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r -Ot- 2023 Hilly Kurt Benedict oa oe a) .Lucas mello: BsMe 2-4 Prot. Summary on Chapter 1 d Chapter 1 diccusses the Principles of Statics. Statics is 9 mee “ ergioeering, meshariice and ib deals with force systems and Applications: Fn Stabice we cowsider the distribution of foroeg ond ibe impact: on sects ab and cemain ot cect or rigid bodies. For chapter 4 it also includes the Fundamentals of tation Starting with rigid badieg which ic a definite omourb oF matter the Parts @ which are in o fied position relative to one another. Though solide are never rigid yeh they deform. Then theres foroe> which are what changec or tends to change the crate of motion of a bedy: Force, is characterized PY Magnitude 5 Posibion of ite line of action, and direction Force cycteme where then digeusged which ore any Grrangemenb of multiple force ion 4 body or Group of related podies. Th the forcec are on the Siner line of action Eney are Coplanar + otherwise, they are, ron“coplanar- For force whose ting of action intercech are concurrent 3 if parallel they ore porrallel force, Systeme , and if nerther trey are non-eoncurrenb. Then there, are the axioms F mechaniog which can be Cummarized to four shatemente: ~The reculbant 2forces is the diagonal of the pacrallelagram they finn. - 2 forces are in equilibrium if they have, the same, magnitude , Opposite. directions , and colinear ~ Forces in equilibriwn can be added to any cysbem withoub offecticg it. ~ fotion £ reaction forces are. equal but opposite in direetion. Free-body diagrams are, aly discucced which is a diagram depicting the forces acting upon 9 body. Tb is commonly uged in statics. Scalar and yector quantities where ceolar quantities baye magnitude, alone, while vector quan tibiee have magnitude ord direction, Then the parallelogram law and triangle lou were digoussed. In essences, the parrallelogram lay states that the resultanh of 2 veobors is the diagonal of the porrallelegroen they form. While the triangle law shaje tha if 2 free vectors wire plaoed head-to- fails the recultant ic the 3” side, of the triangle it forms. Another topic in chapter | was how $0 solve problems haa i Rimum errors. Thie involves creating © neat diagram otter idatitiying She problem, state the data and information given, and to avoid merr tal substitutions, Then fearing the end of chapber 1 more basic: yet “sential concepts were diecuece cush ae unity conveccion, dimensional Aralysies ard numerical accurmay jn solving. Now, trot includes roundiag off 5 Proper decimal placement , quadratic formulag , and trigonometric fumetions. To conclude, Chaprer 1 wac oll aboub the baciog of shoties, discussing the terminologies, escential oneephs, and o rewiew of our gious, discussion. All F which will soon Prove to be importal, for our clase.

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