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Molly, a company mediator, had agreed to help Martin and Samir.

The two men had been in

constant disagreement ever since they became co-managers of the marketing department two
months ago, and this disagreement was starting to impact all parts of the department. During a
mediation session, Molly asked both men to describe their most recent conflict.

"Well, a lot of our issues have been around this new deal we're trying to close with a company
in Japan," started Samir. "Martin just won't listen to my ideas, and our proposal is due next
week! At this rate, we'll never land this deal that we absolutely need."

"Here we go again," interrupted Martin. "I don't want to discuss this now," he said as he
crossed his arms over his chest.

Samir threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. "Fine, you win. Let's do it your way. I'm just
ready to move on."

Martin's statement reflects a conflict resolution style called __________, while Samir's final
statement reflects a conflict resolution style called __________.

 competing, accommodating
 competing, compromising
 avoiding, collaborating
 avoiding, accommodating
avoiding, accommodating

Avoiding style means to diminish conflict by overlooking it, eliminating the conflicted parties, or
sidestepping it in some way. Colleagues in conflict can be eliminated from the venture they are
in conflict over, deadlines are pushed, or individuals are even reassigned to different
Accommodation style is about basically putting different gatherings needs before one's own.
You permit them to 'win' and get their direction.
Accommodation is for circumstances where you couldn't care less as firmly about the issue as
the other individual, if dragging out the conflict does not merit your time, or on the off chance
that you figure you may not be right. This choice is tied in with keeping the harmony, not
investing more exertion than the issue is worth, and realizing when to pick fights.

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