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(AC-S04) Week 04 - Task: Assignment - Work and study



You manage your time better It’s stressful

You have money in case of emergency Sometimes it takes a lot of time

You become more responsible Very tiring

More and more people alternate studies with work. They can do it to pay for their studies

or simply to continue learning and be able to evolve in their job. But sometimes doing both

can be very difficult due to stress levels. For her, the restrictions due to the coronavirus

have not harmed her organization. "In my case, it is more bearable to study and work

remotely, and not in person in the context of the pandemic, since traveling adds fatigue,

loss of time, uncertainty and worry about contagion, since one usually meets people in

public transportation that does not comply with basic prevention care.”

Students doing both activities may feel more pronounced pressure and stress, so any

support and empathy will be helpful. Whether from coworkers, classmates, or people close

to you, such as friends or family.

Working and studying at the same time is a complicated task, but it will shape you as a

person and you will gain experience in the world of work, on the one hand, while acquiring

knowledge on the other. Remember that, although it is a difficult and complicated task, the

benefits that the experience of working and studying will bring you benefits and experience

in the future, making you reach a state of maturity, where you feel very confident in

yourself and know what it is like. It means starting from the bottom, to be able to suggest in

the future.

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