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October Organizing Checklist

__1 - Spruce up your front door with a colorful leafy wreath __2 - clean out the garage before the colder weather arrives __3 - go through clothing and put away summer and get out the fall/winter. Toss or donate what you wont wear anymore. __4 - Get winter coats dry cleaned/washed if needed. Check other outerwear like gloves, boots, hats and scarves etc. __5 - Tune up vehicle and winterize __6 - Check the fireplace or wood stove and make arrangements for a cleaning or inspection. __7 - Go through the pantry and start preparing for all the upcoming baking and cooking __8 - Clean out the freezers and fridges to make room and prepare for all the upcoming baking and cooking. __9 - Clean out the oven __10 - Take some time after all the cleaning the past few days to gather the family for raking party and take time jump in the leaves! __11 - Check your personal calendar and look for upcoming birthdays and anniversaries for November and December. Prepare cards for these events. __12 - Get your childs Halloween costume either purchased or made or begin making. __13 - Halloween Candy purchases. Place in airtight container and up and out of the way of candy monsters. __14 - Get ready to close out and clean up this years garden. __15 - If you are having a Halloween party or Harvest party, be close to finalizing the details. __16 - Take time for YOU! __17 - Pick one room in the house, set the timer for 15 minutes, and pick up and clean up and put away any clutter you see. __18 - Do you know you can make cookie dough ahead of time and freeze it? __19 - A big pot of vegetable soup would taste good for supper tonight! __20 - Do you plant bulbs for spring? Today could be a good day to

do this. __21 - Flu season is on its way. Go through your medicine chest and make sure it is updated. __22 - Update your Christmas card list and if possible, start addressing and stamping cards. Do a few a week from now until December and you wont be overwhelmed. __23 - Dont forget to get the Halloween candy if you didnt already do it. __24 - Have a jack o lantern carving party! Invite some neighbors, friends, relatives. Have some cookies and hot cider to share. __25 - Switch over to your winter bedding. Flannel sheets can make for good nights sleep. Dont forget to wash/freshen blankets that have been put away all spring/summer. Flip that mattress!!! __26 - Planning on having guests over the holidays? Get those spare rooms freshened. __27 - Trick or Treaters coming to your house? Make sure the entryway to the house is clean and clear. Sweep the porch, cut back any foliage, fix any loose steps or bricks/sidewalk. Make sure there is a fresh bulb in the porch light. __28 - Clean out your purse/briefcase. Be sure you have a fresh supply of tissues packed in there somewhere. __29 - Check the furnace filter and replace if needed. __30 - Store away patio furniture or cover it. __31 - Happy Halloween! BOO!

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