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126 - opens facotry settings app (Device customer name beginns with RM - parameter


m123456 - opens facotry settings app with bit other parameters...

adbon - enables ADB

adboff - disables ADB

keject - sets ctr_key to eject

kpower - sets ctr_key to power

hcttouch - display some touch info. probably touch panel area size in pixels

hctreboot - initiates device reboot

hctbtup - writes on screen "BT updata!" , Sends Android Intent

hctbtte + 3 digits - probably starts some tests with bluetooth adapter. but no information what this 3
digits meaning

logcls - clears logcat

logcat - executes logcat as follows [b]logcat -f <filename> -v time

filename = <external storage>/<current date+time>_android.txt

kmsg - excutes dmsg command and writes output to <filename>

filename = <external storage>/<current date+time>_kernel.txt

radio - executes logcat as follows [b]logcat -b radio -f <filename>

filename = <external storage>/<current date+time>_radio.txt

logcan - starts CAN bus logging app

1199 - enables/disables HZC_MENU . I don't know what it is

v5555 - Enables/disables Video while driving. Enable also removes "Watching video" under Car

hcttest + up to 3 digits - not tested yet.

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