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Relative Clauses (which/where/whose/who/whom)

Name: Result: __/20 Date: __/__/20__

1. Was it I ________ raised the wind on the sea?

2. After another year's service, he thought, he was placed in the ranks of

those ________ duty it was to provide the old woman with drinking-water.

3. She felt a sudden loathing of the man ________ she had idealized as a

4. He had just finished dressing when the sound of a girl's voice drew him to
the window, ________ was open.

5. The wind, ________ had subsided after sunrise, was increasing in strength
and power, and rapidly becoming a storm.

6. Already the driver was perched on his tiny seat, and his companion,
________ business it was to free the falling corn, was getting up alongside.

7. We have to choose a nice safe place ________ there's sand for them to
dig, and the tide doesn't come in too fast.

8. At the door they found a man ________ had been sent to look for them,
and were immediately taken possession of.

9. He was like a man ________ has just had a stroke.

10. In the darkness of the mine I noiselessly crept as close as I could to the
two men ________ were talking.

11. The sine qua non condition in the election of this functionary, ________
business it is to pass judgment on the avalanche of commercial suits
incessantly rolling through the courts, is that he shall have the greatest
difficulty in managing his own affairs.

12. This and other things he told her of the man ________ she had just

13. The approaches to the building, formerly choked up and sandy, were now
cared for by the man ________ duty it was to keep the park roadways in
14. There were slaves ________ duty it was to do nothing but copy
manuscripts for their masters.

15. The warm tears in his dark eyes had flowed on his face, ________ was
pale; and his firm lip quivered.

16. The two parties moved off to the places assigned to them, and the natives
________ duty it was to drive the elephants started to their positions.

17. I wish I was going too, instead of to some silly place in Norway ________
there's nothing to do when you get there but walk.

18. On the main wall, ________ there are two great spaces divided by the
principal door, he painted two large and very beautiful scenes.

19. I'm the one ________'s taking the risk.

20. He seemed a man ________ had been through a delirium.

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