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Let Us Assess

Activity 6. Craft It!

Claim 1.

Goal: Convince reader that video gaming is bad.

Purpose: Avoid negative health consequences caused by video

Video games are a form of media that is commonly affiliated with

negative health consequences. Gaming has turn out to be a trend
which is rapidly growing among younger generation. In fact, for
many people it is a part of their daily life. Playing games for
prolonged period of time can also lead to addiction, some are
addicted to the extent that they have neglected their daily
responsibilities. It turned out to be a major issue that many
people are in difficulty to deal with.

Overdoing video games could also affect other essential stuff, like
friendships and how well a kid does in a school. But even more
prevalent, is that playing video games has been shown to have a
relation with antisocial and aggressive behavior. A recent study
established that the majority of 4th to 8th grades prefer violent
games. As society sees video games with violent content as a
downfall for personal development. Video game violence may
lead to the real life violence. Research has shown that video
games can lead to negative effects on children’s physical health,
including obesity, video-induced seizures, and postural, muscular
and skeletal disorders, such as tendonitis, nerve compression, and
carpal tunnel syndrome.

What we want from video games is frequently very alike to what

we want in real life. We want excitement, adventures, friendships,
victories and status. Games have established a way to serve that
to us with little effort in our end. As a result, a person’s ability to
engage triumph circuit suffers when they can just engage it with
video games.
It’s difficult to get adequate active play and exercise if you’re
always inside playing video games. You can select a game that
gets you up and moving. Prolonged time consumed in gaming
while staying in one position lacking any physical activities may
cause shoulder and back pain. Moreover, staring at whichever
gadget’s screen for a great deal of time can lead to various eye
problems including blurry vision.

Video games can bring a lot of negative effects to our body. One
relatively common health issues among gamers is repetitive stress
injuries due to gaming requires strenuous, repetitive motion on
the hands and wrists which may cause inflammation and injury.
Too much of anything is just really too much.

Claim 2.

Goal: Convince readers that video gaming is good.

Purpose: Gamers can enjoy while keeping their health and well-
being in good shape.

Some people argued that video games are linked to violence.

However, new research shows that video games can be used for
therapeutic purposes, stress relievers, hand-eye coordination,
problem-solving skills, mind’s ability to process information and
different types of patient treatment for people around the world.
Playing video games some time can be okay. Choose quality
games, limit screen time-which includes TV, computer,
smartphone, tablet and video game time combined-to a
reasonable amount. Video games are engaging and immersive on
a level different from that of traditional board games and other
forms of entertainment.

When playing video games, the coordination and concentration

can physically, socially and mentally benefit the user. Video games
are stress-relievers and a kind of world wherein you can
manipulate the flow of events. People who are going to be prone
to violence might be affected by video games but someone who’s
of mind is not going to be affected by a violent video game. The
violence in video games is one of the few factors that attract
gamers. With the possibility to be violent, the motive is there and
the violence that video games have is only a factor for that motive
to be act out. In the end, it’s the decision of the gamer that matter
as it always lies in the hands of the gamers if they switch the
virtual world with the reality.

Lots of kids love video games. We can’t blame everything to the

gamers and game maker. A good game will be the right one for
how old you are. Games are rated like movies and your mom or
dad can help figure out which ones you should use. Parents
should also be aware of what is happening to their children,
different children handle things differently. If the child becomes
aggressive or unsettled after playing violent video games, don’t
buy such games, regardless of the child’s age.

If a child spends too much time playing video games, limit the
amount of time or specify the times a day that video games can
be played. When games are played in moderation and with
mindfulness, they are a viable source of stress relief as well as a
catalyst for mental health improvement and development of
social skills. Although excessive playtime can have negative
consequence, gaming in moderation can be healthy, fun and

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