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Basic Codes of CS

-By Daksh Sachdev XI-A

1.A student has to travel a distance of 450 km by car at a ceratin average speed. Write
a python script and find the total time taken to cover the distance.

In [ ]: speed = eval(input("Enter the average speed in km/h:"))

T = 450/speed
print("The time taken to cover the distance is",T,"hours")

Enter the average speed in km/h:40

The time taken to cover the distance is 11.25 hours

2. Write a python code to calculate simple interest by inputting the values of principal
amount and rate from user for a time period of 5 years.

In [ ]: P = eval(input("Enter principal amount in rupees:"))

R = eval(input("Enter the rate of interest in %:"))
SI = (P*R*5)/100
print("The Simple Interest accumulated over a period of 5 years is:", SI)

Enter principal amount in rupees:5000

Enter the rate of interest in %:10
The Simple Interest accumulated over a period of 5 years is: 2500.0

3.Write a program to convert the time inputted in minutes into hours and remaining

In [ ]: time = eval(input('Enter the time in minutes to be converted:'))

hours = time//60
minutes = time%60

Enter the time in minutes to be converted:579

9 hours 39 minutes

4.Write a python program that accepts radius of a circle and prints its area.

In [ ]: radius = eval(input('Enter the radius of the circle:'))

area = 3.14*radius*radius
print('The area of the circle is',area)

Enter the radius of the circle:12

The area of the circle is 452.15999999999997

5.Write a python program that accepts marks in 5 subjects and outputs average

In [ ]: a=eval(input('enter the marks of the first subject:'))

b=eval(input('enter the marks of the second subject:'))
c=eval(input('enter the marks of the third subject:'))
d=eval(input('enter the marks of the fourth subject:'))
e=eval(input('enter the marks of the fifth subject:'))
enter the marks of the first subject:98
enter the marks of the second subject:97
enter the marks of the third subject:98
enter the marks of the fourth subject:95
enter the marks of the fifth subject:94
The average marks are: 96.4

6.Write a program to read three numbers in three variables and swap first two
variables with the sums of first and second, and third numbers respectively.

In [ ]: a=eval(input('enter the first number:'))

b=eval(input('enter the second number:'))
c=eval(input('enter the third number:'))
print('The swapped numbers are',a,b)

enter the first number:5

enter the second number:25
enter the third number:35
The swapped numbers are 30 60

7.Write a program to print a fibonacci series.

In [ ]: a,b = 0,1
c=int(input("Enter number of terms:"))
print("The fibonacci series is:")
for i in range(c):
print(a, end = " ")
a,b = b, a+b

Enter number of terms:25

The fibonacci series is:
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 2
8657 46368

In [ ]: !jupyter nbconvert --to html /content/CSHHW.ipynb

[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook /content/CSHHW.ipynb to html

[NbConvertApp] Writing 592795 bytes to /content/CSHHW.html

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