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The given diagram illustrates the intricacies involved in producing soft cheese.

In general, the making is cheese requires 9 steps commencing with the formation of curds and
culminating in the transported good for sale in shops.

Concerning the first stage, the fresh milk which contain bacteria is mixed with the biological catalyst
called enzyme to stimulate the process of solidification which means the formation of curds. Then these
are cut into small pieces to make it easier for melting as heat can penetrate better through the thin
slices of curds. Next, salt is added to the drained liquid and is shaped in the next stage. Notably, the
conveyor play a crucial role in reducing human labor, saving a considerable amount of budget spent.

Subsequently, the tested milk is fermented for about 2 months until it transform into cheese. Finally
after passing through rigrous quality control checks, these products are packed and delivered to store
for the consumption of customers.

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