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How video games affect students’ social skills?


The role of students that play video games and their social health.



To determine the aspects of video games that affect teenagers’ social skills


1. To discover the aspects that affect the students’ social skills.

2. To explain why video games affect students’ social skills.

Problem Statement

In the past videogames have had a tough relationship with students and their

academics, they were associated with bad grades, violent behavior and poor academic

performance.” It is a widespread concern that violent video games promote aggression, reduce

pro-social behavior, increase impulsivity and interfere with cognition as well as mood in its

players.” According to recent trends, video games have been used as a tool to improve social

skills among individuals. However, there is a deficiency of empirical evidence regarding the

effectiveness of video games in enhancing social skills. Although some studies have shown

positive results (Green & Bavelier, 2003). Action video game modifies visual selective attention.

Nature, 423, 534-537), others have proved mixed or negative results (Gentile (2009). Playing

violent videogames increases aggressive thoughts, behaviors or feelings), which highlights the

need for a comprehensive study to examine the extent to which video games can help

individuals develop and improve their social skills. Therefore, this study aims to explore the

relationship between video games and social skills and investigate whether video games can be

considered an effective tool to improve social skills among individuals. The perspective tends to

be a more balanced one where it’s clear the positive and negative aspects.

It is essential to learn how video games are affecting the social skills of students,

because this way the people could understand why many young people have various problems

in relating to other people. There is also a lot of stereotypes related to videogames, like media

blaming violence and other influences on videogames (Anderton, 2018). Since a large part of

social skills are achieved through games in childhood, nowadays, despite the optimization of

technology, individuals have the possibility to see the beginning of the new phenomenon in the

new world of games. children's games, which is a huge development in the composition and

content of children's games. The children and young people in the present world are too

damaged by various types of games. And think about the value of video games in the social life

of this age range, as expected, video games have shared a large part of the socialization of

children and young people. “Video games are a ubiquitous part of almost all children's and

adolescents' lives, with 97% playing for at least one hour per day in the United States.” The

beauty of video games for kids and teenagers has made them more acceptable, just like other

gaming gadgets. As an example, there was an analysis carried out by Griffiths et al (1998), in

which young people were asked to explain the benefits and disadvantages of video games. In

that analysis, individuals described their passion for video gaming as fun, exciting, and

challenging. A certain percentage of gamers said the positive results of video games as an

optimization of the dynamic abilities of the mind. One third of the subjects believed that the

handicap of such games was due to gaming addiction.


 Students might not tell the truth

 Parents may be against their kids taking a survey.

 Information online might not be completely reliable.

 Not a lot of students may answer the survey

 It is relevant topic but it is not given the importance.


 There are many people that play videogames.

 There is a lot of information because it is a relevant topic.

 There are enough students’ available to develop the study.

Benefited audiences:

The benefited audience are teenagers aged 14 to 18 years old on 8th to 11th grade

that play video games.

Literature Review

Videogames have improved over the years and their users as well. Society has different

views towards videogames, some may be negative and others positive. There is a belief that

students' social skills are related to daily activities they do, in this case videogames. But the

relation between videogames and students is not relevant to a lot of people, so, in this case

talking about the relation towards it will be necessary.

1. Videogames

In the modern world, videogames have made a huge impact on a lot of people, mainly

teens. There may be several reasons why this is such a popular topic, for example the

populability and relevance that this has in social medias, Doble (2021) also videogames create

interactive environment to improve the learning, videogames have also had a big impact on

teens in the emotion the whey that they think, social skills Video games can be used as an

educational tool to teach people about various subjects, such as history, science, and

mathematics. Games can be designed to be both fun and informative, making learning a more

engaging experience.

1.1 Types of Videogames

Videogames are varied and have different types. Video games can have both positive

and negative effects on teenagers, depending on the type of game and the amount of time

spent playing it.

The type of video games that teenagers play can have various effects on their behavior,

emotions, and cognitive development. Here are some ways in which different types of video

games can affect teenagers (Amy Patuel 2014):

Violent Video Games: Studies have suggested that playing violent video games can

increase aggression, desensitize teens to violence, and decrease empathy towards others.

Exposure to violent video games has also been linked to increased anxiety and depression.

Educational Video Games: Educational video games can have a positive impact on

cognitive development, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking abilities. These games can

also improve academic performance and motivation to learn.

Social Video Games: Social video games that involve multiplayer modes or online

communities can have both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, they can foster

social connections and teamwork skills. On the other hand, they can also expose teenagers to

cyberbullying, toxic behavior, and inappropriate content.

Addictive Video Games: Some video games are designed to be highly addictive, with

features like loot boxes and microtransactions that encourage players to spend more time and

money on the game. This can lead to negative impacts on mental health, sleep patterns, and

academic performance.

Overall, it is important for parents and guardians to be mindful of the types of video

games that their teenagers are playing and to set reasonable limits on screen time. Encouraging

a balance of different activities, such as physical exercise, socializing with peers, and engaging

in creative hobbies, can also help mitigate any negative effects of video game usage.

1.2 Effects of videogames

The effects of video games on teens can be both positive and negative, depending on

various factors such as the content of the game, the amount of time spent playing, and the

individual characteristics of the teen. Here are some potential effects:

Positive effects:
Improved cognitive skills: Certain video games can improve cognitive skills such as

attention, memory, and spatial reasoning.

Social skills: Multiplayer games can improve social skills by promoting teamwork,

communication, and cooperation.

Stress relief: Video games can provide a healthy outlet for stress and anxiety, allowing

teens to relax and unwind.

Negative effects:

Aggressive behavior: Some studies suggest that playing violent video games can lead to

increased aggression and desensitization to violence.

Addiction: Teens can become addicted to video games, leading to negative

consequences such as poor academic performance, sleep deprivation, and decreased physical


Health problems: Excessive video game use can lead to health problems such as

obesity, poor posture, and eye strain.

It's important to note that the effects of video games on teens are complex and may vary

depending on individual circumstances. Parents and caregivers can help mitigate any negative

effects by setting limits on screen time and monitoring the content of the games their teens are


2. Social Skills

Social skills are essential for people to create their personal and professional

relationships (Herrity, 2019). People need to inherit these skills to grow and have different
experiences in life. How advanced or short social skills will depend on the person completely,

but in social skills there are factors that may also affect someone’s social skills. Including lack of

experience in social interactions, surroundings that can cause isolation, anxiety, depression or

trauma (Ong, 2023). As human beings' social skills are something people need to improve their

personality and more aspects of themselves. There are people who have higher skills than

others, but in the end, social skills are very needed for people to interact and learn new


2.1 Effects of Social Skills

Between social skills, there are different kinds of effects they can cause. Some might

have bigger effects because they are introverted, and others may have less because they are

extroverted. “While extraverts like to be social with other people, introverts are more comfortable

with their inner world of thoughts and feelings and prefer solitude” (Helgoe 2010). Introverts

have a harder time with social skills than extroverts. “Like all people, introverts need social

relationships. However, they are selective when it comes to building social contacts, and they

require more time alone to balance out their energy after social situations because they can get

overstimulated” (Schmeck and Lockhart, 1983). The effects of social skills will depend on the

type of person they are emotionally and mentally.

2.2 Social skills in the modern era

Social skills have changed over the years, checked by surveys and researchers, social

skills are proven to have been more expanded and varied back in the days, since technology

was not an important factor and wasn’t as advanced, people didn’t give it importance, but now

that technology has advanced to a big amount, a lot of people have lost the basics of social

skills, centering more on things related to technology. In the modern era social skills are more

dependent on technology and that has made these skills become poorer.
3. Students:

Video games can benefit students' social skills in several ways:

Cooperative Play: Many video games require players to work together to achieve a

common goal, which can help students develop teamwork skills and communication skills.

Online Multiplayer: Multiplayer games that allow players to communicate with each other

can help students practice their social skills, as they must learn to communicate effectively with

other players.

Increased Empathy: Video games can increase empathy by allowing players to

experience different perspectives and emotions through the stories and characters in the game.

Problem Solving: Video games often require players to solve complex problems, which

can improve critical thinking skills and help students learn to work through challenges


Increased Confidence: Success in video games can lead to increased confidence in

students, which can translate into improved social skills and interactions with others.

Safe Environment: Video games provide a safe environment for students to practice

social skills and learn from their mistakes without fear of real-world consequences.

Overall, video games can be a useful tool for students to develop social skills and

improve their interactions with others. However, it is important to note that excessive or

inappropriate use of video games can also have negative effects on students' social skills and

overall well-being.
3.1 Types of Students

Types of Students with video games and how they affect their social skills:

Introverted Students: Video games can provide a safe space for introverted students to interact

with others, practice social skills, and build confidence in a virtual environment. However,

excessive video game use can also reinforce isolation and hinder social development.

Competitive Students: Competitive students may benefit from video games that require

teamwork and communication to achieve a common goal. However, excessive competitiveness

can lead to negative social interactions with other players, and a lack of empathy for others.

Socially Anxious Students: Video games can help socially anxious students develop

social skills by providing a low-risk environment to practice social interactions. However,

excessive use of video games may lead to further social isolation and a dependence on virtual


Students with Special Needs: Video games can be used as a tool to help students with

special needs develop social skills, improve communication, and build confidence. However, it

is important to choose games that are appropriate for each student's specific needs and


Students with Poor Social Skills: Video games can provide a structured environment for

students with poor social skills to learn and practice social interactions. However, excessive use

of video games may reinforce antisocial behavior and hinder the development of real-world

social skills.

It is important to note that the impact of video games on social skills may vary depending

on the individual student and the type of video game they are playing. Overall, it is important to

promote healthy and responsible video game use, and to encourage students to balance their

screen time with other forms of social interaction and physical activity.
3.2 Average Academic Performance

Average Academic Performance of students who play video games:

The impact of video games on academic performance can vary greatly depending on various

factors such as the type of game, frequency of play, and the individual student's habits and


Research suggests that moderate video game use may not necessarily have a negative

impact on academic performance. In fact, some studies have found that playing certain types of

video games can improve cognitive skills such as spatial reasoning, problem-solving, and

decision-making, which can potentially improve academic performance.

However, excessive video game use has been linked to poorer academic performance.

Students who spend more time playing video games may have less time for studying,

completing assignments, and engaging in other academic activities. In addition, video game

addiction can lead to a lack of motivation, poor time management, and neglect of other


It is important to note that video game use is just one of many factors that can impact

academic performance. Other factors such as sleep, nutrition, and stress levels can also play a

significant role. It is important for students to maintain a healthy balance between leisure

activities and academic responsibilities, and for parents and educators to encourage

responsible video game use.

Average Academic Performance of the types of students who play video games:

The impact of video games on academic performance can vary depending on the type

of student who plays them. Here are some potential effects on different types of students:
High-achieving students: High-achieving students who play video games in moderation

may not see a significant impact on their academic performance. However, excessive gaming

may lead to decreased motivation and neglect of academic responsibilities, potentially leading

to lower grades.

Average-achieving students: The impact of video games on average-achieving students

can vary greatly depending on their level of self-control and the frequency and type of games

they play. Some video games can improve cognitive skills such as problem-solving and

decision-making, potentially leading to improved academic performance. However, excessive

gaming can lead to neglect of academic responsibilities and decreased motivation.

Low-achieving students: Low-achieving students may benefit from certain types of video

games that improve cognitive skills, but excessive gaming may lead to a lack of motivation and

neglect of academic responsibilities, potentially exacerbating their academic struggles.

Students with ADHD: Some studies have found that certain types of video games can

improve attention and focus on students with ADHD, potentially leading to improved academic

performance. However, excessive gaming can also reinforce impulsivity and distractibility,

leading to lower grades.

Overall, the impact of video games on academic performance depends on various

factors, including the frequency and type of games played, as well as the individual student's

habits and tendencies. It is important for parents and educators to encourage responsible

gaming habits and maintain a healthy balance between leisure activities and academic


4. Behavior of students:
A student's reaction is their tendency to respond in a certain way to something.

Naturally, the student's response may be constant from positive to negative or from good to

bad. Once a teacher brings up that a student has a bad reaction, they want to mention that the

student did not respond positively to something they were asked to do. The opposite is also

true; a student with good feedback is possibly someone who has a cooperative spirit regarding

carrying out what the instructor requires of him or her.

4.1. Types of behavior:

According to one definition, "Behavior can be conceptualized as the occupations or

attitudes of a person in response to an external or internal stimulus situation." To understand

the behavior of a person we must understand what that person is going to do if something

happens. Approving or disapproving of human behavior is known as evaluating behavior. Quite

a few people evaluate others based on the functionality of their occupations and attitudes

towards different encouragement. Conduct is primarily influenced by the nature of the individual

and the nature of the case.

4.2. Causes of behavior:

The behavior is affected by components involved with the individual, including physical

components: age, health, pathology, pain, predominance of a substance or medication. And

emotional components, for example: personality, beliefs, expectations, emotions, psychological

health. And life experiences, like family, culture, friends, life events.

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