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Nuclear energy is the energy released from the nucleus of an atom.

It can be released
through nuclear fusion or nuclear fission. Nuclear energy is a very powerful form of
energy, and it can be used to generate electricity, power ships, and create nuclear

nuclear fusion and nuclear fission:Nuclear fusion is a type of nuclear reaction in

which two or more atomic nuclei join together, or "fuse," to form a single heavier
nucleus. This is usually accompanied by the release of large quantities of energy.
Nuclear fission is the process by which a large nucleus, such as uranium-235, splits into
two smaller nuclei, with the release of energy.

The top part of the image shows the process of nuclear fusion. Two small atoms, such
as hydrogen atoms, fuse together to form a larger atom, such as helium. This process
releases a large amount of energy. The bottom part of the image shows the process
of nuclear fission. A large atom, such as uranium-235, splits into two smaller atoms,
such as krypton-92 and barium-141. This process also releases a large amount of

Here are some additional points that you could include in your exam answer:

• Nuclear fusion is the process that powers the sun and other stars.

• Nuclear fission is the process that is used in nuclear power plants.

• Nuclear energy is a clean and efficient form of energy, but it also has the potential to be

the process of nuclear power generation, along with a diagram:

The diagram shows the basic components of a

nuclear power plant. The reactor core is the heart of
the plant, and it is where the fission of uranium takes
place. The heat generated by the fission is used to
boil water, which turns into steam. The steam then
turns a turbine, which generates electricity. The
electricity is then sent to transformers, which increase the voltage so that it can be
distributed to homes and businesses.


The process of nuclear power generation can be summarized as follows:

1. The fuel (uranium) is placed in the reactor core.

2. The uranium is bombarded with neutrons, which causes it to fission.

3. When uranium fissions, it releases heat.

4. The heat is used to boil water.

5. The steam turns a turbine.

6. The turbine generates electricity.

7. The electricity is sent to transformers.

8. The transformers increase the voltage of the electricity.

9. The electricity is distributed to homes and businesses.

The only difference between fossil fuel and nuclear power stations is how the water is
heated. In a fossil fuel power station, the water is heated by burning fossil fuels, such as
coal or natural gas. In a nuclear power station, the water is heated by the fission of

Nuclear power is a clean and efficient form of energy. It does not produce greenhouse
gases, and it is a reliable source of electricity. However, nuclear power also has the
potential to be dangerous. If there is a problem with the reactor core, it could lead to a
nuclear meltdown.

Thermonuclear energy is the energy released from the fusion of atomic nuclei.. It is a
very powerful form of energy, and it is the source of energy in stars, including the sun.
Thermonuclear fusion is also the process that is used in hydrogen bombs.
The process of thermonuclear fusion can be summarized as follows:

1. Two or more atomic nuclei are brought together at very high

temperatures and pressures.

2. The nuclei collide and fuse together to form a single heavier


3. The fusion of the nuclei releases a large amount of energy.

The sun is a good example of thermonuclear fusion. The

sun's core is very hot and very dense, and these conditions allow for the fusion of
hydrogen nuclei to take place. The fusion of hydrogen nuclei releases a large amount of
energy, which is what powers the sun.

Hydrogen bombs are also a good example of thermonuclear fusion. Hydrogen bombs
are made up of a mixture of deuterium and tritium, which are isotopes of hydrogen.
When deuterium and tritium are brought together at very high temperatures and
pressures, they fuse together to form helium and release a large amount of energy.

Thermonuclear energy is a very powerful form of energy, but it is also very difficult to
harness. The temperatures and pressures required for thermonuclear fusion are very
high, and it is difficult to maintain these conditions for a long period of time. However,
there is ongoing research into the development of thermonuclear fusion reactors, which
could provide a clean and abundant source of energy in the future.

the influences of nuclear power plant installation on

heat rejection,
gaseous emissions,
environmental impact
social impact

Heat Rejection

Nuclear power plants generate heat as a byproduct of the nuclear reaction. However,
some of the heat is rejected to the environment, typically by cooling towers or rivers.
This can raise the temperature of the surrounding water, which can have a negative
impact on aquatic life.

Gaseous Emissions

Nuclear power plants do not emit greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, but they
do emit small amounts of radioactive gases. These gases are released during the
operation of the plant, as well as during the mining, enrichment, and fabrication of
nuclear fuel. The amount of radioactive gases emitted by a nuclear power plant is very
small compared to the amount emitted by fossil fuel power plants. However, there is
some concern that these gases could pose a health risk to people living near the plant.

Environmental Impact

In addition to heat rejection and gaseous emissions, nuclear power plants can also have
a negative impact on the environment. The construction of a nuclear power plant can
disrupt ecosystems and displace wildlife. The plant itself can also pose a risk of
accidents, which could release radioactive materials into the environment.

Social Impact

The construction and operation of a nuclear power plant can also have a social impact
on the surrounding community. The plant can create jobs, but it can also lead to
increased traffic and noise pollution. There is also the potential for social unrest, as
some people may be opposed to the plant on safety or environmental grounds.

The law of conservation of energy

states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it

can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.
This means that the total energy of an isolated system remains
constant; it is said to be conserved over time.

the diagram shows a roller coaster car moving from the top of a
hill to the bottom. The car has potential energy at the top of the
hill, and this potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as the
car moves down the hill. The kinetic energy of the car is then converted back to
potential energy as the car reaches the bottom of the hill.

Horsepower is a unit of measurement for power, and it is defined as the amount of

work that a horse can do in one minute. The text in the image tells us that 1 horsepower
is equal to 550 foot-pounds per second. This means that a horse
can do 550 foot- pounds of work in one second.

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