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How can Agriculture Contribute to the Country Economic Development?

Gross domestic product also known as GDP. Is one of two measurement for the country's economic
status. Agriculture sector is one of main economic sector in our country. Where as production of crops,
fish and meat. Which is one basic need of a human being (FOOD).

Our country is experiencing economic crisis. Where our Philippine peso is weaker over U.S. dollar. One
of the reason is caused by inflation. And country agricultural production is low. Where government
solution is importation of products.

How can we handle and solve our country's economic crisis? One solution is strengthening our
agricultural sector. Since agriculture is the base foundation of economics in our country. With the help
of our government and right leadership. Helping this sector is so important because of its impact in our

Since agriculture is the producer of raw materials. Agriculture can lower the cost of products and
production. If our country produces sustainable amount of crops, fish and meat. That means we no
longer need to have importation of agricultural products from other country. We can be the exporter of
agricultural products to other country. That will greatly increase our GDP and GNP. Which will result to
economic development.

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