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1 Zeto Rules

a What do you understand about Zeto rules

Zeto stands for zero tolerance.

Zeto is the Petronas golden rule.

b How many elements are there in the Zeto rules ?

There are 10 elements.

Which one is appliation for work or operations and which one is application for outside
c work/personal ?

For operations and work, are as follows

Work with a valid work permit (PTW) required by the job
Verify energy isolation before starting work
Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety critial equipment
Obtain authorisation before entering onfine space
Protect yourself against a fall when working at height
Use the correct PPE when handling hazardous material
Obtain authorisation before exvacation or entering a trench
Do not position yourself under a suspended load
Do not smoke outside designated areas or bring potential ignition soures into process areas without authorisation

For outside work/personal, are as follows

Usage of mobile phone/walkie-talkie while driving, follow the speed limit and use your seat belt.
Do not smoke outside designated areas or bring potential ignition soures into process areas without authorisation
Verify energy isolation before starting work

d How does it benefit to the day to day operations ?

With following Zeto rules, we can prevent incidents.

Also, it will minimise the risk while doing tasks.

e What action is to be taken if the crews do not follow the Zeto rules ?

Stop work. And explain to the crew of the Petronas Zeto rule.

2 PCSB HESMS and Company HSEMS / Bridging Documents

Bridging document is prepared to ensure that company HSEMS comply with PCSB HSEMS and identify if
there are some gaps also determine the actions required to bridge the identified gap. Bridging document
also defines which HSE standard/ procedure will be practically implemented.

For example; PTW system; bridging document will ensure that company PTW system covers all
requirements of PCSB PTW system, if there is gap then decision is made and documented that who's PTW
system shall be used/ implemented

3 PCSB Marine HSE Guidelines

a What do you understand by the PCSB Marine HSE Guidelines ?
PCSB Marine HSE Guidelines covers the expectation and methodologies of the specific contractors.

4 International Rules and Regulations. SOLAS/MARPOL

a Explain SOLAS
SOLAS is an international maritime safety treaty. It ensures that ships flagged by signatory States comply
with minimum safety standards in construction, equipment and operation.

b What are the standard Drills to be conducted as per SOLAS ?

Fire drill, abandon ship monthly. It should be done 24 hrs after the vessels leaves port & 25% of the crew
has not particpate in the drills for the past month.

c Explain MARPOL

MARPOL is an international convention to protect the environment.

There are 6 Annex in MARPOL;
Annex I prevention of pollution by oil & oily water
Annex II prevention of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Annex III prevention of pollution by harmful substances carried in packaged form
Annex IV prevention of pollution by sewage
Annex V prevention of pollution by garbage
Annex VI Prevention of air pollution

5 Locals Rules and Regulations (Merchant Shipping Ordinance 1952) - MSO 1952
a What do you understand by MSO 1952 ?

The Merchant Shipping Ordinance MSO 1952 is the bible of the Malaysian Shipping law as it has 531
sections to be exact, dealing with ship registry, ship licensing, Masters & Seamen, safety, liability of ship
owners etc.

6 ISM/SMC and its contents.

a Explain ISM and its elements.

The ISM Code provides an International standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for
pollution prevention.
The elements are to prevent loss of life, damage of property/assets and protect the environment.

b Difference between DOC and SMC ? Which one is for the vessel and which one is for the office ?

DOC is the document of compliance, and SMC is the safety management certificate.
DOC is for the office, SMC is for the vessel.

c Validity of SMC/DOC.

Both is 5 years.

7 Understanding on Master overriding authority.

In matters of safety and pollution prevention, the Master has the overriding
authority and discretion to take whatever actions he considers to be in the
best interests of crew, ship and the marine environment, and to request
the company’s assistance as may be necessary.

a What is the difference between Master overriding authority and stop work.

Master overriding authority is only for Master, and stop work policy can be authorized by all personnel.

8 Explain Emergency response procedures.

Emergency response procedure is a plan of actions to be conducted in a certain order or manner, in
response to an emergency event.

a Who is your direct line of reporting ?

DPA if it is related with safety. CSO if it is related with security.

9 Rest hour period as per STCW 95 or fatigue management.

a What is the rest hour period per day.

10 hours for per 24 hours and 77 hours in any 7-day period

b How do you break up the rest hour as per the STCW 95 ?

can be break into no more than 2 periods, one of which shall be at least 6 hrs in length, and interval
between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14 hours.

10 Change of command procedure/process.

a Explain the handing over process.

1) The outgoing Master should prepare a handing over report using the form “Master Handing Over
Checklist - CR 5” and enumerating, in brief, all matters of importance and pending to be carried out as well
as items pertaining to operation of the vessel.
2) On taking over a new ship, the Master is to check all the ship's documents and other items as
enumerated in the out-going Master’s “Master Handing Over Checklist - CR 5”.
3) The “Master Handing Over Checklist - CR 5” is to be signed by both Masters, a copy sent to Head Office
by email and the original retained on board.
4) The handing-over is to take place in the presence of Company’s representative, if on board at that time.
5) When the in-coming Master is satisfied, an entry is to be made in the official log book stating his name,
nationality, date, time, berth and port of command change and the ROB of fuel oil, diesel, oil, lub. oil, fresh
water, provisions and cash.
6) The new Master, as soon as he has taken over, is to consult with his Departmental Heads and make
himself conversant with the ship, taking care to acquaint himself with her capacity speed and fuel
consumption. He is also to check the repair lists and to inspect the ship thoroughly, to satisfy himself that
the hull is sound, the machinery - main, auxiliary and electrical, in good order. The safety and fire
equipment efficient and the vessel supplied with stores in a manner suitable for the intended voyage.
7) Master shall check certificates of all crewmembers upon taking over command, as well as during new
seafarers’ joining and take appropriate action according to procedures stipulated in Section 5 of this
8) In order to ascertain the condition of the vessel at the time of taking over and to identify the areas
which need to be addressed the Master is required to inspect the vessel and report the condition to the

b Would you accept if the handover was not done properly ?


c Who will you report to if the handing over is not satisfactory ?

Operation Manager

11 Drill and Training requirement.

a Explain your company drill and training requirements.

Life boat drill

Abandon ship drill
Fire fighting drill
Ship collision drill.

Engine blackout training

operate of the emergency generator
operate of the emergency fire pump
operate of the CO2
operate steering gear
safety of work training

b What is the training requirement of Petronas ?

R&S for the deck crew.
OSP card for all crews.

12 Note of Protest

Note of Protest is a notarized statement obtained to protect the ship's charterer or owner from liability for
damage to the cargo, the ship or to other ships in a collision, where this was caused by the perils of the sea
(for example, bad weather)

a Under which circumstances that you issue the Note of Protest ? - Give a few examples

Cargo damaged after vessel experience bad weather in a voyage.

Collision of vessel due to very strong wind

b Who do you report to and what is the process flow ?

Report to Operation Manager.

13 a Explain MOPO ?

The Manual of Permitted Operations (MOPO) is a guidance for the ship's staff indicate when activities can
proceed unrestricted, can proceed with caution, or are prohibited. This tool can be applied when faced
with conditions or conflicts in activities or operations that could threaten safe operations.

Personnel transfer procedure

14 a Explain personal transfer procedure ?
Brief the personnel to be transferred, ensure they are familiar with method of transfer and equipment to be used.
Ensure the personnel to be transferred fit for the task.
Conduct the risk assesment
Determine the communication method and channel
Explain the responsibility of the crew involved with the task.

From platform to ship, or vice versa.

b What are the steps prior personnel transfer.

Bunkering procedure.
15 a Explain the bunkering procedure

Prepare bunker plan.

Prepare checklist.
Prepare SOPEP equipment.
JSA done.
Confirm signal frequency with the barge.
Verified the total quantity we request.
Tool box meeting for bunkering.

500m Zone procedure

16 a Explain this procedure

We have to inform rig or platform before entering the 500m zone.

Need to provide DP checklist from the deck and engine dept.

b If within a day you are required to enter the 500m Zone 5 times, how many times would you require to do the checklist.

5 times.

Stop Work Policy

17 a Explain this policy.

This policy is to allow every personnel to authorize stop work if they find any unsafe operations.

Understanding of the JHA/RA/Toolbox/PTW

18 a Explain any of the random selected above.

JHA - Job Hazard Analysis

RA - Minimise and mitigate the risk before operating the task.
Toolbox - Discussion with the relevant personnel before the job operations on the safety precautions.
PTW - To get permit before doing task for the emergency equipment.

b How does your RA Matrix looks like and what does it consists of ?

PCSB Contractual requirements which include technical specifications and Charterer instructions.
19 a Do you have a copy of the contructual requirements and technical specifications ?


b What is this necessary ?

To be able to know that the vessel is working under its capacity and work scope.
to be used.
do the checklist.

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