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in the morning, al aziz school students are studying together

DRAX: what do you guys think about this question, whats the answer??

KRAX: hmm I don’t know drax, what about you Lookman?

Lookman: ugh.. I dontt know guys..

DRAX: its okay lookman, don’t push yourself

KRAX: yeah.., *thinking about the answer* OH! Drax! I think ive found the answer of the question

DRAX: what is it krax?

KRAX: I think its B

DRAX: *look at the question once again* mmm… YEAH! Youre right KRAX

*write the answer

KRAX: okayy last question, *reading the question

DRAX: hmmm

*everyone thinking

KRAX: I think it’s A

DRAX: really?? I thought it was C

KRAX: hmm.. what about you Lookman? What do you think ?

Lookman: zzzzzz *sleeping

DRAX : ewh.. really lookman? Youre sleeping while us here do all the work?

KRAX: I swear to god, lookman wake up

DRAX: heyy?? Lookmann?? *slapping table

*lookman still sleeping

KRAX: ugh this guy! *stand up and slap lookman

Lookman: *shocked and awakened, ouch! Ugh whats wrong with you?

KRAX: why are you sleeping? Huh!!

DRAX: hey hey calm down KRAX

KRAX: goddamn it, You! Are! Really! Annoying! Lookman!

Lookman: *cried, i-im sorry.. im so tired.. I don’t get any sleep..

DRAX: you don’t sleep at all? Why? What happen? Is there any problem?

*lookman still crying

KRAX: Answer him you pancake!!

DRAX: hey hey calm down KRAX, chill, give him a time

KRAX: urghh..

*Drax try to calm KRAX anger, while trying to calm down lookman too

DRAX: lookman, its okay.. you can talk to us.. what happen?

Lookman: *finally stop crying, uhm.. i.. i don’t get any sleep because I need to take care of my father,
he is sick

DRAX: really? What happen to him?

Lookman: he has AIDS.. we are poor family, I have to work, so I can get money to pay for my sick
father, that’s why I have no time for sleeping

KRAX: ouh.. im sorry lookman, I feel bad

DRAX: hmm.. where do u work lookman? I think we can help you

Lookman: I work by selling airplane paper

KRAX and DRAX : *staring at each other

DRAX: *whispering at KRAX, hey I think we can help him

KRAX: yeah, I feel bad for him, I wanted to help him too

DRAX: hey Lookman, we gonna help you to make the airplane paper!

Lookman: what? Really? why suddenly you guys want to help me?

KRAX: hey, remember, we are friends right?

DRAX: its called romantism *smile, so.. what are we waiting for?

Lookman: thankyou guys!! Come here, lets make the airplane paper together

KRAX : sure

DRAX: lets go

*they make the airplane paper together

Lookman: thankyou for helping me guys, I really appreciate it

DRAX: ofcourse bro, no worry we got you, cause we are friends right

KRAX: yeah we do it together, friends forever

*hug each other


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