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彰化縣長安國民小學 107 學年度下學期五年級英語科第三次月考 考試卷

Class:______ Chinese name:________________ English name:____________ Number:_____ Score:_________

一、Listen and Circle 聽 CD,圈出對應的發音組合:(每題 2

分,共 10 分)
1. sp st
2. ng nk
3. st sp 8. ( ) ( )
4. sk sp
5. ng nk
四、Listen and Number 聽 CD,將圖片依序標號:(每題 2 分,
二、Listen and Circle 聽 CD,圈出正確的發音例字:(每題 2 共 2 分)
分,共 10 分)
1. spit skit
2. rink ring
3. pink ping
4. state skate
5. skin spin 1. ( )
三、Listen and Check 聽 CD,勾選正確的單字圖片:(每題 1
分,共 8 分)

( )

1. ( ) ( )

( )

2. ( ) ( )

( )

五、Listen and Choose 聽 CD,選出適當的回應句:(每題 2 分

3. ( ) ( ) 共 8 分)
( )1. (A) Their favorite subject is English.
(B) Our favorite subject is Chinese.
(C) Science is too hard for me.
4. ( ) ( )
( )2. (A) Yes, I am.

(B) No, he isn’t.

(C) Yes, we do.
5. ( ) ( )
( )3. (A) I play sports.

(B) I’m reading books.

6. ( ) ( ) (C) Yes, I listen to music after work.

( )4. (A) Yes, he is.

7. ( ) ( ) (B) Yes, he does.

(C) No, he doesn’t like science.

六、Read and Write 看中文寫出單字:(每題 2 分,共 14 分)

1. 看電視 (A) Do, do
__________ (B) Do, does
2. 上網 (C) Does, does
3. 聽音樂 八、Look, Read and Mark 圖文相符畫“O”,不符畫“X”:
(每題 1 分,共 4 分)
__________ ( )1.
4. 運動
5. 遛狗
6. 做功課
He listens to music.
7. 看書 ( )2.

七、Choose 文法選擇:(每題 2 分,共 12 分)

( )1. I ________ sports after work.

(A) play
A: What is the boy doing?
(B) plays
B: He’s eating and reading books.
(C) playing
( )2. A: What ________ you do after school? ( )3.
B: We ________ books.
(A) do, read
(B) do, reads
(C) does, reads
( )3. A: What does Frank do after school? Eddie walks the dog in the park.
B: He ________. ( )4.
(A) does her homework
(B) do his homework
(C) does his homework
( )4. A: Does Nancy ________ the violin after
B: No, she ________. A: What do you do after work?
(A) play, isn’t B: I surf the Internet.
(B) play, doesn’t
九、Unscramble 重組句子:(每題 3 分,共 12 分)
(C) plays, doesn’t 1. play∕?∕the∕sports∕Does∕in∕park∕Sally
( )5. Betty ________ the dog every day.
(A) walk _________
(B) walks 2. she’s∕the∕library∕.∕Maybe∕in∕

(C) walking _____________________

( )6. A: ________ Peter listen to music at home?
3. please∕you∕give∕a ∕hand∕me∕? ∕ Can
B: Yes, he ________.
十一、Oral test 口試:(每題 2 分,共 8 分)
_____________________ 1. 抽唸 U3 兩個單字
_________ _____________________
4. You ∕ science ∕ many ∕ books ∕have ∕. _____________________
2.抽唸 U4 兩個單字
十、Look and Write 看圖完成句子:(每題 3 分,共 12 分) 3. 請回答下列問題
Q: What do you do after school?

A: _____________________________
4. 請唸出下列句子
Science is cool.

I like science now.

Science is my favorite subject.

A: What do you do after school?
B: .


A: Does he play sports after school?

B: .


A: What does Amy do after school?

B: .


A: What is Peter’s favorite subject?

B: .

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