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…more than two haploid sets of chromosomes

are present,
– 2n = diploid,
– 3n = triploid,
– 4n = tetraploid,
– etc.

...polyploidy resulting from the replication of one or

more sets of chromosomes,

…the additional set of chromosomes is identical to

the normal haploid complement of that species.
…can be induced by treating cells with the drug

â colchicine: is a alkaloid derivative from the

autumn crocus (Crocus veneris),

...inhibits microtubule polymerization, and thus inhibits

the separation of chromosomes during meiosis.
Colchicine Treatment

• cells undergo S-phase,

• no separation of chromosomes is accomplished,

• no cell division occurs,

• at telophase, the nuclear membrane reforms,

• treatment for one cell cycle leads to 4n cells.


…double diploid,

2n1 + 2n2

…have balanced gametes of the type n1 + n2,

these gametes fuse to make fertile 2n1 + 2n2.
Autopolyploidy Applications
• Treating a plant with colchicine often
produces autopolyploidy, resulting in plants
with larger flowers and/or fruit,

4n 2n 8n 2n
Allopolyploidy Applications
B. oleracea (cabbage, cauliflower, Brocolli, kale, etc.)
2n = 18

n1 napas
+ n2 =( 19
Oil rape, canola
2n1 + 2n2 = 38

n = 10

B. campestris (turnip, turnip rape)

2n = 20 amphidiploid
4n x 2n = 3n?
• The creation of triploids can be
accomplished by crossing a tetraploid with a

• Most triploid individuals are sterile.

Generation of a Triploid Cells
Meiosis in a Triploid Organism
Who’d want to Eat That?
• Bananas,

• Seedless Watermelon,

• Most other seedless varieties,

• Some oysters.

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