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1.What is the purpose of the documentary

The purpose of the documentary is to inform the general audience on the characteristics, scope, and
effects of cybercrime in the modern age. It attempts to educate users on the dangers and difficulties
faced by cybercriminals, and to motivate them to take precautions and support international efforts to
fight cybercrime. The documentary also sheds light on the motivations and lives of those involved in
cybercrime, from the scammers and hackers to the victims and investigators.

2. Discuss malware and ransomware

Malware is any software used to gain unauthorized access to IT systems in order to steal data, disrupt
system services or damage IT networks in any way. Ransomware is a type of malware where they used
the stolen data to blackmail their victims until they pay for ransom. In the documentary, it is discussed
how criminals use malware and ransomware to infect computers, encrypt data, and demand payment in
ransom from victims. It demonstrates how these assaults can seriously harm people, companies, and
governments. Additionally, it describes how users can defend themselves against these dangers by using
antivirus software, keeping their systems updated, and backing up their data.

3.What are the economic, political, and social factors contributing to the growth of cybercrime

They have been driven to commit cybercrime in order to gain illegal money due to a variety of causes,
including a high percentage of unemployment, a shortage of legal work possibilities, the existence of the
cybercrime subculture, the absence of strong cybercrime legislation, and a high level of corruption. The
documentary argues that cybercrime is driven by the increasing use of technology, the lack of
regulation, the anonymity of the internet, and the global inequality. It also examines how cybercrime
affects different regions and groups of people differently, such as developing countries, women,
children, and minorities.

4. Highlight challenges in prosecuting cybercriminals and the need for global cooperation.

The documentary highlights the challenges in prosecuting cybercriminals and the need for global
cooperation. It points out the difficulties in identifying, locating, and extraditing cybercriminals across
borders. It also emphasizes the importance of international laws, treaties, and agencies that can help
combat cybercrime. It showcases some examples of successful collaboration between law enforcement
agencies from different countries

5. Summarize the key insights and takeaways from the documentary.

Cybercrime is a widespread and complicated issue that has an impact on millions of individuals
worldwide. For the victims, it can have terrible consequences that include financial losses, mental
misery, reputational damage, and physical harm.

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