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Analyze the role of financial institutions in facilitating transactions in the philippine stock

Financial institutions facilitate trade and interaction between individuals, but they also deal with
those who need money or want to put their money into worthwhile investments. In the Philippine
stock market, financial institutions serve to satisfy people's requirements and desires for
lending, investing, and purchasing. Like usual, some Filipinos want to invest their money so they
may make money without working hard.

A crucial role for financial institutions is played in the Philippine stock market. Financial
institutions, including banking and non-banking, are governed by the central government body.
Additionally, these institutions support the transition from net savers to net borrowers by bridging
the gap between idle savings and investments and their borrowers. Additionally, financial
institutions assist in effectively directing the economy's savings and investment flows in ways
that promote capital accumulation and stock creation. The demands of borrowers and lenders
are met by the combination of well-established financial markets and institutions as well as a
wide range of financial goods and instruments, which benefits the economy as a whole.

2. Evaluate the impact of digitalization on the distribution of insurance product

Digitalization is a must across all sectors. Companies who fail to digitize their operations and
service offerings will no longer be competitive since the advantages are both obvious and
compelling. Consumers today expect products and services to be on-demand and personalized,
while web-based and mobile technologies for insurers imply enormous speed and efficiency
improvements that enhance profitability. They desire instant access to insurance options via
computers and cellphones that are tailored to their requirements and lifestyles. Insurance
companies run the danger of losing clients to digitally-driven upstarts and rivals that are
effectively embracing and pushing change if they don't adapt to market demands.

In the insurance sector, digitization makes sense not only because it is practical but also
because it aids in the marketing of the insurance product by providing consumers with the facts
and information they need to rapidly comprehend the offering. Furthermore, as is well known,
selling insurance products is tricky since you need to explain all the analytical information,
including the most important, in order for the customer to appreciate and comprehend the
product. Since the Covid-19 entered the globe, the majority of commercial industries have
adopted digital technology. In fact, everyone has been digitally empowered because of the
pandemic.However, digitalization has a significant influence on how insurance products are
delivered; it helps the organization communicate information in a way that is easy for individuals
to grasp.

3. Analyze the Impact of technological advancement on financial risk management

Advancement in technology has both positive and adverse impacts, but eventually the beneficial
effects outweigh the negative ones. On the other hand, technology innovation has a significant
influence on financial risk management since it will assist it to prevent, be accurate, be precise,
and be efficient along its journey. Financial risk management involves avoiding fraud. Numerous
risks exist, including those related to banking, interest rates, operations, markets, liquidity, and
credit. The goal of financial risk management is to control all risks and stop fraud in any area
involving hazards. Even while technological development is effective at managing the
information provided by the customer, in my experience, there is still a detrimental effect. I'll use
GCASH as an example; in recent weeks, GCASH has gained popularity due to the money being
taken out of all impacted accounts. Because it is an accessible bank, it is dangerous to conduct
internet banking. Even though technology has advanced, although it is handy and simple to
access, it is still not safe. However, the influence of technical development on financial risk
management is significant; it aids in managing the management process in a proper, accurate,
and timely manner.

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