Rec
employment n Rec
encourage v Prod
end up Prod
endless adj Rec
engineer n engineering n Prod
enormous adj Prod
ensure v Prod
entertain v entertainment n Rec
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entire adj entirely adv Rec
environmentally Rec
equal adj equally adv same amount/number Rec
escape v Prod
essential adj Prod
establish v Prod
estimate v Prod
etc. abbrev Prod
even adv emphasis Rec
eventually adv Rec
ever since Prod
every single Prod
evidence n Rec
examine v scrutinize Rec
exchange n Rec
excitement n Rec
excuse n reason, false reason Prod
exhibition n Prod
expectation n Prod
experience n, v past events in one's Prod
experiment n, v Prod
expert n Prod
expression n look Prod
extent n Rec
external adj Rec
extra adv, n Rec
face-to-face Prod
facilities n amenities Rec
facility n building, equipment, Prod
factor n Rec
fail v failure n not succeed Rec
fair n event Rec
faith n trust Rec
fall n accident Prod
fall v lower amount Prod
fall asleep Rec
fault n Prod
favor n Prod
fee n Prod
feel v feeling n have opinion Rec
feel at home Prod
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feel bad about Prod
sth/doing sth
feel like sth/doing Rec
feel like/as if Prod
feel sorry for Prod
female adj, n Prod
festival n Prod
fever n Rec
few det, fewer det Rec
fiction n Rec
fight v, n fighting n strive Prod
figure n number Prod
file n computer Prod
finally adv Rec
find sb/sth easy / Rec
boring/ funny, etc
finish n last part Prod
fire v shoot Rec
fire station Prod
firefighter n Rec
flavor n Rec
flow v, n Prod
follower n Rec
following adj Prod
for prep support Rec
for days Prod
for instance Prod
for sure Prod
for years Rec
force n power Rec
foreign adj foreigner n Rec
forever adv Rec
forgive v Rec
form v start, create Rec
fortunately adv Rec
frame n structure Rec
freeze v turn to ice Prod
frequently adv Prod
from prep cause Prod
fry v fried adj Prod
fuel n Prod
full-time Rec
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funny adj Rec
future n Rec
future adj Prod
gallery n Rec
garage n building Rec
gather v Rec
gay adj Rec
general adj generally adv not detailed Rec
gentle adj gently adv Prod
get around Rec
get rid of sth Rec
get to know sb/sth Rec
get/become used to Prod
sb/sth/doing sth
get/go to sleep Prod
give birth Prod
give sb a call/ring Prod
global adj global Rec
go badly/well, etc Rec
go down Prod
go on Prod
go out Rec
go up Prod
go wrong Rec
goal n aim Rec
Good for you! Rec
goods n Prod
grade n, v score Rec
grant v, n Prod
green adj environment Prod
greet v greeting n Prod
grounds n playground n Rec
grow v growing adj increase Rec
growth n
guess n Prod
guilty adj Rec
haircut n Rec
hand in sth or hand Rec
sth in
handle v Rec
handsome adj Rec
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hang up Rec
happiness n Prod
have (got) on sth or Prod
have (got) sth on
have no doubt Prod
have no idea Rec
have sth in common Rec
headline n Rec
heat n heating n Prod
help yourself Prod
(to sth)
high adv height n distance above ground Prod
high-tech/hi-tech adj Prod
hire v employ Rec
hire v rent Prod
historical adj Rec
hit n bestselling Rec
hold your breath Rec
Holocaust / the n Prod
honest adj Rec
honor n award, medal, pride Prod
hope to do sth Rec
hot adj spicy Rec
household n Rec
housework n Rec
human n human being n Prod
humor n Prod
hurt v emotion Prod
I bet (you) Prod
I guess Prod
I suppose (so) Rec
I suppose Prod
identity n Prod
if conj whether Rec
if I were you Prod
if only Prod
if so Prod
illegal adj Rec
imagination n Rec
in a way or in some Prod
/ many ways
in advance Rec
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Entry PoS Family PoS Meaning Rec/Prod

in common/have Rec
sth in common
in detail Rec
in fact/in actual fact Rec
in general Prod
in order (for sb/sth) Prod
to do sth
in other words Prod
in particular Rec
in spite of sth Rec
income n Prod
incorrect adj Rec
indeed adv Rec
independence n independent adj free state, not helped Rec
individual adj Rec
influence v, n Rec
injure v injury n Rec
inner adj feelings Rec
insist v Rec
institution n institute n Prod
intend v intention n Rec
interested adj Prod
internal adj Prod
interview n Rec
into prep towards Rec
introduction n of book Prod
introduction n first meeting Rec
iron n Prod
It seems … Rec
jar n Prod
jet n Rec
join v meet together Rec
judge v judgement n decide Rec
jungle n Rec
(just) in case Rec
keep a/sth secret Rec
keep in touch Prod
key n answers Rec
killed adj killer n Rec
killing n
kind adj Prod
knock v, n Prod
Koran n Prod
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lab n laboratory n Rec
label n information, company Rec
labor n Rec
ladder n Rec
lady n Rec
last v continue Prod
lately adj Prod
later adj, in the future Rec
later on Rec
law n academic subject Rec
lay sth down in/on, Rec
lay the table Prod
lead v be winning Rec
league n Rec
lean (sth) Prod
against/on sth
leave v stay in same condition Rec
legal adj Prod
leisure n Rec
length n distance Prod
let me/us Rec
lie v say s'thing that is not Prod
true, to deceive
life n opposite of death Prod
lift n elevator Prod
likes and dislikes Prod
link v, n Rec
lioness n Prod
literature n Rec
live adj live radio or TV Prod
loads of/a load of Rec
loss n Prod
low adj sound, light Prod
mad adj mentally ill Rec
major adj serious, important Rec
majority n Prod
make v cause Rec
make friends (with Rec
make sb do sth Prod
make-up n cosmetics Prod
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male adj, n Rec
mall n shopping mall n Prod
manage v management n organize, control Rec
manager n
marathon n Prod
master n Rec
match n sport Rec
material n cloth Prod
mathematics n math Rec
matter v be important Prod
mean adj not kind Rec
mean v intend Prod
meanwhile adv Rec
metal n, adj Prod
method n Rec
meter n Rec
might v Prod
mile n Prod
mind v annoyed Rec
mind v be careful Prod
minister n Rec
minor adj, n Prod
miss v feel sad Rec
miss a chance / Prod
missing adj lost, not included Rec
mix n combination of things Prod
model n person Prod
model n design Rec
motor n Prod
myth n Rec
near adv, close in time Prod
negative adj opposite of positive
neighborhood n Rec
network n Rec
next adv again Prod
no longer Prod
no way Rec
nor conj Rec
northern adj Prod
not even Prod
not really Rec
novel n Prod
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now conj length of time
nowadays adv Prod
nowhere adv Rec
nuclear adj Prod
obey v Prod
occasion n Rec
occur v Rec
ocean n Prod
odd adj strange, unusal Prod
of prep who/what, cause Prod
officer n position of authority Prod
omelette/omelet n Prod
on purpose Rec
on the way to/from Rec
once again/once Prod
one det a single thing Prod
one det particular time Rec
one day / some day Rec
/ one of these days
onto/on to Prod
open adj not covered Rec
opera n Rec
oppose v Prod
opposite adj completely different Prod
or conj warning Rec
or not Rec
order v, n command Prod
order n tidy Rec
original adj novel, creative Rec
originally adv Prod
ought to Rec
out adv appear (sun, etc), Prod
out loud Rec
out of Prod
out of work Rec
outdoors adv, Rec
out-of-date/out of Prod
oven n Prod
over adv finished Prod
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over here/over Prod
own v owner n possess Rec
pan n Rec
pants n Prod
paragraph n Prod
park v parking n Rec
parliament n Rec
partner n person you do Prod
something with,
party n political group Prod
pass v give, transmit Rec
pass Prod
password n Prod
pay v payment salary Rec
pay attention Rec
(to sth)
pepper n vegetable Rec
per prep Rec
percent/per cent n, adv Prod
perfectly adv emphasis Rec
perform v performer n entertain Prod
period n full stop Rec
permanent adj permanently adv Rec
permit v permission n Prod
persuade v Prod
photocopy n photocopier n Rec
photocopied adj
photographer n photography n Rec
phrase n Prod
pie n Prod
pile n Rec
pipe n Prod
place n somewhere Prod
plain adj obvious, easily Prod
plan n drawing Prod
play n, v drama, acting Prod
play a joke/trick Prod
on sb
pleased to meet Prod
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plenty pron Prod
plural n, adj Prod
poet n poetry n Prod
point n pointed adj Prod
point n score in sport Prod
politics n political adj Prod
politician n
politically adv
poor adj sympathy Prod
pop n, adj Prod
port n Rec
positive adj hopeful, encouraging Prod
possibly adv Rec
post v, n Internet (website or Prod
social media)
postpone v Prod
pot n Prod
power n powerful adj authority, force Rec
power n electricity, energy Rec
practical adj practice n relating to experience; Prod
what people do or
how they do it
presence n Prod
pretty adv quite Rec
previous adj previously adv Prod
prince n princess n Prod
print v,n printer n Rec
process n procedure; series of Prod
changes that happen
profit n Prod
program n, v computer Rec
progress n development and Prod
improvement of skills,
knowledge, etc.
pronounce v pronunciation n Prod
proper adj properly adv Rec
property n building Prod
provide v Prod
public adj people Prod
publish v publisher n Prod
publication n
quite a bit Prod
quite a few/a lot Prod
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Entry PoS Family PoS Meaning Rec/Prod

quite a while Prod
raise v increase Rec
rare adj rarely adv Rec
rate n amount, speed etc Rec
rate n payment Rec
rather adv small amount Rec
rather than Rec
real adj emphasis, important Rec
reality n Prod
receipt n Prod
reception n desk at hotel, office Rec
recipe n Rec
record n best, biggest etc. Prod
recover v recovery n health Rec
refuse v Rec
regular adj regularly adv repeatedly Prod
relative n relation n be a family member Prod
relatively good / Rec
bad / cheap, etc.
release v, n set free from prison Rec
remind sb of sth/sb Rec
report n, v Prod
represent v Rec
require v requirement n Prod
respond v response n Rec
result in sth Rec
reward n Prod
ride v rider n car, train etc. Rec
right exclam Rec
rise v, n move up, increase, get Prod
out of bed
roast v, adj roast Prod
roll n Prod
root n of plant Rec
rose n Rec
rough adj not smooth Rec
route n Prod
royal adj Rec
rubber n removes pencil Rec
safety n Rec
sail v sailor n Prod
sale n Prod
sand n Prod
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Entry PoS Family PoS Meaning Rec/Prod

save v make safe Rec
savings n Prod
say v think or believe Prod
sb's fault Rec
scene n view Prod
search n, v Prod
second adv secondly adv in order Rec
secondary adj
section n Rec
security n secure v Prod
see v understand Rec
see to sth/sb Prod
seed n Prod
seek v Rec
seems like/as if/to Rec
self-service Rec
send sth back or Prod
send back sth
series n Prod
serious adj Rec
session n Prod
set a date/time Rec
(for sth)
set off/set out Prod
set the table Prod
sew v Rec
shake v Prod
shall v modal future Prod
sharp adj able to cut Rec
shine v Rec
shock n, v Prod
shoot v shot n sport Prod
shop v Rec
shop assistant Prod
shortly afterward; Rec
shortly after /
before sth
show v show sb what demonstrate; explain Rec
to do/how to
do sth
shower n brief rainfall Prod
sign n indication Prod
simply adv emphasis Rec
since conj because Prod
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Entry PoS Family PoS Meaning Rec/Prod

single adj not married Rec
single parent Prod
singular adj Prod
site n Prod
skill n Prod
skin n body, fruit Rec
so adv mentioned earlier Prod
so (that) Rec
social media Rec
social networking Prod
society n social adj community; relating to Prod
soft adj gentle, not forceful, Prod
loud or easily noticed
solid adj not liquid or gas; hard, Prod
without holes or
solve v, n solution n Prod
somewhat adv Prod
sorry adj saying no, used to Prod
show politeness when
refusing something
soul n Prod
sound like/as if/as Rec
sound(s) good / Rec
source n Prod
southern adj Prod
spare spare Prod
sparkling Prod
speak v speaker in public Prod
spice n spicy adj Rec
stadium n Rec
stage n point in a series Prod
standard n quality Rec
state n condition Rec
state n, adj country Prod
station n radio, TV etc. Rec
statue n Prod
step n stage Rec
stick v sticky adj attach Rec
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Entry PoS Family PoS Meaning Rec/Prod

stir v Rec
store v storage n keep Rec
stranger n Prod
strategy n strategic adj Rec
stress v, n emphasize; Prod
stress n worry Prod
strike v hit something Prod
strong adj durable; noticeable Rec
studio n Rec
stuff n Rec
stupid adj Rec
subject n grammar Rec
success n successful adj Prod
successfully adv
such det of that sort Prod
sudden adj suddenly adv Prod
suffer v Prod
suitable adj Prod
sum n amount of money Prod
sunrise n Rec
sunset n Rec
sunshine n Rec
supply v, n Rec
support v, n supporter n agree Prod
surround v Rec
swallow v Prod
switch v change
switch off sth or Rec
switch sth off /
switch on sth or
switch sth on
sympathy n sympathetic adj Rec
system n Prod
tablespoon n Rec
tag n link to someone's Prod
profile from a photo or
comment on Internet
take a deep breath Rec
take care of sb/sth Prod
take it/things easy Rec
take off Prod
take sth up or take Prod
up sth
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Entry PoS Family PoS Meaning Rec/Prod

talent n talented adj Prod
talk n lecture to a group; Rec
discuss something to
find out solution to a
target n Rec
task n a piece of work, Prod
especially something
unpleasant or difficult
tax n Prod
technical adj Rec
technique n Rec
telecommunications n Prod
temperature n have (got) a body Rec
temperature n heat Rec
temporary adj Prod
tense n grammar Prod
tent n Prod
term n expression/phrase Prod
terrific adj Prod
test n, v trial, experiment Rec
the det before superlatives Prod
the law Rec
the other day/week Prod
the press Prod
the public Rec
the same thing Rec
the sights Rec
the West Rec
then adv in addition Prod
these days Prod
they person, used when Prod
you want to avoid
saying 'he' or 'she'
things n your possessions; Prod
what is happening
expecially in your life
things like that Prod
think v remember Rec
thirst n Prod
though conj, but Prod
thread n Rec
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English Language Education

Entry PoS Family PoS Meaning Rec/Prod

through prep as a result of, because Rec
time n occasion or the Prod
experience connected
with it; historical
tip n gratuity payment Rec
tire/tyre n Prod
tissue n Prod
to prep to show who received Rec
something; used to say
who is treated in a
particular way
to be honest Prod
to begin with Rec
tone n Rec
tool n Prod
total n adv sum Rec
tour v tourist n Rec
tourism n
track n path Rec
tradition n traditional adj Prod
translate v translation n Prod
translator n
treat v treatment n medical care Rec
trend n, adj Rec
trial n in court Rec
truth n truly adv being true; real; used Prod
to emphasize a
description of
try out sth or try sth Prod
tunnel n Rec
turkey n Prod
turn down sth or Rec
turn sth down
tweet n Prod
type v write using a keyboard Prod
typical n typically adv Rec
under prep less than Prod
underground adj, Prod
adv, n
underline v draw line Prod
unfriendly adv Rec
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English Language Education

Entry PoS Family PoS Meaning Rec/Prod

unimportant adj Prod
unkind adj Prod
up adv increase Rec
update v, n add information; make Rec
more modern; new
information; new form
upper adj Rec
upset v, adj Rec
upside down Prod
up-to-date/up to Rec
use v, n user n reduce; when you use Rec
used adj something
useless adj Prod
user-friendly Rec
valley n Prod
value n valuable adj monetary value; Rec
usefulness etc.
various adj variety n Prod
vegetarian n, adj Prod
vehicle n Prod
victory n Rec
violence n violent adj Prod
viral adj to describe something Prod
that quickly becomes
popular or well known
on the Internet
virtual adj virtually adv computing Prod
vision n sight Prod
volunteer n voluntary adj Rec
walk sb home/to Prod
wallet n Rec
waste n bad use; unwanted Prod
weak adj Prod
wedding n Prod
well-known Rec
western adj direction Prod
What about ...? Prod
What if …? Prod
What's up? Rec
which det, adding information Prod
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English Language Education

Entry PoS Family PoS Meaning Rec/Prod

who pron referring to someone; Rec
adding information
whoever pron Prod
win v winner election; argument Prod
wipe v, n Prod
wish sb luck Prod
with the help of sth Rec
without delay Rec
wonder v polite request Prod
wood n group of trees Prod
work n working adj place; relating to Rec
work n artistic creation Rec
would used to say what Rec
might happen if
something else
would rather Prod
Would you mind ...? Rec
wrap v cover
write v writer adj create Prod
written adj in writing Prod
yet conj used to connect Prod
when second part
adds something
surprising to first part
youth n youth young person; young Rec
people; time when
people are young
zone Prod

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