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Multiple criteria decision analysis is a decision-making tool that allows us to use multiple

different factors to help us make a decision. This tool allows us to understand the importance
of factors in each decision instead of focusing on only one factor like price that may lead us to
the incorrect decision. The weighted sum method is used to better understand the needs and
importance of each factor in each decision. This is done by weighing each of the factors of
consideration and seeing how each choice scores based on these categories. Once we have
done this we multiply the weight by their performance and compare the scores of each
decision to reach a final decision (Stewart, 2016). In the analytic hierarchy process is also used
in the MCDA and is similar to WSM in that we compare the factors being considered in the
decision. However, in this method, we compare the relative importance of each factor to itself
assigning them a weight based on their importance compared to another variable. Expected
monetary value or EMV is described by Senapathy (2022), “as a concept used in decision-
making to evaluate the potential outcomes of a decision and assign a monetary value to each
result. It quantifies the potential risks and rewards associated with a decision and helps
individuals and organizations choose the most likely option to lead to the best financial
outcome”. Finally, decision trees are machine learning tools that are also used to find the best
end result by branching out different outcomes to visualize each result and how each factor
plays a role in the outcome of each decision. Each of these models is very useful when
analyzing a decision that is being made, The decision on what is best to use will depend on
the complexity of the factors and the amount of data that is able to be used in the analysis.

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