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Experiment 1.

Student Name:Abhinov Kumar Roy UID: 21BCS9952

Branch: CSE Section/Group: 802-B
Semester: 3RD Date of Performance: 22/08/22
Subject Name:DBMS(LAB) Subject Code: 21CSH-214

1. Aim/Overview of the practical: To explore the “SELECT” clause using where, order by,
between, like, group by, having etc.

Q1. create table emp with attributes (eid number,ename varchar2(10),age number,salary number);

a. Count number of employee names from employee table.

b. Display the Sum of age employee table.

c. Find grouped salaries of employees (group by clause).

d. Find salaries of employee in Ascending Order (order by clause).

e. Find salaries of employee in Descending Order.
Q2. Consider the database for a banking enterprise. Write the queries for the below questions.
Insert at least 5 tuples in each table



a. Display the branch details.

b. List the customers of ‘Mumbai’ city.

c. List the male customers of ‘Kolkata’ city.

d. List the state having more than one branch.

e. List the deposit schemes provided by the bank to the customers

Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

1. We have learnt to use oracle platform.

2.We have learnt SQL language.

3. We have learnt how to use SELECT clause.

Evaluation Grid :

Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks

1. Student Performance 12
(Conduct of experiment)
2. Viva Voce 10
3. Submission of Work Sheet 8
Total 30

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