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Haidar Murtada


Electronic games

What are Electronic games?

Electronic games are played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a
television screen or other different display screens.

The pros of Electronic games

Here are 8 pros of the electronic games

1. coordination

When an adult or child is playing a video game, he or she is not only staring at the computer inactively.
The activities and actions on the screen provide a lot of mental stimulation. For one to play, he or she will
need to coordinate their visual, and physical movement.

2. Improves problem-solving skills

Video games involve certain rules. This means that the player has to think carefully before making any
move to ensure that they stay within the required rules of that particular game. The player needs to make
split-second decisions that will determine whether or not he or she will advance to the next level.

3. Memory

Playing your favorite video game may require both visual and audial memory. The player is required to
read or listen to the instructions which might only be provided at the beginning of the game, thus the need
to remember them throughout the entire game. Mastery of the keys on your keyboard helps you easily
move your characters in the game. This helps improve your memory, whether short- term or long-term.

4. Improves attention and concentration

Video games especially action games have proven to be able to capture the player's attention for the
entire period of the game. This is brought about by the player's need to achieve certain objectives within
the game, and be able to progress to the next level.

5. It is a great source of learning

Haidar Murtada

Gaming is not only beneficial to adults and teenagers, but to children as well. Many modern education
institutions incorporate video games as a teaching method. This helps these children improve their
academic skills by providing video games that are specifically aimed at enhancing their cognitive and
creative skills.

6. Improves the brain's speed

While gaming, the brain receives multiple stimulations, both Visual and audial. According to research,
individuals who play video games frequently can process these stimulators faster than others. These
stimulators ensure that the brain is continuously working to interpret them.

7. Improves social skills

Online gaming enables many players to engage in a particular game simultaneously. As such, there is
constant communication between the players which in turn results in the development of meaningful as
well as casual relationships among them.

This helps players meet new friends while also strengthening bonds with their old friends. Though
computer games might be beneficial, there is a need to play them in moderation. It is also important to
pick the right game as not all of them provide the same cognitive benefits. Age should also be a factor.
Small children should not be exposed to violent games.

The cons of Electronic games

1. Video games can make people more violent

According to The Telegraph, researchers have found a direct link between violent video games and an
increase in aggressive behavior. This applies particularly to “shoot-em-up” games that simulate firearms.

2. Video games may decrease players’ ability to concentrate

A study published in Psychology of Popular Media Culture found a correlation between the length of time
individuals play video games and their ability to remain focused. The study also suggested that playing
video games may exacerbate the impulsiveness of individuals who already have this inclination.

3. Video games can become addictive

Haidar Murtada

A university study found that one in 10 youth gamers is “addicted;” their playing habits cause family,
social, school, or psychological damage. Treatment programs combating video game addiction have
cropped up across the world, including in the United States, South Korea, and the Netherlands.

4. Video games may increase depression and anxiety

While it’s true that video games can help combat anxiety and depression, other studies have shown that
they might cause or exacerbate these conditions instead. A study in Cyberpsychology, Behavior and
Social Networking, for example, found that fifth-graders who play video games two or more hours a day
are more likely to have symptoms of depression than those who play less.

While the arguments on both sides of this debate continue, conclusions as to whether video games are
ultimately “good” or “bad” lie with the reader. The truth is most likely somewhere in between, with
allowances made for personal circumstances and preferences.


Having a balance is important. In our daily lives, we practice different roles in threw out the day. Such as
exercising, studies, and health should all be done threw the day. To make a balance put a certain amount
of time to your self to make a commitment that you will play video games for a certain amount of time. But
of course, priority is first.

What age is allowed to play or watch E-Games and how long should they play

Here are the ages allowed to play or watch E-Games and how long should they play.

Ages 2-4: 20 min max

Ages 5-7: 40 min max

Ages 8-12: 1-hour max

Ages 13-17: 2 hours 30 min max

What negative effect could e-games put on a family environment and its relationships?

There have been many studies that have looked into video games in behavior and health outcomes. The
current study, however, investigated the relationship between parental co-play of video games and
behavioral and family outcomes. Results showed that while time spent playing video games alone had
many negative outcomes, co-playing video games with parents resulted in positive outcomes such as
decreased levels of aggressive behavior.
Haidar Murtada


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