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Assess the role of the Persepolis reliefs in communicating the power and image

of the Persian kings

Reliefs are a sculptural technique where the artist carves their subject out of a flat surface, finds
notable representation in the grandeur of Persepolis. The Persepolis reliefs, with their intricate
and skillful execution, demonstrate the mastery of bas-relief within the context of ancient
Persian art and architecture. Persepolis served as a symbol of Persian power and kingship.
Historians of the Achaemenid era have observed how the reliefs and architecture create the
impression that the Achaemenid kings enjoyed strong support from their subjects. For example
in the source 1 A sculpture from the North Stairs of the Apadana was subsequently relocated to
the Treasury of Persepolis. In the artwork, an esteemed court official from Persia respectfully
lowers himself, touching his hand to his lips, before the presence of the monarch, possibly
identified as Darius I, and his crown prince, Xerxes. Accompanying the royal figures are two
trusted attendants fulfilling their respective roles as the bearer of the regal towel and the
custodian of the royal weapons, symbolizing their positions of authority. Also in source 2 The
figures in the relief, believed to be Darius and his son Xerxes, were intentionally depicted
without capturing any unique features of Darius himself. This ambiguity serves a larger purpose,
symbolizing the strong Achaemenid royal line and highlighting the central position of the Persian
Empire's great king and his ready successor. The Persepolis reliefs demonstrate the skillful
execution of bas-relief in ancient Persian art, portraying scenes that highlight the power and
support enjoyed by Achaemenid kings such as Darius I and Xerxes. Through intricate carvings,
these reliefs symbolize the authority and grandeur of the Persian Empire. The deliberate
omission of distinct features in the depictions emphasizes the continuity and strength of the
royal lineage, underscoring the central position of the Achaemenid kings within their realm.

Source 1 A relief from the North Stairs of the Apadana

Source 2 A Persian
coutier leads a foreign
delegate by the hand –
Persepolis Apadana

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