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(Activity 1)

John Faramir R. Fortuno 9/04/2023

Grade 10 – Diamond Ms. Bernadette Caparas

Video games have been around for quite a while now, captivating people of all ages with their

immense popularity. As a member of Generation Z, I have personally witnessed the evolution

and transformation of video games. Nowadays, we have an incredible variety of games to choose

from, ranging from first-person shooters and RPGs to immersive open-world adventures. While

some individuals perceive these games as mere mindless entertainment devoid of any intellectual

value, I firmly believe that there are numerous ways in which children can also learn and grow.

One fascinating aspect of engaging in real-time strategy games is the positive impact they have

on our cognitive abilities. RTS games often present players with complex choices, forcing them

to contemplate the consequences of their decisions. Thus, engaging in these games can truly

enhance our ability to make informed and prudent choices, particularly when faced with high-

pressure circumstances. These games truly stimulate the brain and push it to its limits. In fact, a

noteworthy study conducted by Green and Bavelier in 2003 revealed that RTS games can

enhance various cognitive functions, including attention, memory, and spatial skills. Moreover,

the benefits extend beyond the gaming realm, the skills acquired through playing RTS games can

be applied to other areas of life, such as problem-solving and multitasking. It is truly remarkable

how these games foster critical thinking and future planning, all while providing enjoyment to
players of all backgrounds. Nonetheless, it is important to acknowledge that, like everything else,

there are both advantages and disadvantages to playing RTS games.

Participating in RTS games online with other individuals provides an excellent opportunity to

connect and collaborate. It is a platform where friendships can be forged and teams can be

formed, an ideal scenario for individuals like me who are constantly seeking new ways to

socialize and interact with others. Personally, I have had incredibly positive experiences while

playing games online, as it has allowed me to feel a sense of belonging and support within a


However, it is important to acknowledge that playing these games does come with certain

drawbacks. One significant disadvantage of indulging in RTS games is the potential for

excessive time consumption. These games have an uncanny ability to captivate players, often

resulting in hours spent in front of the screen. This excessive immersion can disrupt other vital

aspects of life, such as academic pursuits, work obligations, and interpersonal relationships. In

fact, excessive gaming has been linked to academic difficulties in young adults. Additionally, it

is crucial to recognize that some individuals, particularly those in my age group, may develop an

addiction to RTS games. This addiction can have detrimental consequences, such as neglecting

responsibilities and experiencing social isolation.

A study by Lemmens et al. (2009) found that problematic gaming behavior was associated with

higher levels of depression and lower life satisfaction. Playing RTS games for extended periods

can have adverse effects on physical health. This generation is already facing concerns related to
sedentary lifestyles and screen time. Prolonged gaming sessions can exacerbate these issues,

leading to problems such as obesity, eye strain, and posture-related problems.

RTS games often involve conflict and competition, which can lead to heightened emotions

during gameplay. While research on the link between violent video games and real-world

aggression remains inconclusive, it is essential to acknowledge the potential for increased

aggression in some players. The relationship between video game violence and real-world

aggression may be more complex than previously thought.

In conclusion, RTS games offer a range of benefits and drawbacks for players in my age bracket.

The cognitive benefits, improved decision-making skills, and social interaction opportunities

make RTS games an attractive option for many. However, the time consumption, potential for

addiction, and risk of increased aggression are significant concerns that cannot be ignored.

Ultimately, whether or not RTS games are beneficial to players in my age group depends on how

individuals manage their gaming habits and prioritize their responsibilities. It is crucial for

players balance gaming and other aspects of life to ensure a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

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