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Are video games good or bad for you?

For a long time, videogames are been a polemical debate, first at all, we have to
know why videogames have become controversial, with more than 90 percent of
American kids playing video games for an average of two hours a day, whether that's
a good idea is a valid question for parents to ask; violent video games especially,
have caused such concern for parents that the issue of whether the sale or rental of
such games to children should be prohibited.
For many, video games represent a world of violent images and aggressive
emotions. Popular games like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto have been
demonised in the media, blamed for everything from falling grades at school to
provoking acts of extreme violence. But while the link between video games and
violence has been debated for three decades now, there is still no clear answer.
However, there are more good things than bad ones. Players can develop some
specific skills like: improved eyesight, faster decision making (a particularly useful
skill for something like driving where quick reactions are key), perseverance, helps
to combat depression, it improves the cognitive functions, encourage teamwork,
multitasking, developing reading, memory,, how to response to challenges and
frustrations, etc.
On the other hand, we have the bad things. Most of the bad effects of video games
are blamed on the violence they contain. Children who play more violent video
games are more likely to have increased aggressive thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors, and decreased prosocial helping, also, those who watch a lot of simulated
violence, such as those in video games, can become immune to it, more inclined to
act violently themselves, and are less likely to behave emphatically.
Nevertheless, there is a "consistent correlation" between violent game use and
aggression, but isn't finds sufficient evidence to link violent video play to violence
violence. Players are able to leave the emotional effects of the game behind when
the game is over. Indeed there are cases of teenagers who commit violent crimes
who also spend great amount of time playing video games. It appears that there will
always be violent people, and it just so happen that many of them also enjoy playing
violent video games.

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