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Mr. A.

De Vries

Equivalent Fractions

1. Use the fraction strip to help you answer the following

a. How many sixths do you need to make up a third? two-sixths

b. How many sixths make two-thirds? four-sixths

c. How many tenths make a fifth? two-tenths

d. How many tenths make a half? five-tenths

e. How many ninths do two-thirds make? six-ninths

2. Use the fraction wall to complete these equaivalent fractions

1 4 1 2 5 1 2 1
a. = b. = c. = d. =
2 8 5 10 10 2 4 2

3 1 8 4 1 4 1 4
e. = f. = g. = h. =
9 3 10 5 2 8 2 8

Teacher H. Jacobs

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