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What is meant by Natural Law?

 According to Mel Thompson "Natural Law is the rational understanding and following of God's final
purpose." Natural Law refers to a set of moral principles that are believed to be inherent in the natural world and
can be discovered through reason and observation. The idea is that these principles are part of God's design for the
world, and that by following them, we can live in accordance with God's final purpose for us. So, in short, Natural
Law is based on the belief that there is an objective moral order that we can understand and live by, which
ultimately leads us closer to God and our ultimate destiny.
 God created everything for a purpose. Humans were created with the ability to reason and can therefore choose to
follow an intended purpose. According to the belief of many religious people, God created everything in the world
with a specific purpose in mind. This includes humans, who were created with the ability to think and reason. As a
result, humans are able to make choices about how they live their lives and whether or not they follow the
intended purpose that God has for them. This is why many people believe that it is important to understand and
follow God's will in order to live a meaningful and purposeful life.

What is Divine Command Theory?

 The Divine Command Theory is a philosophical idea that suggests that moral standards are derived from God or a
divine being. According to this theory, an action is morally required simply because God commands it, and an
action is morally prohibited simply because God forbids it. In other words, what is right or wrong is solely
determined by what God has commanded or prohibited. This theory has been used to support the idea that
morality is objective and universal, as it is based on the commands of a divine being rather than on subjective
human values or cultural norms.

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