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Name: _______________________________________ Score: _____________________

Each question is worth 10 points. Please answer and explain thoroughly.

1. What is Vision? As a disciple and a cell leader, how do you exercise it in your life every day?

2. In the Psalm 23 chapter, which verse strike you the most and why? (No need to specify the verse

3. What is the G12 ladder of success? Explain each step in details.

4. There are different arts in winning people. In your experience doing the outreach, which strategy
worked best for you and why?

5. What makes a good and successful leader? Answer in your own words.
6. Who is the Holy Spirit?

7. How do you make the best team of 12? Answer in your own words.

8. How do you break the ice during One Verse Evangelism?

9. What will you do if you encounter an atheist unbeliever? How do you preach to him the
salvation through the Gospel?

10. If one of your disciples starts to wander from his/her faith and stops going to church and
connecting to you, what will you do?

Bonus Question (5pts): Who is the founder of the G12 Vision? (Complete Name)

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