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Name-Tag Mania

At A Glance

A creative, interactive use for name-tags.


Inspires creativity
Fosters sharing
Simple props

Time 5 - 10 min

People Mini 1 – 7


Index cards
Coloured markers
Pins / sticky-tape / string

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Distribute a blank index card to each person in your group.

2. Using coloured pens or markers, ask everyone to write their first name on the
top-half of the card.
3. On the bottom-half, draw three (or four) images which represent something
about who they are, eg where they live, zodiac sign, favourite things, occupation,
4. When ready, distribute pins or sticky-tape to your group to fasten the cards to
their chests.
5. Ask everyone to greet as many other people in the group for 5 (or more)
minutes, engaging in short conversations to get to know one another better.
Popular Variations

Categories: Use a variety of groupings (see Categories) to invite people to find

others of a similar ilk. For example, those who used the same colour marker to
write their name, those who exclusively used capitals / lower case / mix of
letters, those who drew a similar type of object (eg, animal, building, person,
activity, etc,) the number of colours used on the tag, etc.
Random Colours: Use different coloured paper to create your name-tags, to
nominate colour as another ‘category’ to randomly divide your group into smaller
Narrow Your Focus: Frame the type of objects you wish to have drawn on the
name-tags. For example, draw three of your favourite foods, or sports, or
garments of clothing, or – even tougher – personal values.
Express Yourself: Invite people to write their name in a way that reflects
something of their personality. For example, if you are typically a shy or reserved
person, you may write your name really small in the top corner of the card.

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