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Init document for player: Player-1
Generating tasks and puzzles for round 1
location_player_from_to:{'Player-1': 'Player-1'}
Doing playerPlayer-1
Doing: Player-1 adjusted grade: 1
all players in this location:['Player-1']
hiding place:under your dining table:Player-1
message:Top secret! A further secret message is stashed under your dining table
crypto function:char_to_num
encrypted_message:20,o,p, s,5,c,r,e,20,!, a, f,21,r,t,h,5,r, s,e,3,r,e,t,
13,e,s,s,1,g,e, i,19, s,t,a,19,h,e,d, 21,n,d,e,18, y,o,u,18, d,i,n,9,n,g, t,1,b,l,e
hint:a=1, b=2, c=3, ...
Remember to look for 'Top secret!'
Generating tasks and puzzles for round 2
location_player_from_to:{'Player-1': 'Player-1'}
Doing playerPlayer-1
Doing: Player-1 adjusted grade: 3
all players in this location:['Player-1']
hiding place:in your wardrobe under to your pyjama:Player-1
message:Top secret! Another clue is concealed in your wardrobe under to your pyjama
crypto function:figlet
encrypted_message:Here's just a bunch of underscores, pipes, slahes, backslashes
and brackets: _ | / \ ( ) _ | / \ ( )

Let see, how we can write with them:

_ _ _____
| | |_ ___ _ __ ___ ___ ___ _ __ __|_ _|
| | __/ _ \ '__/ __/ _ \/ __| | '_ \ / _ \| |
|_| || __/ | | (_| __/\__ \ | |_) | (_) | |
(_)\__\___|_| \___\___||___/ | .__/ \___/|_|
_ _ _ _ _
___(_) ___ _ _| | ___ _ __ ___| |__ | |_ ___ _ __ / \
/ __| | / _ \ | | | |/ __| | '__/ _ \ '_ \| __/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \
\__ \ | | __/ |_| | | (__ | | | __/ | | | || (_) | | | |/ ___ \
|___/_| \___|\__,_|_|\___| |_| \___|_| |_|\__\___/|_| |_/_/ \_\

_ _ _
_ __ (_) __| | ___| | __ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___ ___
| '_ \| | / _` |/ _ \ |/ _` |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ / _ \ / __|
| | | | | | (_| | __/ | (_| | __/ (__| | | | (_) | (__
|_| |_|_| \__,_|\___|_|\__,_|\___|\___|_| |_|\___/ \___|

_ _
___| |__ ___ _ __ __| |_ __ __ ___ __ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _
/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \| '__/ _` | '__/ _` \ \ /\ / / | '__| | | |/ _ \| | | |
| __/ |_) | (_) | | | (_| | | | (_| |\ V V / | | | |_| | (_) | |_| |
\___|_.__/ \___/|_| \__,_|_| \__,_| \_/\_/ |_| \__,_|\___/ \__, |
_ _
_ __ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ | |_ _ __ ___ __| |_ __ _ _
| '__| | | |/ _ \| | | | / _ \| __| | '__/ _ \/ _` | '_ \| | | |
| | | |_| | (_) | |_| | | (_) | |_ | | | __/ (_| | | | | |_| |
|_| \__,_|\___/ \__, | \___/ \__| |_| \___|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|
__ _ _ __ ___ __ _ (_)_ _ _ __
/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` || | | | | '_ \
| (_| | | | | | | (_| || | |_| | |_) |
\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|/ |\__, | .__/
|__/ |___/|_|

hint:Remember to look for 'Top secret!'

Generating tasks and puzzles for round 3
location_player_from_to:{'Player-1': 'Player-1'}
Doing playerPlayer-1
Doing: Player-1 adjusted grade: 1
all players in this location:['Player-1']
redraw hiding place, already used
all players in this location:['Player-1']
hiding place:in your fridge door:Player-1
message:Top secret! The next secret message is hidden in your fridge door
crypto function:insert_noise
encrypted_message:T,o.p+ s<e-c!r-e>t;!( T:h)e| n:e:x>t; s-e!c,r]e<t& m-e%s<s<a&g[e]
i#s& h/i;d%d/e[n& i+n- y/o=u_r( f+r*i.d&g:e* d.o>o_r-
hint:Remember to look for 'Top secret!'
Generating tasks and puzzles for round 4
location_player_from_to:{'Player-1': 'Player-1'}
Doing playerPlayer-1
Doing: Player-1 adjusted grade: 3
all players in this location:['Player-1']
hiding place:under your desk:Player-1
message:Top secret! A further secret message is hidden under your desk
crypto function:rot13
encrypted_message:Gbc frperg! N shegure frperg zrffntr vf uvqqra haqre lbhe qrfx
hint:a=n, b=o, c=p, d=q, e=r, f=s, g=t, h=u, i=v, j=w, k=x, l=y, m=z, n=a, o=b,
p=c, q=d, r=e, s=f, t=g, u=h, v=i, w=j, x=k, y=l, z=m. This encryption is called
Caesar cipher or ROT13. Each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter 13
positions down the alphabet.
Remember to look for 'Top secret!'
Generating tasks and puzzles for round 5
location_player_from_to:{'Player-1': 'Player-1'}
Doing playerPlayer-1
Doing: Player-1 adjusted grade: 3
all players in this location:['Player-1']
hiding place:in your largest cooking pot:Player-1
message:Top secret! The next secret is concealed in the largest cooking pot
. .
/ `. .' \
.---. < > < > .---.
| \ \ - ~ ~ - / / |
~-..-~ ~-..-~
\~~~\.' `./~~~/
\__/ \__/
/ .- . \
_._ _.- .-~ ~-. / } \/~~~/
_.-'0 }~ / } { ; \__/
{'__, / ( / { / `. ,~~| . .
`''''='~~-.__( /_ | /- _ `..-' \\ //
/ \ =/ ~~--~~{ ./| ~-. `-..__\\_//_.-'
{ \ +\ \ =\ ( ~ - . _ _ _..---~
| | { } \ \_\
'---.6___,' .6___,'

#####['A good start: Set the combination lock of the chest to 066. Put the treasure
(whatever is valuable to the players, usually sweets ;) into ... :::lockable
treasure chest.', 'Message 1 for Player-1 together with the treasure chest (do not
hide too good, it is locked anyway ;):::under your kitchen sink', 'Message 2 for
Player-1:::under your dining table', 'Message 3 for Player-1:::in your wardrobe
under to your pyjama', 'Message 4 for Player-1:::in your fridge door', 'Message 5
for Player-1:::under your desk', 'Ultraviolet pocket lamps (ideally one per player)
and note with title: Special info on ultraviolet lamps for Player-1:::in the
largest cooking pot', 'Use ultraviolet marker to make arrows on the floor from "in
the largest cooking pot" to ...:::near your vacuum cleaner', 'Final Message for
Player-1:::near your vacuum cleaner']#####

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