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Mallory Weiler

ChE 4110 Process Control Homework 1

Please complete problems 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 from Process Dynamics and Control (PDC) by Seborg et al., 4th Edi on.

Please complete ques on 1.1 from Prac cal Process Control (PPC) by Cooper.

Problem Objec ves, Purpose, and Concepts Considered:

One of the objec ves of this assignment was to recognize and classify process control loops, including
both the basic ones encountered in everyday life, such as body temperature regula on, cruise control,
and bicycle riding, and some of the basic ones applied to chemical engineering, such as the dis lla on
column. Another intent was to describe and illustrate schema c diagrams of feedback and feedforward
control methods. In addi on to drawing schema c diagrams, another goal was to iden fy and label the
components. The major concepts considered were the basics of common control loop systems,
schema c diagrams of feedback/feedforward control systems, and studying common examples of these
types of systems naturally encountered.

1.6. The human body contains numerous feedback control loops that are essen al for regula ng key
physiological variables. For example, body temperature in a healthy person must be closely regulated
within a narrow range.

a) Briefly describe one or more ways in which body temperature is regulated by the body using feedback

One way in which body temperature is regulated by the body using feedback control is
the body’s homeosta c responses to changes in temperature (the controlled variable). This is a
form of nega ve feedback. When the body gets too cold or too hot, sensory nerve endings in
the skin and periphery send nerve signals to the brain (the control center) that the body’s
temperature has deviated from its “set point”. For example, if the body gets too cold, the
nega ve feedback control system causes blood vessels to constrict to preserve heat and
increase the temperature closer back to its set point. The system also causes the body to shiver,
which involves muscles contrac ng on their own to heat up the body further, closer to its set
point. On the other hand, if the sensors sense that the body is too hot, the nega ve feedback
control system tells blood vessels to dilate and release heat outside of the body. It also causes
the body to sweat so that when the sweat fluid evaporates, more heat is transferred from the
body to its surroundings. These ac vi es cause body temperature to drop and get closer back to
its set point. Both feedback control systems u lize necessary nega ve feedback control system
components like controlled variables, a sensor or sensory receptors, a control center, effectors,
and the s muli that caused the devia ons from the set point.
b) Briefly describe a feedback control system for the regula on of another important physiological
Another important physiological variable that u lizes a nega ve feedback control system
is the body’s blood sugar levels (the controlled variable). When levels of glucose in the blood
rise, specific receptors or sensors in the body sense this devia on from the set point. Then, the
pancreas acts as a control center to send signals to beta cells which supply the blood with
insulin, which—with the help of the liver—lowers blood sugar levels back toward the set point.
A er the set point (or homeostasis, in this case) is reached, no more insulin is released from the
pancreas. A similar but contrary mechanism occurs when blood sugar levels fall below the set
point. When this happens, alpha cells in the pancreas secrete glucagon into the blood, which
the liver breaks down to release glucose, which causes blood sugar levels to rise toward the set

1.7. The dis lla on column shown in Fig. E1.7 is used to dis ll a binary mixture. Symbols x, y, and z
denote mole frac ons of the more vola le component, while B, D, R, and F represent molar flow rates. It
is desired to control dis llate composi on y despite disturbances in feed flow rate F. All flow rates can be
measured and manipulated with the excep on of F, which can only be measured. A composi on analyzer
provides measurements of y.

a) Propose a feedback control method and sketch the schema c diagram.

In this scenario, F is a disturbance variable, where the other flow rates (B, D, and R) can
theore cally be manipulated variables. The controlled variable is the dis llate composi on y. A
feedback control method could exist where the composi on of y is measured via a composi on
analyzer on the dis llate flow, and then the results are used to adjust flow rates, such as R. The
sensor would be the composi on analyzer, and if the value of y is not at the set point, a signal
would be sent to a composi on or flow rate controller (which could be a valve) to adjust the
molar flow rate of R. For example, if the value of y was too low, the sensor could tell the
controller to cause the valve to increase R, or the reflux molar flow rate, and send the product
back to the dis lla on column for further separa on. Modifica on of reflux rate R could be
done via a signal which opens or closes a valve to alter R and either raise or lower the dis llate
composi on y. This would allow feedback control of the dis llate composi on y by being
reac ve and responding to devia ons in values of y as they occur.
In the diagram below, AC represents the composi on or flow rate controller and AT represents a
composi on analyzer/transmi er. The AC is connected to the valve which ul mately alters the
molar flow rates of R and D (if R is increased, D is decreased, and vice versa).

b) Suggest a feedforward control method and sketch the schema c diagram.

In this scenario, F is a disturbance variable, where the other flow rates (B, D, and R) can
be manipulated variables. The controlled variable is the dis llate composi on y. A feedforward
control method could exist where the composi on of y would be op mized before deviated
measurements of y are even obtained. A composi on or flow analyzer or transmi er could be
placed at the inlet feed F entrance, where the signals could be electrically sent to a composi on
controller and valve near the reflux and dis llate flow paths. As a result of the valve opening or
closing, the final dis llate composi on would ul mately be altered in the direc on indicated by
the sensor. This would allow control of the dis llate composi on y by being proac ve and
an cipa ng devia ons at the start where there are fluctua ng feed flow rates. The main
difference here from the feedback control is that the composi on analyzer here is used on the
feed inlet rather than the dis llate flow and is proac ve rather than reac ve.
In the diagram below, AC represents the composi on or flow rate controller and AT
represents a composi on analyzer/transmi er. The AC is connected to the valve which
ul mately alters the molar flow rates of R and D.
1.8. Describe how a bicycle rider u lizes concepts from both feedforward control and feedback control
while riding a bicycle.

A bicycle rider u lizes a combina on of feedforward control and feedback control when
riding a bicycle. The difference between feedforward and feedback control is that a feedforward
control system is proac ve by nature, which means it responds to devia ons of the controlled
variable before the devia ons have occurred. On the other hand, a feedback control system is
reac ve by nature, which means it responds to devia ons in the controlled variable a er the
devia ons have occurred. In the following examples, the s muli are any objects or condi ons
that the rider perceives are not desired for the bike ride, the controlled variable is usually the
rider’s speed or state of mo on, the sensors/receptors include all the visual and sensory organs
that send signals to the rider’s brain, the control center is the part of the brain that tells the
muscles to move a certain way, and the effectors are the rider’s muscles.
A rider uses feedforward control when he an cipates an obstacle or sees a fault in the
road up ahead, so he adjusts himself before the obstacle arrives and either slows down or
moves le or right to avoid the obstacle or fault in the road. Another example of a rider using
feedforward control is when he an cipates a turn or a hill coming up ahead. When the rider
sees the turn coming, he starts to turn his body in advance to smoothly coast around the turn.
When the rider sees an uphill coming, he will start to speed up well before the hill comes so
that he has enough momentum going to get himself up the hill. Also, if the driver an cipates a
large downhill coming, he might stop pedaling as fast well before the downhill so that he isn’t
flying down the hill too quickly and becoming unsafe. These are all examples of feedforward
control because the rider is being proac ve, an cipa ng devia ons before they occur, and
altering the controlled variables before devia ons even happen.
A rider uses feedback control when he perceives that he is going too fast compared to
the set range for which he finds comfortable or desirable. For example, if he is going too fast in
the moment and he wants to slow down, he will apply his brakes to slow down back to within
the set range, or more specifically, the set point if he has one. Similarly, if the rider observes
that he is going too slow for his liking, he will start pedaling faster to get to the desired point or
speed. Another example of feedback control is when a rider hits a bump and becomes off-
balance. When this happens, he will react by using his brakes and internal balance to correct
himself and slowly work back up to speed, or more specifically, the desired set point or range.
Any me the rider observes a devia on, he uses feedback control to push the controlled
variables back to their set points. When controlling the bike in general, the rider uses lots of
sensory feedback informa on to allow him to respond to devia ons in the controlled variables
and push them back toward the set points.

Q-1.1. New cars o en come with a feature called cruise control. To ac vate cruise control, the driver
presses a bu on while traveling at a desired velocity and removes his or her foot from the gas pedal. The
control system then automa cally maintains whatever speed the car was traveling when the bu on was
pressed in spite of disturbances. For example, when the car starts going up (or down) a hill, the
controller automa cally increases (or decreases) fuel flow rate to the engine by a proper amount to
maintain the set point velocity.

a) For cruise control in an automobile, iden fy the:

- control objec ve: to maintain the set point velocity

- measured process variable: the car’s velocity

- manipulated variable: fuel flow rate to the engine

- set point: whatever speed the car was traveling when the bu on was pressed (today this
could be altered up or down to whatever value the driver manually chooses via the press of a
bu on)
- two different disturbances: 1) hills (uphill or downhill), and 2) bumps and faults in the road or
the road surface changing
- measurement sensor: a vehicle speed sensor, which typically consists of a magnet mounted on
the drive sha
- final control element: the mechanical device that ul mately increases (or decreases) fuel flow
rate to the engine in response to the signals from the controller; this could be considered the
thro le unit or similarly a fuel pump in this case
b) Draw and properly label a closed loop block diagram for the cruise control process.

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