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Berdasarkan United Nation World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), sustainable tourism adalah suatu

pariwisata yang mencakup

(1) pertumbuhan ekonomi berkelanjutan, yaitu pertumbuhan ekonomi yang memberikan manfaat
sama rata untuk seluruh stakeholder terkait. Manfaat tersebut berupa pendapatan yang stabil,
kesempatan memperoleh pekerjaan, dan pengurangan angka kemiskinan.

(2) pengelolaan berbasis sosial dan budaya berkelanjutan, yaitu menerapkan konsep pariwisata yang
melestarikan nilai budaya masyarakat lokal dan menerapkan pemahaman toleransi antar nilai-nilai
tradisional yang ada.

(3) lingkungan yang berkelanjutan, yaitu konsep berpikir jangka panjang yang berhubungan dengan
konservasi lingkungan, warisan alam, serta biodiversitas

Reference: Making Tourism More Sustainable - A Guide for Policy Makers, UNEP and UNWTO, 2005, p.11-12

Sustainable tourism has gained significant traction in recent years as the world recognizes the need
for responsible travel practices. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization
(UNWTO) sustainable tourism should include (1) Optimize sustainable economic growths which
provides equal advantages for of all its stakeholders. Those advantages include fair opportunities for
income and employment and a decrease in poverty; (2) Improve social and cultural sustainability by
protecting local communities’ cultural values and implementing the awareness of tolerance within
existing traditional values; (3) Enhancing environmental sustainability which identify an extensive
notion pertaining to the preservation of the environment, natural heritage, and biodiversity.

Sustainability Tourism Framework

Economic Sustainability Social & Cultural Sustainability Environmental Sustainability
 Income Opportunities  Local Communities  Natural Heritage
 Employment  Social Resources  Natural Conservation
Opportunities  Traditional Beliefs  Biodiversity
 Poverty Alleviation Conservation

Sustainability Tourism Framework

Social & Cultural Sustainability Environmental Sustainability Economic Sustainability
 Community  Natural Heritage  Income
 Education  Natural Conservation  Employment
 Equality  Biodiversity opportunities
 Social Resources Conservation  Poverty alleviation
 Healthcare
 Improvement and
Quality of Life
 Politics

Stakeholder research:

Tourism research plays two key roles for tourism development, first it is part of the tourism
intelligence feedback process and it provides decision makers with data on the effectiveness of the
current tourism and provides insight for necessary changes. Stakeholder involvement is also the
primary tool for exploring new opportunities in the tourism industry.

Stakeholder formulation

Strategy formulation and implementation is whereby alternative courses of action are crafted so that
they can counter the gaps identified in the research by the implementation

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