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“Benny the Clever Rabbit”

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a clever little rabbit named Benny. Benny
was known throughout the forest for his quick wit and sharp mind, and all the animals of the
forest came to him for advice.

One day, as Benny was walking through the forest, he came across a group of animals who
were gathered around a large oak tree. They were all staring up at the tree, and Benny could
see that they were worried.

"What's wrong?" Benny asked, hopping over to the group.

"We're worried about the owl," the animals replied. "He's been sitting up in that tree for days,
and he won't come down. We think something might be wrong."

Benny thought for a moment. "I'll go and talk to him," he said. "Maybe I can find out what's going

So Benny hopped up the tree, and soon he was perched on a branch next to the owl.

"Hello, Mr. Owl," Benny said politely. "Why have you been sitting up here for so long?"

The owl looked at Benny with his big, round eyes. "I can't see," he said sadly. "My eyes are tired
and blurry, and I can't see anything anymore."

Benny thought for a moment. "I have an idea," he said. "I'll go and get some herbs that I know
will help your eyesight. Just wait here, and I'll be back soon."

Benny hopped down from the tree and quickly made his way to a nearby field. He knew exactly
where to find the herbs he needed, and soon he had gathered a handful of them.

He hopped back up the tree to where the owl was sitting. "Here you go, Mr. Owl," Benny said,
holding out the herbs. "Eat these, and your eyesight should get better."

The owl ate the herbs eagerly, and soon he began to feel better. His eyesight cleared, and he
could see the forest around him once again.

"Thank you, Benny," the owl said gratefully. "You're a true friend."

Benny smiled. "It was nothing," he said. "I'm just glad I could help."

Word of Benny's cleverness and kindness quickly spread throughout the forest, and soon he
was known as the smartest and most helpful animal of them all. From that day on, all the
animals of the forest came to Benny for advice, and he was always happy to help them in any
way he could.

And so, the clever little rabbit became a legend in the forest, known far and wide for his wit and
his kindness. And although he remained humble and kind, he was always proud to be the one
that the animals of the forest could turn to for help and guidance.

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