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Paragraph Writing Skills-Section 62

Joseph Rishmawi-22010228
Unit 7 Project

Do violent video games cause behavior problems?

With the evolution of technology, many people, whether children or adults, started playing
video games a lot, as researches in 2021 show that an average person spends eight and a half
hours weekly playing video games. Among those games are violent-rated games involving
shooting, murdering, and completely harsh scenes. While some people think playing violent
games doesn’t cause any harm and that they’re entertaining, others have the opinion that they
have a negative effect on a person’s attitude and behavior.

Let us discuss arguments in favor of violent games. To begin with, violent video games are fun
and relaxing to play, for instance, people who finish school or work go home stressed and tired,
and they want to comfort themselves and get rid of the stress, so a good way to do so is to play
violent games and enjoy them. Another advantage is that violent games may affect gamers’
intelligence; because violent games aren’t just about shooting with a gun or crashing a car, there
are strategies, plans, and cleverness involved. In addition, research shows that playing violent
games increases a child’s IQ by two and a half. Finally, violent games positively impact a
person’s social skills. For example, some games allow players to play together in the same
team, this lets players communicate with each other, and help one another to win. Moreover,
playing with a lot of people allows you to build relationships with other gamers in games and
maybe even in real life.

However, several arguments contradict the benefits of violent games. First, violent video games
can make people aggressive, and this may lead to them harming themselves and others, for
example, if a person keeps losing, they might reach a point where they can’t control themselves,
and start screaming at other people, bullying them and maybe even beating them. In addition, a
person may become so violent that they might commit crimes and shoot people in real life.
There was an incident in August 2019 where a gunman killed 22 people and injured 24 others,
and he referred to video games when investigated. Another disadvantage is that a person may
not be able to tell the difference between a video game and real life, leading them to do silly
activities, and this is especially noticed among children who play violent games, for instance, in
the USA there were many incidents of children, who play violent games that contain driving,
were caught driving their parents’ cars on highways, risking their lives and other drivers’ lives.
Finally, like any other video game, violent video games cause addiction; because when gamers
lose a match, they always get that feeling that they should’ve won and keep trying until they
win. This is a common thing among gamers where every time they lose a game they say ‘one
more game’, but the truth is they won’t stop until they win. This can cause them to miss
appointments, fail classes, and neglect their daily objectives.

Overall, it is my opinion that even though violent games have their advantages, the
disadvantages outweigh the advantages, making them a controversial video game type. Another
problem is that many gamers don’t follow the games’ terms and conditions, for example, some
games require the person to be 18 and over to play, but some parents buy these games for their
12-year-old kids, not knowing the damage they may cause. Moreover, there are many other
types of games that are more fun and relaxing to play, such as sports games, puzzle games, and
adventure games.

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