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Ahmad Murtada


Video Games
and its Effects

What are Video Games?

A video game is a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer
program on a television screen or other display screen.

So, you sort of got the idea. Now, let's dwell into some more information. Here are some
important key facts about the average gamer:

● 65% of American adults play video games.

● 91% of kids between the ages of 2 and 17 play video games.
● 54% of them are male, whereas 46% of gamers are female.
● Gamers are more likely to have a creative hobby.

These are just a couple of facts about who plays and who doesn’t. But while they are important,
information about the health and brain of a gamer is more dependable to think about.

The Effects on a Gamers Health

Like all things, there is a good and bad for gaming. Keep in mind that every video game is
different, so not all of the facts can sustain them. Let’s start off with the good facts, supported by

Positive Results
1. Coordination Improves.

When someone is playing a video game, he or she is not only staring at the computer.
The actions on the screen provide a lot of mental stimulation. For one to play, he or she will
need to coordinate their visual, audial, and physical movement.

2. Improves Problem-Solving Skills.

Video games involve certain rules. This means that the player has to think carefully
before moving to make sure that they stay within the perimeters of the game. The player needs
to make split-second decisions that will determine whether he or she will advance to the next
level or not.

3. Enhances Memory

Playing your favorite video game may require both visual and audial memory. The player is
required to read or listen to the instructions which might only be provided at the beginning of the game,
thus the need to remember them throughout the entire game. Mastering the keys on your keyboard
helps you easily move your characters in the game. This helps improve your memory, whether short-
term or long-term.

4. Educational

Gaming is not only beneficial to adults and teenagers, but to children as well. (to a limit, of
course) Many modern education institutions incorporate video games as a teaching method. This helps
children improve their learning skills by providing video games that are specifically aimed at enhancing
their creative skills.

5. Social Skills Improve

Online gaming enables many players to engage in a particular game simultaneously. As such,
there is constant communication between the players which in turn results in the development of
meaningful as well as casual relationships among them.

6. Brain Speed Ups

While gaming, the brain receives multiple orders. According to research, individuals who play
video games frequently can process these stimulators faster than others. These stimulators ensure that
the brain is continuously working to interpret them.

So, this might have changed your view on video games. We got 6 facts showing that video
games actually provide positive results to the human mind. But earlier we said that everything has a
good and bad thing. This, of course, applies to video games too. Information providing the dark side of
video games are here:

Negative Results
1. Overstimulates the Sensory System

When a child plays video games, overstimulating messages are sent to the nervous system due
to the screen visuals of bright colors and quick movements. This enables the body's “flight or fight”
response, resulting in them panicking. When the child isn't playing video games, the brain experiences
sensory deprivation, which can lead to irritability. This can cause people to experience seizures, tics, and

2. Addicting

The brain chemical “dopamine” is released when a child plays video games. The more a child
likes a game, the more dopamine is released, causing the child to want to continue playing. A study
conducted at Iowa State University found one in ten gamers studied could be defined as obsessive
players using standards for pathological gambling (although people tend to use the word addiction
more). Studies show that the same obsessive behavior in video games is the same towards drugs.

3. Messes up Sleeping

Artificial blue light is emitted from electronic screens. This type of light causes the brain to
suppress the “hormone melatonin” which your body needs to sleep. A study conducted at Harvard
University found exposure to blue light suppressed melatonin twice as long as green light which shifted
circadian rhythms by two times longer (3 hours vs. 1.5 hours). Research from the American Academy of
Sleep Medicine found gamers who played for 7 hours or more a day experienced less sleep than non-

4. Socializes Less

OK, OK, we know that the opposite of this was mentioned as something good. But— there is
actually something wrong within this. Playing video games tends to be an isolating activity. When a child
is playing video games they are missing out on interacting socially with both friends and family. These
social interactions are important in developing social skills and relationships. Research by Kraut et al.
found increased use of technology led to a decline in social interactions and an increase in depression.

5. Can’t Sense Time

Video gameplay has been linked to time distortion in players. Rau et al. found that gamers have
difficulty gauging how much time they actually spent playing, and often required outside intervention by
a person to stop playing. A poor sense of time perception also creates issues with time management,
which could cause the child to be late.

Common Questions about Video Games

How much should I play every week?

It depends for every age, but the average maximum amount someone should play is 2 hours per

Is it OK to have Online Friends?

This also depends. Online gaming and chat rooms are usually to blame. Nonetheless, making
friends online is not all bad, at least to some people. According to a study conducted by McAfee, a third
of teens feel more accepted online than in real life. This can lead to some problems when trying to make
physical friends. Also, people have found that going undercover behind the screens is easier than in real
life to gain private info about a victim, or worse, sexually abuse them. Nevertheless, it isn’t all that
wrong to make friends with someone online as long as you’re cautious. If you feel like you are being
sexually abused or any sort of offense, report it immediately.

Why are the most popular eGames Violent (e.g. first shooter, action, etc.)?
It’s not violence— It’s the adrenaline. There are plenty of games that aren’t violent, such as
sports games or racing games. But most of the games share one thing in common: they create exciting
moments with anticipation and tension. That tension, anticipation, and final payout trigger adrenaline in
our brain gives us pleasure. This tension and anticipation don’t really come from the act of violence. It
comes from “conflict” and “drama”. That’s why sometimes the most thrilling players come from
conversations and dramatic moments that didn’t involve any kind of violence. The same goes for
movies, TV shows, rollercoasters, and extreme sports. But, as gaming companies have found out,
violence gives the most adrenaline of them all.

How should I stay Healthy when I also want to Play Video Games?
This isn’t too hard (As long as you’re not addicted to eGames). Make a schedule of when you can
play, when you should exercise, and adding other activities in. Then, stay committed to it as hard as you

Can Video Games get me into College?

Surprisingly, yes! eGames is a new scholarship in colleges and universities and is actually widely
sought for, as many skilled gamers find this as an opportunity to use their skills as a career.

As you can see, video games may seem like a problem most of the time in society, but it is
proven to be a turn in the 21st century, and to be a game-changer!


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