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What is the best way of learning English?

French people learn more English from Netflix and other streaming services like
Amazon Prime Video than they do
from formal study. This is the result
of a survey carried out by YouGov.
56% of all age groups said that watching TV series
and films in English, with subtitles, beat learning in
the classroom. The figure rose to 77% for those
between the ages of 17 and 24. Also,
Nah, I’m
among the under 24s, socialgonna media
was rated as a better way aoffilm instead.
English. In all, 44% of respondents
said that the English they learned at
school was useless. They felt that this was partly because they were punished for making
mistakes and so they became afraid to speak English. Many felt that they could read some
English, but they could not converse.
At the moment, the French rank as Number 40 in the international
league table of ability to function in English. Nationalities who are
well-known for their excellence at English – the Dutch, Nordics and
Germans, have learned English from watching English TV and films
We daren’t Boring!
with speak!
subtitles for a long time. Traditionally, however, French TV has
used dubbing instead of subtitles. However, that is changing!
Currently, seven of the top Netflix series being shown in France are
in English, with subtitles. Watching programmes like ‘Game of Thrones’ is seen as
entertainment, not obligation, so people are learning English as they enjoy themselves. To a
certain extent, it is about taking control of your own learning and making it an enjoyable

Answer the questions in full sentences:

1) Which organisation carried out the survey?

2) Which age group was the most favourable to Netflix and other streaming services?
3) Why did 44% feel that their school learning of English was useless?
4) What is noticeable about the Dutch, Nordics and Germans?
5) What is dubbing and why doesn’t it help with language learning?
6) Are the French likely to get better or worse at English, due to recent developments?

In the survey, there was a box for additional comments. Julien commented that his time
learning English at school was not helpful. He said that he was self-taught, just from watching
movies in English, with subtitles in French. Marielle felt that learning grammar, what she called
‘the pattern of the language’ at school was very useful and provided a good framework. Philippe
said that he learned English through reading books and magazine articles and then discussing
them with his tutor.

TO CONSIDER: *Who do you agree with the most, Julien, Marielle or Philippe?
*What is your preferred method of learning English?
*Have you got a favourite TV series or film in English?

1. YouGov
2. The younger people (age group 17-24)
3. They were punished for making mistakes and afraid to speak English
4. They are at the top of the league for ability to function in English./Noted for their excellence
at English
5. Dubbing is replacing the English speech with speech in the relevant language. It doesn’t help
with English, as you are just listening to your own language.
6. They should get better, now that there are more English/American? programmes with
subtitles available to them.

I personally feel that a combination is necessary for optimal acquisition. I do find that watching ‘Call
My Agent’ and ‘Lupin’ – both French TV series - helps my French. (I am English). When I watched
‘Montalbano’ in Italian, it was lovely and I went to Ragusa in Sicily – where it was shot, swam in the
Med, like the commissario does, sat at his table in the café on the beach etc…OMG, wonderful! And I

learned some Italian.😉

Note 1 There are a lot of PASSIVES in this passage. Perhaps that could be a language focus for
teaching. Replace them with actives.

Note 2 SPELLINGS British English: programme/favourite/favourable/organisation. American English:

program/favorite/organization. Also film is British and movie is American, although many Brits do say

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